The shipping fee cost was too high, but I really liked the card, so I proceeded.
It's only 10.50 EURO for shipping to the Indonesian region, so it's not too expensive and I can say it's standard.
Well, it is expensive for me, considering that the shipping fee costs 1/3 of the purchasing product. Also, as stated by OP, shipping cost is free for most places that's why. But I completely understand the cost of shipping as we are in different countries. I expected it as this was not my first time. Anyway, I have proceeded with my purchase and happily waiting for it to be shipped.
Hello guys,
My bad. I said that the shipping was "free" but that's inacurate.
Let me give you an overview...
At Satochip, we try to offer affordable AND secure solution. Our business model includes the shipping costs. Why? Because we think it's a non sense to sell a 25 bucks products and charge an additional 10 bucks for shipping.
How can we achieve that? Simply by sending the product using a small letter... Easy, cheap. With no tracking, no insurance.
Such shipping method works great from Belgium to Europe, the United States and Canada. We have a 95% success rate, with 4% returning due to incorrect address and only 1% lost.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to use this method for Latin America. Eg: Brazil require some specific papers to import electronics goods. Peru is a nightmare if you don't use tracking services etc...
Kinda same reasons for Africa or some specific countries in Asia. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world.
In a resume, the tracking shipping is mandatory (and must be paid by the user) for:
- EU :
--- Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldava, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain and Ukraine
(We had to add Spain to this list because the Spanish postal service sucks. The rate of lost or stolen mail is very high). - ASIA, AFRICA and SOUTH AMERICA
For the rest of the world, you can chose between free shipping or paid tracking shipping as an option.
I hope this is more clear and again, sorry for the confusion.