
Topic: Sanction against Russia for West-choreographed conflict in Ukraine (Read 30014 times)

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Activity: 360
Merit: 100
Russia is a country with a strong military background in the world. Russia has invaded the territory of neighboring countries, especially Ukraine. Therefore, Western countries have come up with many measures to punish Russia. But I think this is very unlikely because Russia has a developed economy, large population and large land area. In particular, Russia has a powerful army that can oppose any military force.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Cмoтpeть oнлaйн фильмы и cepиaлы бecплaтнo в xopoшeм кaчecтвe. Cкaчaть кинo бecплaтнo или пocмoтpeть в opигинaльнoм пepeвoдe c aнглийcкими cyбтитpaми! Oнлaйн кинoтeaтp c бoльшим выбopoм бoeвикoв, мeлoдpaм, cepиaлoв и мyльтфильмoв нa любoй вкyc. PandaFilm
sr. member
Activity: 560
Merit: 252
I think it's time to start a separate thread on this theatre of absurdity.

There's been several waves of sanctions against Russia, none of which were well formulated or reasoned. Sanctions were imposed solely to hurt Russia, but the ones hurting are the EU and US businesses.

Some Polish representatives even went to the hypocritical step of calling Russian response of banning of some of the agricultural products as unfair, and threatening to complain to WTO.

Well. It seem counter-sanctions have not even started yet...

Putin asks government to develop countermeasures to Western sanctions

Putin stressed that Moscow’s response should be “cautious.”

“Obviously we need to do it cautiously in order to support domestic manufacturers, but not hurt consumers,” he said on Tuesday.


On Tuesday, Vedomosti daily reported Russia was considering limiting, or even completely blocking European flights to Asia that cross Siberia, in response to EU sanctions that caused Aeroflot subsidiary, Dobrolet, to suspend flights on Monday.


Nevertheless, despite mounting international pressure on Russia, a reputed Putin ‘inner circle’ figure – businessman Gennady Timchenko - has said recently that the big Russian businesses hurt by Western sanctions will not even think about putting pressure on President Putin, because the interests of the state are at stake in the conflict.

More: (Castro says US, Europe’s biggest mistake is underestimating Russian people)

Victory belongs to the justs... krimoooo Smiley
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Russian Federation 1993

Hyper-presidential constitution has been "adopted" at 12 December 1993 by Yeltsin. This set of legislative backdoors was written with the "help" from his "advisers".

P.S. Re-posting accidentally removed message.
Speaking about Yeltsin and his "democratic" approaches:
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
EU prolonged sanctions against Russia for 6 more months, citing Ukraine's failure to observe Minsk-2 agreements between Ukraine and the Donetsk Republic.

As expected, double-speak galore continues...
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Russia got back the money. Counting the change in the conversion rate, and given that payments were made in roubles, Russia got twice as much money:

Not very happy with this one. Russia got a refund of € 949.7 million (€949,754,849 to be precise), against total costs of approximately € 1,200 million. Also, the Euro was worth much more when the payment was made (the exchange rate was around $1.3 = €1, compared to $1.1 = €1 as of now). Russia should have gone for international arbitration.

Russia had paid a total of €893 million to the French in 2011. An additional €56.7 million was paid for cost of training, Russian equipment.etc.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Hmmm. This is absurd and short-sighted:

Ukraine Should Be Given Legal Cover to ‘Walk Away’ From Debt - Chris Murphy

US Senator and member of the Foreign Relations Committee Chris Murphy claims that the United States and other international players should take actions to help Ukraine avoid honoring a $3 billion debt to Russia.

"The international community should make it clear that we should take whatever steps necessary to give Ukraine the legal cover it needs to walk away from that debt," Murphy said on Thursday of the debt Ukraine owes Russia.

In other words, he acknowledges that Ukraine has a debt, but that it should get help in cheating Russia out of getting that money back.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
And the expected outcome to the Mistral farce.

Russia got back the money. Counting the change in the conversion rate, and given that payments were made in roubles, Russia got twice as much money:

Now France got green light from Russia to sell Mistrals to Egypt:

And in lieu of that, Egypt is buying 50 Ka-52 helicopters for the Mistrals from Russia:

Double score. Thank you, Obama.  Grin
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Does anyone still remember what the sanctions against Russia were all about? Correct. To punish it for the US-sponsored coup d'etat in Ukraine and to inhibit Russian economy for the US-choreographed civil war in Ukraine.

And USA pushed through "moare sanctionz"!

