Your solution is terrible. Wealthy people buying up Gox so that they can continue the fraud for themselves is not a valid solution. Also, you seem to have missed the fundamental flaw in your plan, which is, you can't force the people who run gox to sell it. Until you can address those fatal flaws, no one is going to pay any attention to you. Accept it.
The best solution is to create a mass campaign telling people not to use gox and to let them die.
I agree that they probably won't sell it. If they would be incompetent then they would sell it to throw away their troublems. But they are probably fraudalent, and they will keep their little scam project.
But still it would be worth the try.. just maybe we are lucky and they are just incompetent.
Luckly you are paying some attention to me, but sadly sand feels too good around your face while it's buried. You are a naive person who things that people will stay honest when there are no consequences of dis-honesty. When I was a child and under the loving protection of my mother, then I used to think like that also.
Mass campaigns coming from unknown names mean nothing. People won't be sure if the information is truth or is it just dis-information created by the competitors. Information on this forum about MtGox problems mean absolutely nothing to the wider audience.
What needs to be done is that known names, who have been talking behalf of bitcoin through the media have to do it. And they have to offer an solution that will guarantee that these exchange scams won't happen in the future. That is the only way to gain back the trust of the wider audience. But.. as we see, the "community leaders" are just like the regular folks here in this forum.. Too afraid to touch these subjects, keeping their heads safely under warm sand.
The bitcoin market system will face the same kind of problem as global finance did... Too much of problem ignoring accumulated and there had to be harsh decisions or face the collapse of the entire system. It currently seems that the ones that run global finance have more balls and brains then this community.