Another thing is that even if we agree with what badecker said and his crazy conclusions, how do we know which God did it? I asked him this question and he never responded, when you ask a religious person why he believes in his God and not any of the other hundreds of Gods, they cant answer. There is no reason to believe in the bible instead of the quran, for example. He simply believes in what he believes because he was brought up to believe it, he tries to be scientific and only ends up being a retard.
There is only One God. The rest of them are "gods" at best. Most are only idols.
You still haven't answered the question, how do you know? Every religious person will say their God is the real God, they all can't be right, so, who is right? How did you determine that your God is the real God? What if the devil from another religion is trying to deceive you into believing in the Bible? How would you know?
Science law is very exact. My God is the real God Who science proves exists. Just because He is talked about in some religious books but not in others, doesn't have anything to do with the fact that He exists.
But you said yourself in your post about evolution: '' based on the idea that the physics of nature have been operating like they do now, for all of time past. Since we don't know this simple thing about physics (if it always acted like it does now)'' That it's not exact.
Anyways, I fail to see how you determined that your God is the real God, show me where science proves that your God is the real one and the other ones are fake.
However, my explanation of proof for God is written to a bunch of people who think that everything has been going on in the past like it is today. In addition, the word for physics is not the best word. The word should have as its meaning the part of physics that was applied at any one time.
Cause and effect are universal throughout. Other parts of physics are stronger at some points, weaker at others, and theory in most.
As for showing that My God is the real God, He is the only God. That's why the others are fake.
Episode number six, dear people. Badecker, our idiotic apologist, keeps invoking one and only one thing: cause and effect. He calls it a fundamental physical law, although it is a physical notion and it would actually prove him wrong (causal efficacy needs numbers, not names). What Badecker is actually talking about is causal determinism, or in his case, theological determinism or sometimes fatalism determinism. This is more of a subject for metaphysics, of course. He says this: cause and effect are universal throughout. What he does not realize is that in this particular case, nobody can tell what is the cause and what is the effect. You can not certainly say God is the cause of Humans and you can not certainly say Humans is the cause of Gods, so you take probabilities, the repetition of happenings: have Humans ever created Gods in the past? The answer is yes, about 3000 that we know of. Have Gods created humans ever before? Well, we have the stories of 3000 Gods that all specifically created Humans. We understand why would people create 3000 Gods, as an explanation for the unknown, as an answer to their most deep questions of the time, some of which are still unanswered today. It could be possible for people to have created Gods because we have a precedent. In the other case, we have an inconsistency, because only one is claimed to have created, and there are 3000 claims, so basically we have no precedent. Now, we do not have enough material to have a final statement: x was the cause and y was the effect. But the probability of Humans having created Gods is 3000 times much larger than the probability of God creating Humans. That is how causality or cause and effect, if you prefer, works. If we would have had a smart Badecker, we would have seen something like this in his proof. However, what we see in his proof is simple theological determinism which is a copy of causal determinism but instead of calling the first one a cause they named it God. But enough with the serious stuff, let's see the retard in action again: 'As for showing that My God is the real God, He is the only God. That's why the others are fake.' - If I would tell this to my 13 year old grandson, he would laugh at me and call me stupid. I actually believe any kid would laugh at you if you would say what Badecker said. That is a fallacy in logic as never seen before: Why is Yahweh (i bet he doesn't know who Yahweh is) the only God? According to Badecker he is the only God because he is the only God and that is why the others are fake. I can't even explain this, it deranged me. Stay tuned folks, our retard is not letting us down.
Yep, I think we destroyed his logic, now he can't even pseudoscience out of this. His god is the real god because he is the only god. And that's what every single religious person says, badecker, why should I believe you and not a Muslim? Maybe yours is fake, you haven't answered my question yet and I'm going to ask you again and again until you admit that you don't know why your God is real and the others are fake.
Cause and effect as horace said does not prove that God made us, it proves that everything has a cause. I can take cause and effect and say that aliens came here and saw a deserted planet and they made life, that's the cause of our existence. See? It's the same shit.
Now stop evading the question or admit you are just a religious extremist and you base your beliefs in faith not science.
All you need to do to see that cause and effect is complex far, far beyond understanding, is to examine the universe, even just a little. Some of the greatest complexity is in the human mind, brain, emotion, and intelligence.
All you need to do to see that the universe had a beginning is to understand that entropy would have reduced all complexity to simpleness long ago if things had always been, without a beginning. So, there definitely was a beginning.
