
Topic: SCRIPT GENIUS WANTED for ALT COIN PARTNERSHIP [Click Thread To View Coins!!!] - page 2. (Read 3529 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I think you should have just asked for a DEV and not released all your ideas at once here.
Also focus on one single coin at a time.

Many thanks for your input in to my thread.

Can you recommend a good good DEV to approach or can you give me a personal introduction, that is what this thread is really about.

These are just some of the ideas I have so actually there is much more to the project than I have illustrated here. This thread was is intended as a first step to make contact with a DEV and as I don't know who the key DEVs are I thought best to start here.

The thread is just an initial showcase to sample my branding and design strengths.

What I have found is much of the branding of ALT coins is like amateurish 'CLIP ART'. Dodge coin is a good example of this.
I am trying to create coin IDs that have the brand value of quality and reliability and have long term future investment potential rather than being 'FADS' thrown out there to make short term gains on the ALT market. Strong branding is a major factor when planning for long term evolution.

This is one reason I put so much time in to the initial BRANDING and DESIGN as I see this as key to success and to be taken seriously.
Activity: 3360
Merit: 1533
Bombcoin? Stockscoin? JpyCoin? I am waiting for FuckCoin, WhoreCoin, PissCoin... Who needs all those alt coins???
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1023
I think you should have just asked for a DEV and not released all your ideas at once here.
Also focus on one single coin at a time.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I've also added the branding for JPYCoin (JPY) [Japanese Yen]. Please take a look at the link below. (JPY)
Japenese Yen Coin (JPY). Central to the portfolio I wish to develop are 12 key global currency domains. The portfolio includes generics for the major currency markets. These are not ‘ALT’ or fad coins, these represent coins that are perfect for exchanging real currency on the global financial markets:

full member
Activity: 224
Merit: 100
Ah more coins..bring it on!

At this rate we will soon have 1 coin for each individual forum member then we can all just mine our own coins


u make your own coin, and its worthless, but you can have as many as you want.

Why does EVERY altcoin has to have COIN in it's name.

I have a better name for your BOMBCOIN


Still pointless releases in an already saturated market with pointless releases. But gl anyway!
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
so many
Bomb Coin...

Every day there could be different bombs that go off. Bomb payouts are monitored in real time on the website and shown by geo-loaction on a world map going off!
Copied this from wikipedia...

    semtex-grenade (sticky)
    General-purpose bomb
    Bouncing bomb... Bounces the coins to random wallets
    Bunker buster (can be nuclear) Manages to penetrate a completely random wallet on the network that is far away from the withdrawal depost wallet
    Car bomb
    Petrol bomb
    Cluster bomb Sets off small amounts to many random wallets
    Flour bomb (made with flour)
    Gravitational bomb
    Glide bomb
    Pipe bomb
    Smoke bomb
    Stink bomb Stink bombs range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade or riot control chemical agents. Gives you the smallest amount possible... its a real stinker
    Suicide bomb Pays a dividend but its the only bomb that gives all the money to the recipient and does not share it
    Suitcase bomb
    Thermobaric bomb
    Tank bomb or slap bomb
    Barrel bomb

Types of noncoventional bombs:

    Naquahdah bomb (Fiction)
    Atomic bomb
    Cobalt bomb
    Dirty bomb Gives you a payout but changes your wallet's skin for 24 hours to look completely wrecked
    Electromagnetic bomb
    Hydrogen bomb
    Neutron bomb
    Nuclear bomb The big weekly mega payout that everyone is waiting for... as an animation on the home page and records the actual lucky wallet and geo location where the bomb explodes    

yes having different kinds of bombs would make it interesting. its these kinds of "features" (simply modifying distribution structure) that can set a coin apart from others. I know I immediately was drawn to the concept of checking wat sorts of bombs would be going off today. if you think of it in terms of how it could affect the market it is interesting, as on certain days or times there would be more incentive to trade. this could be good or bad.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
so many
Ah more coins..bring it on!

At this rate we will soon have 1 coin for each individual forum member then we can all just mine our own coins


u make your own coin, and its worthless, but you can have as many as you want.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Bomb Coin...

