The serious side of the voices in the caverns thing is this. Does anyone remember in the Apostles Creed, where it says, "He [Jesus] descended into hell?" This is talking about the 3 days that Jesus was in the grave after he died on the cross, before He arose from the dead.
The word "Hell" has several meanings in the Bible. One of them pertains to a place of torment after the final end - the lake of fire in Revelation. Another is simply the grave. A third is a special "holding cell," where especially virulent and spiritually powerful people are sent, at death, because otherwise they might be able to affect things in THIS life
right from the grave!Saint Paul explains that Jesus went down to this last Hell to preach to the spirits of certain of the dead. The particular dead mentioned, were those who had lived in the days of Noah, but had died in or before the Great Flood.
While we don't, yet, have any conclusive evidence about what these people were doing back at the time before the Flood, they were probably certain people who:
1. Had used quantum entanglement to manipulate people (Consider
The Silva Mind Control Method);
2. Were powerful in their use of quantum entanglement;
3. Had built a worldwide network of corrupt trading exchanges (probably the thing we know as Atlantis);
4. Were NOT knowledgeable enough about QE to use it to keep themselves alive in the Flood;
5. Were powerful enough that their spirits just might be able to reach out from the grave if they were not held at bay in the special kind of hell cell they are in.
Jesus went there to preach to them about their big mistake, that they thought that they could find eternal life without the help of God, on their own, using quantum entanglement (QE use, my idea). Jesus, however, is the only one who can use quantum entanglement correctly enough to grant eternal life both, to Himself, and to any of those to whom He decides to grant eternal life.
People attempt to do all kinds of things. There are those of our day who are trying to gain eternal life on their own. There are, of course, many who simply turn their backs on the whole idea, and simply decide to die. Some who try to live forever on their own, will try/are trying the quantum entanglement method (many without realizing that this is what they are using). Some of these might succeed in keeping themselves healthy enough that they could live for several hundred years if the earth lasts that long, yet. Others use their QE to become wealthy, retain riches, by more or less enslaving other people.
Wherever you happen to be in life, if you are inclined to use quantum entanglement for your own benefit, remember to use it in conjunction with the knowledge that you are not good enough at it to live forever by it. Keep your focus on Jesus, use QE only for good, and be ready to freely hand over any QE strength that you have to God, on a moment's notice should He call to you. If you aren't ready to do this, you may lose your very essence to the final dissolution of all material and energy, done in the lake of fire, at the final end of this universe.
The end might be here much sooner than we think.
Thank you for the post. Can you please provide more information on this third Hell, and the history of this QE use? Personally, I'd like to be more aware of myself and how I consciously conduct myself day to day.