How are you defining "invested amount" here?
It seems very unlikely that anyone would have exactly 1000 BTC in their investment at any point in time other than immediately after investing it. I thought the 1k was invested before Jebbster's big loss, so shouldn't it have increased now? And if it was after, shouldn't it have decreased now?
The whole point of listing these amounts is to prove solvency.
Thought experiment:
What if I win 50% of your bankroll this week. if nobody divests or invests as a result, will you still list a bunch of invested amounts that add up to over 5k BTC? And if so, do you see how that doesn't prove solvency? Because I'll have withdrawn 2.5k and you'll only have 2.5k left in your cold wallet.
Invested means currently invested. The amount in question(the 1k btc one), he invested indeed before jebbsters' bust, and he DIVESTED exactly after his bust(and paid his 10% of net profit on the spot). However, after divesting, he reinvested 30mins later, not the whole amount, but again 1k coins(and withdrew his ~19 btc profit). When jebbster busted sites' profit was around 65 btc, whereas now that we took commission is around 48 btc, so he didnt pay anything(no new profits, his 2nd 1k btc investment is now at minus).
I hope that clears it up )
edit : on a side note i see your point. Maybe we could have among with the site invested an 'actual investors balance'? Im not quite sure how to present that though, im open to suggestions