Is my budget is enough to start own gambling site , exclude advertising.
How much time I need to spent on this?
Which features should I add in my gambling site? ( Games or etc.)
Anything Else or any suggestion.
( I don't have any knowledge but I want to invest my money somewhere which give me good profit or only profit)
Nothing good comes out of gambling, whether you are the creator of the site or a user. That being sad, the amount you have is only for the development or for the whole thing? You must find a trusted and skilled developer because If he is not, you will end up losing money in case someone find an exploit to your site. You will also need a lot of money otherwise how the site is going ton operate? I believe you are assuming that each user is going to deposit, you will gain a percentage from it while that's not the case. If someone deposit 1 BTC, he could come out with 3 BTC, where are the 2 BTC coming from? clearly they should be in your hot wallet. It requires a lot of money and effort honestly, I wouldn't suggest it regardless on how much you are willing to invest.
And I am sure in new site no one is going to deposit that much.
I am hiring developers personally for long term so I don't think any problem with security.