Benthach go back over to your copy and paste coin.... Stealth Addresses, our unique implementation was used by your shit coin, So I wouldnt knock us or your knockin your own Tech
lol thats ironic because SDC looks like a copy paste coin.
OH but ZK, ZK we have ZK!!!!
SDC a copy paste coin?...haha. All the other coins are forking SDC to get SDC's stealth, EM, lite...ect. Holy shit you are an idiot.
who the fuck would want to fork with your shitty coin.
Everybody who's anybody...
[10/9/2014 12:56:51 PM] .: Arlyn, I agree. And I think this can be done. Because SDC adds to XC, stealth addresses, ZK, instant transactions, and VOIP / Video
[10/9/2014 12:56:57 PM] .: and HTML5 / lite wallet
[10/9/2014 12:57:05 PM] Arlyn Culwick: Yes, the tech value is undoubtable.
[10/9/2014 1:23:15 PM] ATCSECURE: and instant transactions provides the ability to bring point of sales to the table
[10/9/2014 1:23:52 PM] .: Instant transactions that can processes millions of tx's a second as opposed to bitcoins 7 per second is a huge deal
[10/9/2014 1:24:11 PM] Arlyn Culwick: I love the idea of instant tx. Bloat?
[10/9/2014 1:24:53 PM | Edited 1:25:08 PM] Rynomster: no we'll have prunable outputs on our blocktrees... we'd need to explain the concept, it works with mini chains, its a similar concept to side chains I guess, just allot more practical
[10/9/2014 1:25:08 PM] Arlyn Culwick: I'd love to hear about that.