I2P: Not merged, but there is a repo available with I2P support. You can send me a message, and I'l gladly help.
You'd need to setup your box to do the following, (Shadow -> I2P) -> Tor. It's not an easy setup to do, you can however do it with Whonix. On a VPS? I don't think so, unless I2P supports proxies.
We have support of Tails, with persistence to an USB. We haven't tested Qubes OS or Subgraph OS but we will explore that in the future.
^Check our github repo for the tails script.
Hi there, thanks for your response!
Well, instead of pushing all the Shadow traffic through Tor, I'd rather use I2P for that matter. Also Shadow -> I2P -> Tor isn't a very good idea, simply because you'd be leeching without any contribution to either one of them, according to Whonix's documentation:
Installing I2P inside Whonix-Workstation (I2P over Tor)
It is possible to run I2P inside the Whonix-Workstation.
user -> Tor -> I2P
Anonymity is provided by Tor.
I2P router console works normal inside Tor Browser. No need to install a graphical user interface on the Whonix-Gateway.
Eepsites (.i2p) can be reached directly from Tor Browser.
I2P's end-to-end encryption will be used like usual.
Adds load to Tor.
Adds load to I2P.
It's slower than I2P directly on Whonix-Gateway or the ordinary usage.
No contribution to the I2P network (leeching).
https://www.whonix.org/wiki/I2PCould you please be so kind and point me to the Tails script? Checked Github and I'm not able to find it
Would I have to reinstall Shadow every time I fire up Tails? Although that wouldn't be a problem as long as it's pretty straightforward to backup the vital data, especially the wallets. Do you have any best pratices advice?
Also another question: Does one have to buy SDC before being able to get SDT? Or is it also possible to directly buy SDT? From an anonymity / privacy point of view what would the devs recommend?
Since DeepDotWeb and other media outlets have written nice articles about the Shadow Project, and the ongoing blockchain analysis by the federal cunstables, being able to run Shadow on Tails would be huge! If there's any documentation available on how to install it on Tails or any other anonymity / privacy oriented distribution please make them more accessible, this project really deserves more attention, so please don't bury yourselves in all those Slack holes
I2P has a tunnal wizard, what tunnel should one create for Shadow? Setting those up is really easy. Will Shadow have an option which allows to choose between I2P or Tor?
If by any chance you happen to have instructions on how to get it done, I'd gladly try it out and post my experiences on setting up Shadow in Tails, also sending thinking about sending a little guide to DeepDotWeb and spreading the word.
To the devs: Are you planning to have I2P support built-in before the market gets released? In my opinion any anonymity / privacy feature should be viable, otherwise our asses would be at stake. Also please don't go the OpenBazaar route, by releasing the software without giving a few thoughts to OpSec. The OB people chose to butt rape anonymity a la "Hey OB uses UDP, Tor doesn't support it, but hey you could use a VPN..." lol.