Weekly Report.It was a relatively quiet week for Sandstorm. It simply involved waiting for the optimal time to sell assets. Unfortunately I chose the wrong moment for both bASIC and ASICminer-PT shares. This means that profits were not what they could have been in retrospect. Due to the higher than expected increase in the price of bASIC, net profits were still good.
These moments are hard to make judgement on as any trader can appreciate. However, I feel that I did shareholders justice by knowing to invest in bASIC in the first place. It was obvious that a price rise was imminent when buying last week.
Unexpected good news from friedcat messed up plans to trade on the post dividend drop. I sold PT shares on thursday for 2.87 and decided to buy in again at 2.95 creating a loss for the PT shares.
So, overall a mixed week with good net profits which could have been much better.
Profits2.8BTC selling bASIC shares
-.6BTC trading ASICminer-PT shares
.181BTC ASICminer dividends
.008BTC bASIC dividends
Total =2.389BTC (1.389BTC to dividends+1BTC to carryover)
Dividends1.389/61420 = 0.000022614783458 per share (2.25% of market share value)
Last weeks assets
10 ASICminer shares @ 2.5
7 ASICminer-pt shares @2.48
10 bASIC shares @.69
Assets10 ASICminer direct shares (@2.5)
7 ASICminer-PT shares (@2.48 effective)
1 ASICminer-PT share (2.95)
16.45 BTC
more info:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhkfI_u94nYydFRIaTlBNE14aHBZNzIxRlBLWlhzTlE#gid=0