
Topic: SCRIPT GENIUS WANTED for ALT COIN PARTNERSHIP [Click Thread To View Coins!!!] - page 3. (Read 3529 times)

full member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
This is like offering a yellow Dollar bill which can only be used to by bananas.  Why would I want to use that instead of a regular dollar bill?
Activity: 2940
Merit: 1090
Actually a unified wallet would be awesome.

One wallet, a graphical bitcoin wallet that has skins/themes ability.

Then all the marketer/hype people can go wild making umpteen themes/skins addressing different demographics and niche markets and so on, yet all are totally compatible because under the hood they are all really just different names for bitcoin...

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
we need a crypto currency that has a value of 1:1 with an existing fiat currency

Well funnily enough then we are on EXACTLY the same wavelength as the existing portfolio has some of the best key generic currency domains on the planet like,, and this is exactly where my project is heading for the 'bigger picture'. I missed and but still picked up and for when this convergence takes place and to feed traffic into my main project.

From your last post I think you'd be very excited to know the full extent of the portfolio and realise that our thoughts on where crypto is heading are spookily in tandem.

The reason I was asking about your main passion is this is a good place to begin, but you went straight for the jugular and identified the exact direction I am already heading


Activity: 33
Merit: 0
I think a point of interest here is that you seem to think each coin needs a very specific use. I find this to be very limiting. A truly useful crypto currency can be used in as many ways as you can think of. Instead of trying to start multiple coins you may do best consolidating your work into a single coin that you put all your effort into. If you find out it wasn't what you hoped, use your new experience in the field to make an even better one. I will put some thought into what I would want a crypto currency to do that hasn't already been done. Honestly, off the top of my head, we need a crypto currency that has a value of 1:1 with an existing fiat currency. In effect the purpose would be to make it very easy for someone to make a purchase online without the vendor having to worry about the conversion rate of the coin to normal currencies. This of course has many holes in it because there is no true way to limit the amount of the coin that would exist. The same danger of a business like the Federal Reserve increasing the amount of money in the system occurs. However, if the exchange rate is ALWAYS 1:1 and there is no limit to the amount of the coins that can exist the coin could be successful. However it undercuts so many of the idea I think are very important in the crypto system such as having a coin cap. The only real use of the currency would be to use payment systems with very small or no fees. It would also require a lot of security to make sure people don't just magically create money. All in all this system seems limited at first, but you could add additional features to it to make it useful in ways besides exchanging directly for USD or whatever base currency you chose.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0

If you were to do a coin what is your main passion in life that would align your passion to the coin or give me the seed of an idea you have for a great ALT coin... answer this and let me create a concept and source a name for you that you can have to mull over. No investment on your side... I'll just create the concept for you to pick up when you are ready as a thank you for engaging in my thread... you'll have no obligation to run with the project.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
If I find the time I will let you know. I am currently working on a project to store long term stats of cgminer. It is pretty infantile so far but I am able to pull values from an active miner over the internet. Between that and school most of my time is consumed.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0

I like the ambition. If I ever start a project of making an alt coin I will get a hold of you.

PROPOSAL: Putting the larger project aside for a moment lets co-develop a coin together on a 50-50 ownership partnership. We can draw up a simple ownership contract. No pre-mining and let the market forces do the rest.

I'll do the graphic design work for the coin and if we can simplify the coding by using an existing open source code it won't be too much time investment on your part.
I know nothing about the coding end an this would be your department.

Let me know the market sector you'd like to target and I'll do the branding and find the perfect 'name' for the coin. This should be something you are passionate about as it will help us focus on the coins success. I find that creating the concept ID gives the project a life and vitality and begins to make the 'vision' materialise. This is why I invest a lot of time in getting the initial design concept looking 'real' as though you can actually touch it.


Activity: 33
Merit: 0
The images actually look quite good. As a programmer though the very last thing I look at when evaluating a coin is the picture and brand name. This may not be true for everyone but if you want a coding specialist my suggestion is to start looking at how people alter an existing coins software to make new coins. You may not be able to understand a lot of the concepts but in my experience, the more you are effectively able to communicate your wishes the more receptive a programmer will be to working with you. The absolute worst is to work on a project with very poorly defined variables. An example would be "good encryption". That is a very generic term and unless the person you are talking to knows a good deal about how encryption works already they won't really understand your wishes and the project might end up being different then what you wished. I would begin at looking at things like proof of work and proof of stake. If all you wish to do is replace a current encryption used in a coin, the dev you are talking about might know exactly how to do that, and you should consider yourself lucky if you find someone like that, or they might have no idea and spend a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what needs to be changed. I suppose since your entire business model is to provide people with a future stake in your coin, you need to figure out how to provide them with that portion of the coin. If you are doing a premine it might upset people and your coin may not garner the attention you hope it will. It seems that many coins recently have been premined but as soon as people figure it out they tend to lose interest in the coin, claiming developer greed. At least that is the way I have seen it so far. A more experinced member of this board may be able to tell you more. I recommend you move your discussions out of the newbie forum as soon as possible. Everyone posting here is doing so to get out of the newbie forum. It is an excellent place to start but you should get better information in other places. Just be warned they may not be as nice.

