imagine if: activition 1996 said
"we cannot scale passed 2d shoot-em-ups' on a nintendo and Call of duty:MW because 56k internet and 4gb hard drives. we should never make call of dutyMW, never work on growing gaming passed nintendoNES and instead build plastic figurines that dont require electronics so the kids have something to play with that has no limitations."
You have a misunderstanding about the notion "scale". You confuse it with "is currently not within reach of technology".
In any case, bitcoin cannot scale, because it limited itself, independent of the scaling problem of single block chain technology.
The scaling problem a block chain faces, is that for "n" participants, over time T, it needs to store/process/.... ~n^2 T data.
If we presume that transactions per entity rise with the number of potential partners they have on the network and that ALL nodes need to process ALL transactions of ALL participants over ALL of history. This runs into technical limits at a certain point.
But bitcoin put itself a much, much more severe and hard limit: 3 transactions per second. Making transactions themselves an expensive resource.
you were not understanding my sarcasm to bring up the point
the punchline being someone from nintendo being the activision insider saying to activision not to expand passed nintendo limits. because X,Y,Z reasons.
also the technical limits of 1996 are not the technical limits of 2016
so stating activision should not progressively grow into 3D gaming and then as years go on increase to HD 3d gaming.. and instead only ever stick to nintendo rules of 2d...
is stupid.
ofcourse logic dictates dont make call of duty:MD in 1997..
but bringing the logic to bitcoin.. "gigabytes by midnight cant happen"
PROGRESSIVE, dynamic, NATURAL GROWTH. where NODES define the parameters of what they can cope with. (even BU know this and know/use consensus) will allow growth and scaling.
all you need to do is ignore the fake doomsdays of "gigabytes by midnight" and replace that scripted mindset with "natural growth over time (months, years, decades)
then you see the difference.
in short we WILL NOT suddenly get 1billion people over night. so ignore the "overnight capability" doomsday.. as the fake reason to halt real scaling
imagine if everyone ignored the "gigabytes per midnight"
we could have been at 2mb REAL blocksize in 2015(nodes can cope with)
we could have been aiming for 4mb REAL blocksize in 2017(nodes can cope with)
and then by 2019ish 8mb (nodes can cope with*)
*telecommunications company have a 5 year plan they are in the middle of. (landline: fibre optic, mobile: 5G) so by 2019 things will be different then now
*hardware capability, moves on too.. (raspberry pi min specs of RPi1 vs RPi3 have scaled 20-60 fold for bitcoin capability)
*people on average upgrade hardware between 1year-4 years average
we should not halt natural scaling onchain just to FORCE users offchain. there can be a symbiotic relationship where LN is voluntary side service. and not an essential only utility to spend.
the fee war is not due to natural scaling not coping but due to DEV decision to halt and delay scaling to push LN to become 'essential'