Luckily, I was quick enough to take a snapshot before @JayJuanGee quickly ruined it with one merit!
I feel so bbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd that I was not paying attention to the affects (and/or the effects.. sometimes it can be difficult to know which of those two words to use) in regards to the blindness and potential aloofness of my own merit-sending practices...
Yet, ironically at the same time, I feel so gggggggggggoooooooooodddddd that uie pooie (referring to fillippone) were able to catch (snapshot) the likely very quick passing moment prior to it being "ruined" by an arguably negligent, sloppy, perhaps grossly negligent, and hopefully not intentionally wild merit-sender (potentially an admission against interest, referring to this here cat, meow, meow)...
(should I say NOT,** again? #askin-4-a-friend)
**Note - I understand and appreciate that I should probably engage in some level of disclaiming since there may well be some members (bots or humans) who might literally take the substance of this here post, when it is quite likely that fillippone will appreciate its tone.. and surely any joke is not as great (or less bad) when it ends up getting explained, thus my choice of a relatively small-fonted disclaimer.