This is not me who found the flaw. Shen Noether from the Monero Research Lab did, and as he explains at the end of his article, he already applied for the bounty.
I hope nobody was using "anonymous" payments for anything critical. Be safe!
I don't think this is the standard for handling security flaws in this industry.
The way you've both handled this has malicious intent written all over it.
Huh what? Care to explain what you think was wrong here? Or worse, malicious?
Releasing it publicly on a non-technical forum. Standard is to notify the developers and allow them to take action, notify the community, etc,.. If nothing results from that, then a public release is standard and acceptable.
You realize blockchain-based systems are not your usual security software, and your "standard practice" doesn't make sense in that context? Transactions are recorded in the blockchain and there is no possible fix for that flaw after the fact.
(For a flaw that wouldn't apply to past transactions, I agree it could be released to developpers first).
You know where the trolls will take this. You know it will cause panic in those who don't have technical knowledge. The original blog post is written with sarcastic, demeaning tone.
I don't care personally about trolls or possible panic. What I personally care about is for crypto users in general to know flaws that apply retrospectively to their past transactions, and to know that asap, because if they used the flawed feature for anything critical, they need to cover their ass quick. Thus they have the right to know it as soon as possible.
Immediately after posting that, smooth posted this image:
Tell me how this wasn't a malicious attack on the developer's credibility and reputation?
Smooth does what he wants. People in general do what they want. If you think Smooth, Shen, me and others all prepared some kind of conspiracy discredit, you're really paranoid and surely have some illusions of grandeur.
A flaw in the maths is pointed out in a neutral article; you better focus on this and thank for the research rather than whining about how you feel some people are mocking you.
I posted here with the best intentions. I'm leaving that dodgy conspiracy discussion anyway. Good luck.
It means you could handle it in a more professional way, instead of using the patronizing tone we've seen here and in the post of shnoe.
I have honestly no idea how you found any patronizing tone in my posts previous to this one. If you're not happy with Shen's tone, go complain to him. Stop considering a variety of actors as one entity.