Thanks, you don't know how nice it is to get a reply regarding this matter from someone sensible! actually that's the 2nd time someones recommended that book to me this month, given how fascinated I've been with uro, I'm adding it to my reading list now!
And that's why I said what I said in the way that I did. Must have been tired though, big whups on the syntax. who don't know their history are doomed to etc etc etc etc etc.
"The inordinate thirst of gain that had afflicted all ranks of society was not to be slaked even in the South Sea. Other schemes, of the most extravagant kind, were started. The share-lists were speedily filled up, and an enormous traffic carried on in shares, while, of course, every means were resorted to to raise them to an artificial value in the market. One rumour alone, asserted with the utmost confidence, had an immediate effect upon the stock. It was said that Earl Stanhope had received overtures in France from the Spanish government to exchange Gibraltar and Port Mahon for some places on the coast of Peru, for the security and enlargement of the trade in the South Seas. Instead of one annual ship trading to those ports, and allowing the king of Spain twenty-five per cent out of the profits, the company might build and charter as many ships as they pleased, and pay no per centage whatever to any foreign potentate."
While they were at war with Spain. Yeah right. Here's the thing that's kept my interest though. The dot-com bubble was full of absolute bullshit, but out of it came Amazon, Ebay, etc etc. I think Doge is going to be the one to weather the oncoming storm, because it's got a history of being well, something to be tossed around, USED!
"Some of these schemes were plausible enough, and, had they been undertaken at a time when the public mind was unexcited, might have been pursued with advantage to all concerned. But they were established merely with the view of raising the shares in the market. The projectors took the first opportunity of a rise to sell out, and next morning the scheme was at an end."
And everybody knows it too...
"Persons of distinction, of both sexes, were deeply engaged in all these bubbles; those of the male sex going to taverns and coffee-houses to meet their brokers, and the ladies resorting for the same purpose to the shops of milliners and haberdashers. But it did not follow that all these people believed in the feasibility of the schemes to which they subscribed; it was enough for their purpose that their shares would, by stock-jobbing arts, be soon raised to a premium, when they got rid of them with all expedition to the really credulous."
You want credulous? I'll give you credulous!
"But the most absurd and preposterous of all, and which shewed, more completely than any other, the utter madness of the people, was one started by an unknown adventurer, entitled
“A company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is.” Were not the fact stated by scores of credible witnesses, it would be impossible to believe that any person could have been duped by such a project. The man of genius who essayed this bold and successful inroad upon public credulity, merely stated in his prospectus that the required capital was half a million, in five thousand shares of 100l. each, deposit 2l. per share. Each subscriber, paying his deposit, would be entitled to 100l. per annum per share. How this immense profit was to be obtained, he did not condescend to inform them at that time, but promised that in a month full particulars should be duly announced, and a call made for the remaining 98l. of the subscription. Next morning, at nine o’clock, this great man opened an office in Cornhill. Crowds of people beset his door, and when he shut up at three o’clock, he found that no less than one thousand shares had been subscribed for, and the deposits paid. He was thus, in five hours, the winner of 2000l. He was philosopher enough to be contented with his venture, and set off the same evening for the Continent. He was never heard of again."
And speaking of fuck, why do you even bother trading insults with these knobs? They're really terrible at it, on the level with "Your nose sir, it is rather large." Anyways, back to work. I'm really looking forwards to posting pictures of this, haven't named it yet. Last fall I score two Thermaltake 2.0's with 2x1 rads for $22 each, because they had the wrong firmware installed. One is on the CPU, I've mounted the second on the HD-7950, mounted a single Coolermaster on one 6950 and am about to mount another one on the second 6950. That's a 3x2 block of rads, about the surface area of your average Cadillac. Should make it into a Kustom Kulture kinda thing, Big-Daddy Roth and Rat-Fink theme. Runs everything full-tilt under 70C in hot weather!