My initial impression is that it is about the most difficult piece of equipment I have ever dealt with. I am trying to change the IP address of the miner back to what was originally printed on the miner:, something I will need to do since my router's address is
Then it says "Waiting for changes to apply" indefinitely. Then when I tried to log on with, it doesn't work. So I press the reset button and am back to square one.
Make sure that your router address space covers the intended antminer address, (otherwise the antminer may not be covered by the router's address translation).
Optional things that you can do are: if your router supports IP address reservation, reserve your Antminer address ( if you leave it at 'factory default') for this device. The IP reservation is usually for the mac address of the device (which you can when you log into the web gui of the antminer, click on the Network tab and copy the WAN mac address that looks like "MAC-Address: 10:B1:A0:B3:35:27"). This reservation makes sure that this IP address will not be assigned to another device by the router's DHCP mechanism.
Suggest to leave the antminer with fixed IP address (not DHCP), and use only the WAN. Use the wired connection.
(and if you do change the Antminer's IP address, write it down and try logging to it with the new address....not the old one)