Every day there could be different bombs that go off. Bomb payouts are monitored in real time on the website and shown by geo-loaction on a world map going off!
Copied this from wikipedia...

    semtex-grenade (sticky)
    General-purpose bomb
    Bouncing bomb... Bounces the coins to random wallets
    Bunker buster (can be nuclear) Manages to penetrate a completely random wallet on the network that is far away from the withdrawal depost wallet
    Car bomb
    Petrol bomb
    Cluster bomb Sets off small amounts to many random wallets
    Flour bomb (made with flour)
    Gravitational bomb
    Glide bomb
    Pipe bomb
    Smoke bomb
    Stink bomb Stink bombs range in effectiveness from simple pranks to military grade or riot control chemical agents. Gives you the smallest amount possible... its a real stinker
    Suicide bomb Pays a dividend but its the only bomb that gives all the money to the recipient and does not share it
    Suitcase bomb
    Thermobaric bomb
    Tank bomb or slap bomb
    Barrel bomb

Types of noncoventional bombs:

    Naquahdah bomb (Fiction)
    Atomic bomb
    Cobalt bomb
    Dirty bomb Gives you a payout but changes your wallet's skin for 24 hours to look completely wrecked
    Electromagnetic bomb
    Hydrogen bomb
    Neutron bomb
    Nuclear bomb The big weekly mega payout that everyone is waiting for... as an animation on the home page and records the actual lucky wallet and geo location where the bomb explodes    

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1001
Ah more coins..bring it on!

At this rate we will soon have 1 coin for each individual forum member then we can all just mine our own coins
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
perhaps the bomb should give coins to both parties, a small bonus and a small refund. might be annoying if you trying to send all your $$ at once tho Smiley but I like the idea of adding coins from tx, you would have to limit the frequency of generation though, otherwise ppl just bounce coins around all day to collect bomb $$.

maybe the bomb could be triggered by an 'exact amount' which keeps varying every second or fraction of a second. This would minimise the aspect of bouncing just to get a bomb and ensure that anyone trying to send different amount variations would have to try for a long time before they hit the bomb amount.

It would need a huge amount of wallets and transfers to hit the exact amount and I'm sure extra factors could be built in to minimise the abuse of the function even further. Like IP address monitoring and traffic monitoring so that the bomb actually goes off when there is the least amount of activity.

Yes I like the idea that half is deposited with the deposit wallet and half is deposited with the withdrawal wallet... this makes perfect sense and it would be great to send a payment only to find you still have money in your wallet after the payment is sent.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
so many
Have added possible 'unique function' to the BombCoin concept... please read and feedback: (BOM)
A fun game/gamers coin that can be used for many game apps including the popular 'Coin Bomb' concept. Possible unique function could be that on sending the coin to another wallet the bomb explodes and helps to mine some additional coins which are auto-added to the wallet. As in real gold/coal mining there would be different 'seams' to be found some rich and some that are small. Have no idea if this is technically possible and it is only a concept idea but it would be great publicity to tell people they may get more than they send when sending Bomb Coin. Feedback please.

perhaps the bomb should give coins to both parties, a small bonus and a small refund. might be annoying if you trying to send all your $$ at once tho Smiley but I like the idea of adding coins from tx, you would have to limit the frequency of generation though, otherwise ppl just bounce coins around all day to collect bomb $$.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Have added possible 'unique function' to the BombCoin concept... please read and feedback: (BOM)
A fun game/gamers coin that can be used for many game apps including the popular 'Coin Bomb' concept. Possible unique function could be that on sending the coin to another wallet the bomb explodes and helps to mine some additional coins which are auto-added to the wallet. As in real gold/coal mining there would be different 'seams' to be found some rich and some that are small. Have no idea if this is technically possible and it is only a concept idea but it would be great publicity to tell people they may get more than they send when sending Bomb Coin. Feedback please.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
As crypto becomes more mainstream and general public adopt it dollar bills are going to eventually have little or no value, it will be the successful trusted crypto brands that will be successful.

I think this is a dangerous assumption. I see a world where crypto currencies and current currencies live side by side until one system crashes. It seems that the assumption of most people is that fiat currencies will eventually run themselves into the ground. I believe too many wealthy influential people are too invested in the current system to just abandon it or let it run into the ground. JP morgan decided that we would have a fiat currency to fix the problems of his day. He was a very wealthy and influential man, so much so he was able to remove the gold standard in the US basically by himself. Who is to say there are not groups of people with near as much influence in this modern day and age?

Have you checked out this site... fascinating...

It is a visual representation of FIAT currencies migrating to bitcoin in real time!!! Check to see how much real cash is streaming out of the global currency market (USD, CNY, GBP, YEN etc) in to the safe haven of the securely encrypted digital market place!

Crypto-coins and crypto trading in all commodities/stocks will challenge the traditional fiat global currency market. IMHO market share of Bitcoin and its associated ALT (Alternative Currencies) will erode the stability of the older financial institutions and the model on which they built their wealth and plundered from the people. We are just at the very beginning, so like early investor’s in Bitcoin the secret is to develop successful coin brands early and now is that unique moment in history.

My portfolio of names is tailored to capitalise on the currency markets switching to digital transfers and being locked in to the value of its digital counterpart.

