For people like tvbcof, a Russian retreat is a Russian victory because [insert whatever stupid reason here].
Similar how Russia's war against Ukraine is failing, so are the Russian propagandists and trolls.
We can watch them collide with reality in real time.
I'm just saying that the Russians (and their allies from the post 2014 civil war) have set themselves up pretty nicely. I think that this guy is dead-on in that this is a logistics war now for a while. Time is even more on the side of the Russians now.
Part of the reason for Ukrainian logistics problems is that every Ukroid who touches the material steals and sells a bunch of it. It's just their nature I guess. Lots of it gets sold to the Russians or their allies in fact. A long cold winter will change the desire to sell Western 'aid' into a necessity.
I predicted that Ziocon hopes for bleeding the Russians in a new Vietnam were likely to fail because Putin is to smart to get roped into such a thing. That's why I was predicting from the get-go that the territorial gains would be mild, and there was probably not even much of a desire for most of the parts of former Ukraine. They'd park mostly in places where the locals want them around. I made these predictions while professionals like Ritter were seemingly quite convinced that Russia would sweep most of the country in short order.
I predict that after the winter with the 'liberated' people kicking back and enjoying cars, heat, food, etc while those under international NaZiocon control freeze and starve, there will be even more inclination for the local populations to align with the East. Might spread like a cancer and add even more misery to the list of Ukroid woes. We'll see.