CNN is the worst news channel to believe in. Russia had never tried attacking, Putin was even trying to keep the diplomatic talks while the news channels just aren't stopping. But all this warmongering is just about the GAS pipeline from Russia to Germany for it to stop and that Europe will still be siding US. There is no imminent war.
Yeha right!
Aren't you ashamed at licking that piece of shit propaganda directly from Putin's source?
So a country decided they don't want to deal with you, then what do you do, invade them?
If I want to go drinking with you and you don't want to then I'm totally in my right to beat the crap out of you, rape your wife, and loot all your belongings cause we had a deal of going to drink?
Aren't you even ashamed coming here with this sickening disgusting and full of lies kgb propaganda while Russia kills poeple in a war you're saying is not happening? Find a ditch, please!
As more market uncertainty arises due to the possibility of a war, probably expect more draw-downs across the board(stocks, crypto). It doesn't help that Putin is apparently going bollocks. I mean, those statements just gives me chills.
Well, let's hope he will stop with just the annexation of the two regions and leaving Ukraine under some puppet leader.
Unfortunately, this madman might have some others plans, and probably if nothing major that could deter him happens Moldova is done for too.
They already have a separatist region there, Transnistria, they have Russian-speaking citizens so he will invest some genocide or fascists to get that territory too and we're back to URSS borders.
The markets will surely plunge more drastically in the coming days, and it has already been started by oil prices plunging.
You meant jumping through the roof!
Let's see where the equilibrium is, when fuel becomes way too expensive and demands go down.
Higher fuel prices will piss off a lot of countries that would have liked to stay neutral on this whole issue