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that those US sanctions will have a boomerang effect on the American economy. And that they will lead to destabilisation in international relations. (The latter in many cases is usually translated as "war")

Here are the top 15 countries, whose economy suffers from those sanctions against Russia:

And EU suicidally joins the suicidal prolongation of the sanctions fest (or should I say, infestation?):
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
And so the US-instigated Mistral farce ends in Russia's favour:

Dispute 'completely resolved': Putin, Hollande officially cancel Mistral contract

Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande have reached an agreement to cancel the contract to deliver two Mistral helicopter carriers, the Kremlin press service said on Wednesday.

The parties agreed that Russia will be returned the funds which it had already paid under the contract, as well as all its equipment and materials. France has already transferred the money.

"France has already transferred these funds and, after the return of equipment, will acquire ownership and be able to take charge of both ships," the Russian president’s press service said.

“Moscow considers the Mistral issue completely resolved.”

Russia plans to send a team of experts to France to remove the equipment installed on Mistral helicopter carriers in September.

“A team of specialists is currently being prepared for the dismantling of the communications equipment from the helicopter carriers. Their departure for France is planned for this September,” an anonymous Russian official told TASS.

The Mistral contract worth €1.2 billion that was signed by the French DCNS/STX Company and Russian Defense Export Corporation Rosoboronexport in 2011 envisaged delivering two French helicopter carriers to Russia, with the first one to be delivered in 2014 and the second one in 2015.

However, the French government decided not to hand the vessels over to Moscow after it came under intense political pressure from the US and its European allies following Crimea’s reunification with Russia and the outbreak of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Despite the protests of workers involved in the construction of the vessels, French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in November that France would not deliver Mistrals to Russia, “even if it cost the country €1.2 billion ($1.3bn).”

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
The following tidbit slipped my attention.

From Lada's article:

Last week, Finland denied visas to Russian Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin and a number of the Russian Duma deputies, basically the top elected politicians in the country. They were scheduled to attend a session of the OSCE in Helsinki. The reason given for the visa denial is that these people are under sanctions due ‘Russia’s annexation of Crimea.’ The scandal is huge and growing, with many in Russia demanding return sanctions against Finland.  Finland, which prides itself in its democracy – again, when it’s convenient – acted illegally. The thing is that Naryshkin and others cannot be banned from attending international forums in any country. The ban only applies to their private trips. By banning entire Russian delegation, EU effectively shuts the mouth of those who have a dissenting opinion.

Ah, now it makes sense why Finland was pressured into not allowing Russian democratically elected representatives entry on a diplomatic mission to OCSE PA. Russia was to be denied speaking in its defence at any cost, even resorting to violation of democracy, international law and diplomatic norms, which the West so hypocritically "values".

OCSE PA has now one-sidedly approved and anti-Russian resolution:

Lavrov commented it as such: "Now, in our absence, they (OCSE PA) have fallen for the temptation to do propaganda instead of doing concrete work."

At least not all in Europe have lost it.

Finland’s denying visas to Russian lawmakers undermines OSCE’s principles — OSCE chairman

Last week, Finland denied entry to the speaker of the Russian State Duma and five more Russian citizens who had planned to take part in the session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Finland’s move not to allow some Russian delegation members to arrive for the annual session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) undermines its key principle on ensuring the dialogue between the countries, OSCE Chairman Ivica Dacic told the plenary session on Thursday.

"The OSCE core role as a platform for dialogue was undermined by the denial of visas to some members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. It is contrary to the spirit of Helsinki," Dacic said.

On Wednesday, the PA approved the Helsinki declaration, the final document of the annual session.

Two resolutions on Russia have become part of it. The first of them on "the continuation of clear, gross and uncorrected violations of OSCE commitments and international norms by the Russian Federation" was proposed by Canada and Ukraine. The second resolution, initiated by Ukraine, alleges that Ukrainian citizens are "abducted and illegally held" by Russia.

A range of countries have refused to vote on these resolutions due to the absence of the Russian representatives.

Canada? Proposing to OCSE?

Ukrainian citizens abducted? Do they mean those 3 million economical and war refugees, who seek better life in Russia or simply flee for their lives from Kiev-juntas artillery?

Oh, well. There is always BRICS:

BRICS/SCO summits in Russian city of Ufa LIVE UPDATES
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
I think it's time to start a separate thread on this theatre of absurdity.

There's been several waves of sanctions against Russia, none of which were well formulated or reasoned. Sanctions were imposed solely to hurt Russia, but the ones hurting are the EU and US businesses.

Some Polish representatives even went to the hypocritical step of calling Russian response of banning of some of the agricultural products as unfair, and threatening to complain to WTO.

Well. It seem counter-sanctions have not even started yet...

