I wish i was able to understand what those half-wit and non-limited things actually meant...
BU supporters sayin SW is evil and SW supporters say the opposite.
Can someone explain the basic differences between them? Not anything technical. Just basic.
For example; will BU lower the transaction fees?
The problem some people have with SegWit is that it not pure protocol upgrade and Blockstream will try to appropriate bitcoin network using SegWit as a backdoor.
Bitcoin Unlimited main point is removal hard coded blocksize limit of 1 MB, and instead introduce soft limit, which can be easily be increased to 3MB, 4MB, and so on in the future.
Bigger blocks will have mainly 2 effects - it enables BTC to process more transactions per second and will lower transaction fees.
this isn't quite right.
BU does not remove the limit.
BU isn't even much of a change for the status quo
BU keeps a limit.
the only real difference as that it doesn't require a 1 line edit + recompile to change that limit.
ofocure the code is more involved then this, BU clients take EB and AD and such into consideration, but thats besides the point.
the point is, BU doesn't remove the limit, it just makes it user define instead of hardcoded.
I believe the biggest plus to making this blocksize limit "market driven", is that it will allow for a stable TX fee market to form.
with a static limit the size of blocks will never be optimal and always lead to a screwed up fee market, either their is simply to much blockspace ( 8MB ) in which the fee market dies and all BTC TX get in a block with no fee at all, or the blocksize is to small (1MB) and miners loss out on potential fees of including a few more TX on each block.
with this market driven limit we will not see 1MB 2MB 8MB blocks.... Nope, miners will quickly realize that its in there best interst to have a blocksize limit which creates SOME fee pressure. besides the whole "bigger blocks will hurt decentration" rhetoric, there will be a real economic incentive to agree on a minimalistic blocksizelimit.
we'll see block size incress at rate which keeps fee pressure at an optimal rate, and honestly i just dont see TX demand going up 10X in a year. what is more likely IMO is seeing blocks grow like 1.1MB 1.25MB 1.4MB .... up to 8MB 4 years from now once
fee paying BTC TX demand has increased about 8x