Honestly though? In my opinion I think you should find a dev to do the coding, or you should find someone who is already working on the programming end of a coin and offer to be their PR rep. Do all the stuff that most programmers don't like to do. I hate doing graphical design. This may not be true for all coders. I tend to find two types of software programmers, UI programmers, and information programmers. In the end though, most programmers don't do graphic design, they leave that job to the graphic designers. Independent coders may not fall so cleanly into these lines as they have to work on a far broader spectrum of work on a single project.

I like the ambition. If I ever start a project of making an alt coin I will get a hold of you.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I am very glad to hear you are taking the input of the forum so far. I respect that you have these ideas and what you are trying to do with them but be warned it might be a lot more work to implement them then you think. The problem is, the only thing you are offering for your work is future stake in your coin. Someone really has to believe in your coin to work on it that much. You may have a lot easier time offering a more immediate solution like paying in bitcoin. I would personally never commit to an idea that still has to have all the technical details ironed out and with such little knowledge about the end product. You may get lucky and find someone but why would someone develop a coin for you instead of developing it themselves when the entire profit comes from them completing the project? Also to give out these rewards you have to premine a coin, something that will cause a coin to die fast or generate a lot of hate from the mining community.

nahallacman: One of the main attractions to partner in my projects (apart from the innovation aspect) is the branding and generic nature of the names which will attract 'coin' investors and speculators. As discussed earlier my skill set is branding and many coins are launched that have poor and amateurish branding. Longevity is based on not only the pump and dump investors buying the coin but it reaching and penetrating the wider consumer user/marketplace. A coin that looks like poor clip art will not survive in the larger consumer market as consumers and end users are looking for strength, quality and reliability.

I am aware that many of the current coins have been developed by programming experts who like me are weak in their symbiotic skill sets that lead to overall success. Branding and ID are key to a coins long term success and at the moment I completely lack the tech expertise to compliment my strengths on the branding side.

The relationship between tech experts and design/branding experts is very important and I'm looking for a DEV who can see the potential of my branding abilities so that the relationship is mutually complimentary and the formula of our success. Again going back to my Ford Car and motoring analogy design and streamling the chasis is as important as the mechanics and machinery underneath that make the car work.

End consumers are usually less worried about what lies beneath a product and exactly how it works... they just want it to work, perform well, look great and be a great ride. the same applies for nearly every product on the commercial market which is why design and branding is key to success.

Did you check out the branding concepts which I have uploaded to my hotmail Skydrive.

Would appreciate your initial feedback here.

Activity: 33
Merit: 0
I am very glad to hear you are taking the input of the forum so far. I respect that you have these ideas and what you are trying to do with them but be warned it might be a lot more work to implement them then you think. The problem is, the only thing you are offering for your work is future stake in your coin. Someone really has to believe in your coin to work on it that much. You may have a lot easier time offering a more immediate solution like paying in bitcoin. I would personally never commit to an idea that still has to have all the technical details ironed out and with such little knowledge about the end product. You may get lucky and find someone but why would someone develop a coin for you instead of developing it themselves when the entire profit comes from them completing the project? Also to give out these rewards you have to premine a coin, something that will cause a coin to die fast or generate a lot of hate from the mining community.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Yes, but all these alts and yours are not evolving or showing any unique characteristics. If they don't adapt or are superior they they will go the way of the dodo.

All I can say is that two of my ideas in particular (as far as I know) have not been developed yet. For the same obvious reasons as stated above I have not laid out the full concepts. At present I am simply trying to find a top level DEV to give me some time to present my ideas and concepts. Even taking away the aspect of my ideas being original and unique, as you will see by the quality of the branding it would not take much for a DEV to take the names and brands I have developed and simply launch the coins as the branding and generic nature of my concepts makes them ideal for success in the current market. I have seen many ALT coins do well with what I can only describe as very poor and amateurish branding (logos and brand IDs). Some coin logos and brands look like very poor 'Clip Art', but have somehow managed to fool people into believing they are worth investing in!

