You've all got to stop looking at the percentages as though they're some meaningful trend. The values are simply representative of the number of pools supporting one or the other. Once one pool decides to move from legacy to segwit or BU, the percentage will slowly rise by the hashrate of the pool till it levels out again. There is no "trend" in that; it's a stepwise change. The last rise in BU% was antpool choosing to signal BU as a protest against UASF and as a result the proportion of BU has gotten 3x higher, but no other pool is signalling it so the percentage has again levelled off. Yes, the overall signalling of BU is higher than segwit at the moment, but that doesn't mean there is any ongoing trend for either of them, until the next large pool decides to signal something.
Pretty much this until the trend is signaled all we see are the flags.
Nothing else per se although the bitcoin exchange announcement did damper a few people since Bitcoin Unlimited is now treated as the alt-coin if it is listed they build in replay protection
However, none of the undersigned can list BTU unless we can run both [blockchains] independently without incident. Consequently, we insist that the Bitcoin Unlimited community (or any other consensus breaking implementation) build in strong two-way replay protection,"