The super nodes have 12 million and they can't be spent = True.
HOWEVER the super nodes transfer 5% of block reward from Super Node to Coin Hunter (as part of the even blocks).
So yes the 12 million in super nodes can't be spent but slowly that money flows FROM the Super Nodes to Coin Hunter personal wallet .... where it can most certainly be spent.
This is correct, think of trusted nodes spending money to protect their investment, just like rich people do in real life with safes, etc.
As a real world example. As of time of writing there are 20150 blocks in the chain. Half of them are the "even" supernode blocks and they each transferred ~3.2 SC to Coin Hunter. That's ~32K coins. So the Super nodes no longer have 12 million coins. They have 11.968 million coins and Coin Hunter has ~32K.
But wait there is more. The "even" blocks also have a matching 5% tax. Coins created out of thin air. So that is another ~32K coins. If Coin Hunter has no miner he gains ~64k coins a day for being the glorious leader.
The CPF currently has 32354, though it will be obtaining some more as the old bounty wallet is moved into it (2500SC) and the leftover from the genesis block (about 80000 coins). Sorry if you think this is a secret it's not.
SC1 had 30000 premined for bounties, currently the CPF has ~115000 SC, and you think this is a big deal? GG/TBX has 7 million premined coins, do you have threads pointing out the scam factor of this? You should have about 70x more posts about it if you're being fair. Please link me to them.
All the dealings with CPF will be written on the website as part of public policy, there is a block chain remember, everything is recorded.
You may not like what SC2.0 does to solve the security problem, or you may like that part and dislike other parts (CPF). Either way, it's the most advanced cryptochain out there, and will only get better.