Key to market success and longevity is a logo and brand that people can trust and reflects strength and quality in the brand. Quality branding is invaluable to the success of a coins launch and this is one skill set I bring to the table.
full member
Activity: 170
Merit: 100
Saying there are too many alt coins because Bitcoin exists is like saying there are too many web sites because yahoo/google/whatever exists. Many will be created, suck, and die but some will survive.

Although I do agree that the main reason why anyone creates alt coins is to get in early because they missed the older coins and want to make new ones easily. When people realize how easy it was for the first BTC users to generate millions of coins and horde them they feel cheated (and rightly so I guess).
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I think most new coins promise something new or innovative, but never do. Maybe you do have some good ideas, but without actually hearing them there's no way to tell. You're going to have to tell people or developers to get them behind your coin in the first place any way, so if somebodies going to rip you off they will do.
Why don't you give us a little more info or some hints on why your ideas/branding are original or unique?

Many thanks for joining my thread and showing interest in my ideas... Once I get the opportunity to personally sit down and meet with a top DEV face to face then I will share my ideas with a confidentiality agreement. I'd be crazy to post it here for the world to see when I personally don't have the means or scripting expertise to launch the coins myself so simply by revealing the ideas here someone can jump on them and get the coins out before me. What should be evident in my post and the concepts I have given as tasters is that I am a forward thinker and very serious and passionate about launching these coins. These coins also represent a small part of the main project and should be seen as just a taster.

I am offering a large future bounty to anyone who successfully puts me in touch with a top alt developer so any help to achieve this would be appreciated and well rewarded. The person who does this has nothing to lose by helping me make this contact and hopefully I have already been able to show that I am serious by the amount of time I have invested in the branding.

global moderator
Activity: 3934
Merit: 2676
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nahallacman: Any help with finding such a DEV would be much appreciated

When you are able, post in the services section requesting one.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Unifying wallets is a horrible idea IMO. Why would I put all of my money into one target for hackers? There is this amazing new concept of being able to have as many accounts for as many coins as you want, spreading out your wealth over multiple deposits and keeping your money isolated. This is an amazing features of crypto currencies. If there was free bank accounts and free credit cards I believe that people would spread their wealth out over multiple accounts and use different cards for different purposes. Putting all your eggs in one basket is usually thought of as a poor investment strategy. It may make things easier for a few people out there, and if you feel that it is an important concept you can pay to have it developed, but I warn you that a large number of people avoid these sorts of things like the plague. Also, saying "Super safe encryption" is going to be seen as a massive trolling statement. If you know nothing of cryptography how can you honestly think to improve things? If you go purely off what a developer claims to be secure you have no real knowledge of how secure it is. Most real cryptography is exposed to peer review and only the good survive such examinations. You can use existing cryptography methods but then what makes your coin new or unique? I like that you want to make something, but if all you do is rip off other peoples ideas you are not making a real product but simply trying to copy other peoples products to trick people into spending money on your product instead.

Many thanks for you input and I agree with much of what you say. However imho when the crypto market hits the main consumer rather than the current 'savvy' investor and pump and dump opportunists there will be a huge market for 'unified' and simpler wallets that will attract consumers to keep and spend the diversity of currencies they will accumulate by way of rewards, coupons gifts from friends etc. Its one reason I registered

I am looking forward well beyond the current market once the main banks create products for the consumers who will want simplicity.

Anyway the unified wallet is just one of my ideas and again it is just an illustration that my concepts are looking forward and not just lifting or cloning current coins to get a piece of the action.

I hold my hands up... I am not a crypto expert but my statement above was based on the advances of SHA-4 as detailed on wikipedia which supercedes bitcoins SHA-256 algorithm. I may be totally wrong here so please correct me if I am... my point was that the crypto world is in evolution and that I am looking forward and looking for a dev partner who can run with my concepts and branding to create new innovative products.

nahallacman: Any help with finding such a DEV would be much appreciated


global moderator
Activity: 3934
Merit: 2676
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
I understand everyone who is new to this game wants to just create their own coin so they can see a large profit in the altcoin game. There has to be unique features to your coins or it will get pumped, dumped, and left to die on the side of the road by people who have been playing this game for longer than you.

This is why I wish to come in to the market as I have many unique ideas and features that I have not seen in any of the ALTS so far. I need to act fast as I am not a programmer myself but I have the ideas and the branding skills to make the coins a success. If you can help me find a top level DEV I would be very appreciative of the help and I'm also offering generous future bounty for anyone who can put me in touch with a leading DEV.

