honestly i have a bunch of simple questions since my childhood that never got a satisfing answers; maybe someone here could shake my opinions ...
Several simple answers.
1. God wants companionship. He is great beyond understanding. He wants companionship that will match His greatness. That's why He made angels and people. The fact that there are different kinds of angels suggests that there might be a tremendously large number of different kinds of angels. We all have been created for His companionship.
imaho there is a central flaw in the relation between god's omnipotence/greatness and the need of companionship.
assuming that an entity is perfect, that entity will be free of all needs. The need of companionship imply that he is not perfect particularly if it is a tremendous big need (he created tremendously large number of different entities).
Moreover those entities will not match His greatness because are all inferior, this could imply that He need to boss them (worst need than the first).
furthermore, if we assume that he is good and forgiving, how he could inflict eternal damnation to his creatures when they misbehave (according to His law) ? inflicting eternal sufferings and being good does not match
I don't know that God needs companionship. That isn't something that I said. If I said it, I didn't mean it that way.
Probably the closest to God having need is like this. God is unimaginably Great and Wonderful. He is simply Fabulous, and in part, Fabulous beyond mans' understanding.
When God envisioned man, He saw how great and wonderful it would be for man to stand in awe of something so Great and Fabulous as God. And, having loved man before He even made us, He wanted to give us the best, and that "best" included making us so that we could recognize how Great and Wonderful He is.
Something like this might sound like conceit. But is it conceit if it is the absolute truth? Since it is the truth, it is complete humility on the part of God.
So you see? God's "need" to have companionship doesn't really have to do with Him having to have people around Him. Rather, it has to do with His desire for the good of all people.
mmm, more questions popping up in my mind ...
it's a bit puzzling. for example, that his desire for the good of people imply the men's suffering.
how many innocent men suffer and die every day without reason?
even if someone reply "because of original sin", make suffer all the progeny of adam for his disobedience is too much even for the most vengeful man.
however i have a deep respect for strong faith, and i don't want bother you too much
for the sake of curiosity, which religion you belong?