There is one huge problem in the game.
The chat game has to be played like this ------>
1. You have to place a bet with lowest whole number.
2. Once the counter hits 0 the winner will be picked up with qualifying criteria.
3. Currently there are only 2-3 members who are seems to be playing and (1) is the lowest whole number that can be placed.
The thing is if everyone places 1 then it's a tie and no one wins really.
I don't understand how it will work when there are 1000 players!!
What would be rule at that time.
Right now there are three different chat games that can appear, the one you're referring to is the one that you need to choose the lowest
unique number.
Just want to be clear, that there's no betting involved, just free number guessing, and yes few people are playing so right now it really just works like a 10 bit faucet.
Unique number is the key word in these games, for example, lets say there are 3 players and player1 and player2 guess the number 1 and player3 guesses the number 2. Player3 would be the winner since their number is the lowest unique number submitted.
These games are pretty uninteresting with 1 or even 2 player (other than free crypto for those playing), but when you get to 3 or more players there's some more strategy involved by trying to decide if you're going to choose 1 and risk matching other player that might also want to pick the lowest possible choice, or choose something a little higher, increasing your chances that you're number will be unique, but decreasing your chances that it's the lowest one.
The other two chat games are similar. With just a few player involved you have a few ways to work out some strategies to try to outwit you're opponents.
The same is true for 1,000 players as long as one of the thousand players picks a unique number from the rest of the group, there will be a winner.