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Many thanks to all who have contributed to my thread, fed back and elevated my thread from 'Newbie' section to 'Alternate cryptocurrencies' in a matter of hours, this boost is very much appreciated.
I already have one PM offer to help get BombCoin off the ground... so watch this space... this community is great!

steve  Cheesy
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Actually it appears this thread has been moved to alternate cryptocurrencies. Should get more visibility now.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Okay so how many millions do you have invested in specialised gear to secure your coins? Will they all be merged together so your one type of specialised gear will be able to secure all of them or will you be creating a different ASIC for each? (Or do you simply plan to scam people into trusting instead of actually being secure?) -MarkM-

As mentioned earlier in this thread I'm looking for an experienced DEV to run with my creative concepts and brands. I have no experience in the cryptography side or the server security side which is why I am looking for an DEV partner.

I understand this an ambitious project which is exactly why I am trying to make contact with an experienced DEV. However, unfortunately, being a newbie I can only post here to begin with which is why I have not moved the thread on to another part of the site or been able to make direct contact with experienced DEVS yet.

Hoping that will change soon. In the meantime any help with contacts will be much appreciated.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Actually a unified wallet would be awesome.

One wallet, a graphical bitcoin wallet that has skins/themes ability.

Then all the marketer/hype people can go wild making umpteen themes/skins addressing different demographics and niche markets and so on, yet all are totally compatible because under the hood they are all really just different names for bitcoin...


Is there anything preventing the current bitcoin wallet from being skinned? Or any of the alternatives?
I think the real point of a unified wallet was to store every single kind of crypto currency. Sort of like how coin exchanges allow you to have multiple types of currencies at once.

we need a crypto currency that has a value of 1:1 with an existing fiat currency

Well funnily enough then we are on EXACTLY the same wavelength as the existing portfolio has some of the best key generic currency domains on the planet like,, and this is exactly where my project is heading for the 'bigger picture'. I missed and but still picked up and for when this convergence takes place and to feed traffic into my main project.

From your last post I think you'd be very excited to know the full extent of the portfolio and realise that our thoughts on where crypto is heading are spookily in tandem.

The reason I was asking about your main passion is this is a good place to begin, but you went straight for the jugular and identified the exact direction I am already heading


That's pretty interesting actually. Who knew. I think there are too many problems involved in this still to make it a project but I do like that we had similar ideas. I will keep thinking of things I want a crypto currency to do but almost all of them come back to the keyhotee model that is going to be used by bitshares. Bitshares are the evolution of protoshares and I think you might like some of the concepts. I will keep contemplating though.

This is like offering a yellow Dollar bill which can only be used to by bananas.  Why would I want to use that instead of a regular dollar bill?

As crypto becomes more mainstream and general public adopt it dollar bills are going to eventually have little or no value, it will be the successful trusted crypto brands that will be successful.

I think this is a dangerous assumption. I see a world where crypto currencies and current currencies live side by side until one system crashes. It seems that the assumption of most people is that fiat currencies will eventually run themselves into the ground. I believe too many wealthy influential people are too invested in the current system to just abandon it or let it run into the ground. JP morgan decided that we would have a fiat currency to fix the problems of his day. He was a very wealthy and influential man, so much so he was able to remove the gold standard in the US basically by himself. Who is to say there are not groups of people with near as much influence in this modern day and age?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Actually a unified wallet would be awesome. One wallet, a graphical bitcoin wallet that has skins/themes ability. Then all the marketer/hype people can go wild making umpteen themes/skins addressing different demographics and niche markets and so on, yet all are totally compatible because under the hood they are all really just different names for bitcoin...

Thanks Mark... you've identified a key aspect of my project which as I have explained is innovative and new...

You may have noticed my name is FunkyCoin... well there's a good reason for this as this is my field... creating funky designs.
One of the parallel projects is to create 'Funky Coin' [] and a Funky Wallet to go with it, it's all part of the unified wallet idea... a coin and wallet with multiple fun designs and a personality that the younger generation can tap in to and identify with.

United Safe Coin is the daddy of this concept for the maturer crypto user and investor
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1090
Okay so how many millions do you have invested in specialised gear to secure your coins?

Will they all be merged together so your one type of specialised gear will be able to secure all of them or will you be creating a different ASIC for each?

(Or do you simply plan to scam people into trusting instead of actually being secure?)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
This is like offering a yellow Dollar bill which can only be used to by bananas.  Why would I want to use that instead of a regular dollar bill?

As crypto becomes more mainstream and general public adopt it dollar bills are going to eventually have little or no value, it will be the successful trusted crypto brands that will be successful.
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