We don't have a clue regarding what it was that caused the universe to begin, or how it did the job. But we DO know by observing the universe, that whatever it was, it must have had some tremendous understanding, knowledge, and ability to be able to make cause and effect to maintain the form of human mind, brain, emotion, and intelligence for thousands of years down through the ages, following the beginning.
Such ability is found in the descriptions of God in our definitions of God. But it certainly isn't found in mankind.
Welcome back to episode 7 of our masterful fool Badecker who keeps making more stupid statements as time goes by. We could say that the entropy of his stupidity is increasing and it will soon reach total entropy, but we can actually observe a decrease in his entropy because he is transporting his stupidity to his forum. Why? Because Badecker's brain is not an isolated system, his stupidity is allowed to flow on the internet, thus decreasing the entropy of his system's stupidity. In this episode, Badecker proudly presents us with his unheard, wonderful news: the universe had a beginning. Clap, clap, everyone, this one is as sharp as a bowling ball. I wonder if he found that by himself or maybe he was inspired by some scientific nobodies that studied, observed and proved that a long time ago. Anyway, let's get back to our subject who actually admits that 'We don't have a clue regarding what it was that caused the universe to begin, or how it did the job.' I mean, few people are so dumb to do anything to prove God exists and fuck everything up with only one true sentence. I almost lost my breath and I was ready to admit that Badecker is actually a smart guy if he would've stopped there. But he couldn't, because he is not a smart guy. The idiot went right ahead to tell us how the cause must have had knowledge, tremendous understanding and the, this one is magnificent, the ABILITY TO BE ABLE (ahahahahaha) to make cause and effect to maintain the form of human mind, brain, emotion and intelligence for thousands of years through the ages, following the beginning. So, as all religious apologists believe, it's all about us. Fuck the rest of life on this planet, fuck the splendor and greatness of the universe, cause and effect is for us, it was all made for us so we can get out in the morning, take a shit, drink a coffee and sell hotdogs for the game. Also, you can see how Badecker believes human species have been around only for 'thousands' of years, because that's what the 'scientific proven' bible tells him. Of course he could research a bit and find out that we're talking about 6 million years, but those must be lies told from the scientist that refuse to prove God because they have an unknown issue...all of them, as Badecker believes. Let us all be good fellas and not tell Badecker the estimated age of the universe, he might have a heart attack. He ends his post by saying 'Such ability is found in the descriptions of God in our definitions of God. But it certainly isn't found in mankind.'...ain't that smart? We, the ones who could never understand God, could define him and describe him as the creator of the universe, the cause, but the problem is we do not have those abilities. Of course, the Bible only says that God is all knowing, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It does not actually say that God had great knowledge of nuclear fusion, photons, entropy, etc. But let's assume they did not know about all of these and go straight to our description of the creator. He first created heaven (let us assume it's the universe) and earth. He then made day and night with the help of light...wait for it. Second day, God creates the sky. We shall assume they are talking about the atmosphere. God then goes on and makes land, water and plants. Fourth day, God creates the Sun, earth's primary source of light and after that, all the rest of the stars and planets in the universe. Smart guy, heh? You know why he did it? So men, the ones that were not yet created, could track time. That's it, that's their only purpose. Day five, God makes all the creatures that live underwater (all, including plants, he forgot some) and all of the birds (no insects, fuck the birds, they can starve) and he also blesses them. These were the first blessed living beings because fuck plants. Day six, God creates all of the other living beings and man. Man was special so he made him in his image after he talked himself into it (a bit psycho), blessed him and told him that all of that belongs to him and he must subdue it to rule over it. He also told that everything is good to eat, including plants. Later on, he changed his mind about the eating thing (not quite a perfect plan, right?). Seventh day, he went to rest and that is it. What Badecker does not understand is that we are not claiming we could have done it better (although I know some people who, if superpowers existed, would have), but if you observe the universe and if you also research about earth age and universe age, there is a huge inconsistency in God's story. The universe does not seem to have been created that way, earth was most surely not created in the same instant as the universe was, etc. So God has very little understanding of our universe he claims to have created. Why is that? Because the people who came up with the story had a very little understanding of the world that they were living in, because they actually did use the stars to measure time, they did not know light comes from the sun, they thought the sun and the moon are there to distinguish between day and night. So this is how our mentally challenged Badecker makes undocumented, dumb proofs again, making a fool out of himself. I know this got long and it is hard to read but it was a pleasure for me to prove the stupidity of our apologist. Stay tuned for episode 8, he won't stop as I can see.