This like complaining that because people have free speech they shouldn't curse all the time. Let them do whatever they want, whatever currencies offer real alternatives will naturally be used, and the ones that don't will get oversold. Not sure what the big deal is or why anyone would care.
Crypto-currency speculation is beautiful. It makes Bitcoin and Namecoin more legitimate.
Also, do you ever wonder if some random miner from 2009 with 400k Bitcoin is ever going to suddenly start selling it? I do. In fact, I wonder if it is happening now, for example. I say let these currencies do their thing, if any one of them survives, then the early adopters will be more widespread than the early days of Bitcoin itself at the very least.
Well, like I said, it was 'my opinion,' and it was opinion suggesting that, like in your example, it would be in the community's best interest not to "curse" so-to-speak. And you're exactly right, I'm not sure why anyone would all.
I think it makes Bitcoin less legitimate. Namecoin makes Bitcoin less legitimate, and it will always be an underground thing (if it makes you money, great, just don't think it'll catch on because there's no way in hell that it will).
Honestly, I wonder why some random miner from 2009 with 400k Bitcoin HASN'T sold everything. I think he's a fantastically huge idiot if he hasn't done so already. Seriously...being an early adopter is like finding a million dollars superglued to the sidewalk (gotta do a little thinking to get it off the sidewalk without destroying it, but you're a moron to let it sit there without doing anything about it).