Putin asks government to develop countermeasures to Western sanctions

Putin stressed that Moscow’s response should be “cautious.”

“Obviously we need to do it cautiously in order to support domestic manufacturers, but not hurt consumers,” he said on Tuesday.


On Tuesday, Vedomosti daily reported Russia was considering limiting, or even completely blocking European flights to Asia that cross Siberia, in response to EU sanctions that caused Aeroflot subsidiary, Dobrolet, to suspend flights on Monday.


Nevertheless, despite mounting international pressure on Russia, a reputed Putin ‘inner circle’ figure – businessman Gennady Timchenko - has said recently that the big Russian businesses hurt by Western sanctions will not even think about putting pressure on President Putin, because the interests of the state are at stake in the conflict.

More: (Castro says US, Europe’s biggest mistake is underestimating Russian people)

I think Russia can survive and sanctions, there are plenty of countries that friendly relations and that stood behind her, but she herself can not cope with all the countries that oppose her, because I think that Russia is the greatest power on world.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
The following tidbit slipped my attention.

From Lada's article:

Last week, Finland denied visas to Russian Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin and a number of the Russian Duma deputies, basically the top elected politicians in the country. They were scheduled to attend a session of the OSCE in Helsinki. The reason given for the visa denial is that these people are under sanctions due ‘Russia’s annexation of Crimea.’ The scandal is huge and growing, with many in Russia demanding return sanctions against Finland.  Finland, which prides itself in its democracy – again, when it’s convenient – acted illegally. The thing is that Naryshkin and others cannot be banned from attending international forums in any country. The ban only applies to their private trips. By banning entire Russian delegation, EU effectively shuts the mouth of those who have a dissenting opinion.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
I wrote before that it feels like an open season on Russian values/assets/capital. Everyone has a feeling that Russia owes them a lot, while denying vehemently that Russia herself has a lot of claims for compensations for what was done to it over the previous century alone.

Now, Georgia joined the pack og hyaenas, demanding from Russia over €70 million as a moral compensation "for deportation of its citizens" in 2006:

First EU with $50 billion compensation for the thieves and tax-evaders, and now Georgia. Seems they are vying for the title of most absurd reason.

What about Russia asking a compensation from Georgia for the millions of Russian murdered by the hand of Gzhugashvili? And what about Russia investigating a probe into legality of Russia taking on all foreign debt of the former Soviet republics, and demanding some hefty multi-billion compensations for shouldering that debt alone.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
In the meantime, the USA has shown its hand in dealing with the Yokos charade. The US embassy in Russia delivered a note - no, not about declaration of war, but close - they sue Russia and demand to see it in court, demanding acknowledgement of the unrecognised by RF Hague court decision of paying $50 billion of "compensation"  to the Yukos' thieves and tax evaders.

Most notably, while the news were first published today, the note was delivered... on the fateful day, the 22nd of June - on the very same day, when once, in 1941 another ambassador delivered another note, which declared the start of aggression against USSR.

Oh, and HA!

Putin’s Gambit: Germany To Replace Ukraine as Russian Gas Transiter


The top event of last week was the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, yet what happened there went almost unnoticed in the manipulated Western media, busy covering up the new French NSA spying scandal with a fresh dollop of Russia-bashing. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the moment the news that NSA spied on three French presidents broke up, French papers filled with anti-Russian propaganda, blaming Russia for not observing the Minsk peace agreements. Similar thing happened in Germany, where the public is still reeling from last year’s massive NSA spying scandal. Obviously, the news filled with bad Russia and bad Putin, their convenient boogeyman, are meant to distract from the real news.

It should now be clear beyond the shadow of a doubt who controls ALL of the world’s media, except some news outlets in Russia, China and a few other countries. The fact that French and German media immediately jumped to protect their real Transatlantic employer once the scandal against such employer broke out – speaks volumes. The prime directive of the Western MSM is to divert the sheeple’s attention and pull the wool over their eyes every time their puppeteer is in trouble.

What happened in St. Pete was sensational, and therefore, it should have been the stuff of front pages. Instead, it was shyly relegated to the back pages, or avoided altogether.

But at the same time as US and Brussels continued selling their naive populace the stale story of Russia’s isolation – and Russian aggression – a virtual fight over who would become a bigger and better partner for Russian gas transit was taking place in St. Petersburg.


Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
As to the property of the Russian banks and Russian companies, it’s more complicated. At present, Lavrov and other ministers announced they will use all legal means necessary to protest this decision and that companies can feel free to file claims in the Russian court, in return for which Russian court can seize appropriate assets of foreign countries in Russia.

