The majority of fundamentalist Xtians oppose gay-rights, yes.
but the majority of people who are opposed to it are not christians
The majority of people opposed to homosexuality ARE theists. Simply because it takes a certain kind of ignorance to rage against something that has zero effect on your personal life. It takes the kind of ignorant demand for deference and respect infantile followers of mythical magic-man-in-the-sky 'believers' think they are entitled to.
Let me ask you a quick question, why are you so fixated on sodomy? Do gay men force bakers and public officials to watch them have their gay-bum-sex?
Besides, what about gay people who are celibate? What about lesbians?
Where do you stand on people who aren't having gay-man-bum-sex but are in a committed same-gender relationship?
i guess i'm closest to the russian position on this, no need for criminalisation of their acts because its a waste of time and money but strict controls on what can be promoted in public, no marches, no legal recognition of "relationships"
Yeah, we already know you don't want gay people to have the same rights as you. It's called 'being a bigot'. You basically want what you want and everybody else has to behave how you want them to behave. You're not much for treating decent human beings equally as decent human beings. You want to live in a world where you and your kind have the rule over anybody who isn't like you and your kind. And that fact thrills you and doesn't cause any consternation in you whatsoever that I have just described that you want to live in a fascist 'utopia'.
nobody has called for violence against them so im not sure what that has to do with anything.
Oh, sure, reducing large swathes of the population to second-class status doesn't cause twisted perceptions that they have less value than 'normal' human beings, like you and your kind, and are, therefore, routinely abused and discriminated against because they are, after all, second-class citizens, the 'ones we don't want to treat equally' as you and your kind believe.
this is some pussy charleston guilt by association reasoning
Let me guess, you're one of those nut-jobs who EVEN IN THE FACE OF EXPLICIT RACIST MANIFESTO, want to spin it that your idol only killed those black people because . . . drum-roll please . . .they were Christian! It was a hate-crime against Xtians, wasn't it, nothing to do with racism or anything like that. The confederacy wasn't about hating the blacks and wanting to continue treating them like animals, like property, noooooo, the confederates were simply 'Rebels' right?
The fact they were 'rebelling' against abolition of slavery is irrelevant. To you. It's all about how mother-fucking cool they were for being so god-damn rebellious!
Totally *not* about racism.
it is the handful of mentally deranged sodomites and their jewish and liberal western supporters who are the problem, spending their time doing everything they can to destroy the traditional values that made our civilisation great in the first place
You know what makes a civilization great? Being civilized. Treating human beings as equals. That is civilized.
You're just so full of bile and hatred you can't see the love and joy which comes from families who are supportive and nurturing and accepting of others who are supportive and nurturing. No, all you want to do is fill your world full of people you can hate, so you can hate them so hard and fill that empty void inside yourself.