For obvious reasons I have not discussed or detailed all the innovations here as they are original concepts. I have just given a taster of the concepts to illustrate that my ideas are forward thinking and fresh.

I think most new coins promise something new or innovative, but never do. Maybe you do have some good ideas, but without actually hearing them there's no way to tell. You're going to have to tell people or developers to get them behind your coin in the first place any way, so if somebodies going to rip you off they will do.

Why don't you give us a little more info or some hints on why your ideas/branding are original or unique?
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195
Why can't people just use Bitcoin instead of all these coins? I don't understand why we need to own all different coins for all kinds of niches.

1. The same reason why we have a diversity of global currencies (USD) (GBP) (JPY) and we have a DIGITAL crypto platform and FIAT working beside each other.

Do we need a different dollar to buy shirts and a different one to buy petrol?

There are too many alts I'm afraid - diversifying is OK but to such an extreme is just confusing for newbies entering the market. In a way creating new, unnecessary coins deflates the ones already in existence.

Same argument that I have already covered... in a nutshell there is always natural evolution. Without innovation and entrepreneurship the world remains static. New ideas and innovations bring about evolution. My ideas and concepts are part of that evolution. It would be like saying in 1928 we have a great ford motor car why do we need other manufacturers and models. Look where we have come since 1928.

Evolution and diversity is essential... granted that some of many of the ALTs will come and go as FADS but there will be many that will evolve to overtake Bitcoin in the long run in the same way that Ferrari and Lambourgini which were not even conceived in 1928 are now leaders in the field with cars that could not have even been envisioned in the early days of Motor car engineering.

Yes, but all these alts and yours are not evolving or showing any unique characteristics. If they don't adapt or are superior they they will go the way of the dodo.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
Unifying wallets is a horrible idea IMO. Why would I put all of my money into one target for hackers? There is this amazing new concept of being able to have as many accounts for as many coins as you want, spreading out your wealth over multiple deposits and keeping your money isolated. This is an amazing features of crypto currencies. If there was free bank accounts and free credit cards I believe that people would spread their wealth out over multiple accounts and use different cards for different purposes. Putting all your eggs in one basket is usually thought of as a poor investment strategy. It may make things easier for a few people out there, and if you feel that it is an important concept you can pay to have it developed, but I warn you that a large number of people avoid these sorts of things like the plague. Also, saying "Super safe encryption" is going to be seen as a massive trolling statement. If you know nothing of cryptography how can you honestly think to improve things? If you go purely off what a developer claims to be secure you have no real knowledge of how secure it is. Most real cryptography is exposed to peer review and only the good survive such examinations. You can use existing cryptography methods but then what makes your coin new or unique? I like that you want to make something, but if all you do is rip off other peoples ideas you are not making a real product but simply trying to copy other peoples products to trick people into spending money on your product instead.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I understand everyone who is new to this game wants to just create their own coin so they can see a large profit in the altcoin game. There has to be unique features to your coins or it will get pumped, dumped, and left to die on the side of the road by people who have been playing this game for longer than you.

This is why I wish to come in to the market as I have many unique ideas and features that I have not seen in any of the ALTS so far. I need to act fast as I am not a programmer myself but I have the ideas and the branding skills to make the coins a success. If you can help me find a top level DEV I would be very appreciative of the help and I'm also offering generous future bounty for anyone who can put me in touch with a leading DEV.

For obvious reasons I have not discussed or detailed all the innovations here as they are original concepts. I have just given a taster of the concepts to illustrate that my ideas are forward thinking and fresh.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
There are too many alts I'm afraid - diversifying is OK but to such an extreme is just confusing for newbies entering the market. In a way creating new, unnecessary coins deflates the ones already in existence.

Same argument that I have already covered... in a nutshell there is always natural evolution. Without innovation and entrepreneurship the world remains static. New ideas and innovations bring about evolution. My ideas and concepts are part of that evolution. It would be like saying in 1928 we have a great ford motor car why do we need other manufacturers and models. Look where we have come since 1928.

Evolution and diversity is essential... granted that some of many of the ALTs will come and go as FADS but there will be many that will evolve to overtake Bitcoin in the long run in the same way that Ferrari and Lambourgini which were not even conceived in 1928 are now leaders in the field with cars that could not have even been envisioned in the early days of Motor car engineering.

Wallets will become unified, algorythms will become safer and cross market diversification and applications for different market sectors will evolve.

Watch this space!  Cheesy
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