My question is whether it is possible to seize assets of private companies based in France and Belgium, in retaliation to the seizure of assets belonging to the Russian state companies. For example, can Russia seize the properties of the French oil company Total, as a response to the seizure of Rosneft assets in France? (Rosneft is government owned, while Total is a private company).
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Lada wrote another good article, putting the recent seizures of Russian state assets into historical perspective:

Russian Asset Seizure in Belgium and France: Does It Mean War?

What happened?

Pre-history: Shortly before the Sochi Olympics Putin personally pardoned a former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was serving a sentence on official charges of tax evasion and money laundering. Charges that didn’t make it into the court verdict were much more serious: Khodorkovsky and his crony Lebedev were about to secretly sell-out strategic Russian oil assets over which they took control in the ’90s, during the wholesale looting of what was all of Russian people’s common property.

Khodorkovsky was literally about to board the plane to the US, where he was to make the deal of the century – sell his company Yukos to the US oil interests. In exchange, he was promised an easy election and post of the Russian president. The idea was for him to preside over the completion of the demolition of Russia. The process of the demolition of the country was stopped in its tracks by Putin, and Khodorkovsky’s handlers couldn’t wait to get back on the destructive mode.

However, in his arrogance Khodorkovsky didn’t realize how much the Russian government knew about his plans. He was arrested and tried on the superficial and easily provable money laundering charges.


The biggest proponent and intermediary for Khodorkovsky’s early release was Germany, including personally Merkel, citing Khodorkovsky mother’s poor health and other humanitarian reasons. The condition for his release was that he wouldn’t go back into politics. Both Khodorkovsky and his German guarantors swore to that. But then again, Germany swore in 1989, as Gorbachev allowed Germany’s reunification (over USA’s objections!) and as Soviet troops pulled out of Germany, that the unified Germany wouldn’t be a part of NATO…


Of course, the moment Khodorkovsky was out of jail, he immediately started talking about running for Russian presidency, interfering in Ukraine and rejoicing over anti-Russian sanctions.


No question, this lawsuit was suggested by the US and coordinated with the EU – the US fingerprints are all over its timing. Shortly after filing, the court in Hague delivers verdict: Russia is to pay Yukos shareholders $50 bln. Russia’s reply: we won’t abide by the decision of the court we don’t recognize.

As a result, Russian property and asset arrests and seizures began in France and Belgium. The amount cited is so far $1.3 bln. These include: arrests of bank accounts of the Russian companies with any stake by the Russian State, such as Rosneft; Russian Orthodox Church properties; Russian embassy, EU/Council of Europe representation diplomatic accounts.

Diplomatic accounts are illegal to seize in any country. If Russia wanted to escalate, such act could be construed as a declaration of war. Both France and Belgium ‘apologized,’ saying they have an absolutely and totally independent legal system; as such, they ‘didn’t know’ of the diplomatic accounts being seized and that they would release them.

Seizure of the Russian Orthodox Church property isn’t just illegal, since it’s not a property of the Russian State, but also and disgusting from the human and spiritual standpoint. It’s low even for them. Let’s recall that a similar war on Russian Orthodox Church property and threats against priests are taking place in Ukraine. All this appears to be a very well-coordinated action – and as my readers know, I am non-religious and therefore my point of view is neutral and detached. Read: Pope Francis and World Religions – Karma and Consciousness.

As to the property of the Russian banks and Russian companies, it’s more complicated. At present, Lavrov and other ministers announced they will use all legal means necessary to protest this decision and that companies can feel free to file claims in the Russian court, in return for which Russian court can seize appropriate assets of foreign countries in Russia.

full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
I agree with you, this is purely west choreographed, there were fears of the Russian economy going into recession from early 2014 - mainly as a result of the falling oil prices, the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine and the subsequent capital flight. However, the 2014 GDP growth remained positive at 0.6%.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Stealing of Russian assets continues.

France freezes accounts worth millions of Euro, citing the "Magnitskij" case. Magnitskij was arrested on charges of tax avoidance in Russia, and died in prison while awaiting investigation in 2009. In 2012 USA imposed an Act of Magnitskij, prohibiting 24 people, who investigated and arrested Magnitskij from entering USA:
(Looks like tax avoiders and traitors like Magnitskij, Hodorkivskij, Nemcov, Berezovskij, Gusinskij are in high regard in the West. \Must have something to do with European Values [tm])
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
EU is timing the prolongation of sanctions (in itself an act of war) against Russia with the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, when 74 USSR was attacked by Nazi Germany.
Russia will continue to apply the tit-for-tat principal, prolonging its own sanctions against EU.

One can only guess if such timing is intentional and symbolic of another military aggression to come from the West.
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