I've updated the CK solo pool notification script with the following changes:
- When notified of changes (like a new block found or best share improvements) the hash rate stats of the affected monitored addresses is also reported. So if the club finds a block, the hash rates of all the monitored workers will be reported.
- If the --verbose option is on, the email text will be logged locally. This could be useful if the email can't be sent but an important event like a found block happened. In this situation, the email text could be pulled out of the log.
- Fixed some problems sorting mining addresses.
- Cleaned up the formatting of the email body text.
- Added an testing/developer option that allows the caller to pretend like a specified address found a block. Previously I had to hard code script globals to force block found testing.
Here's the github URL for anyone who's interested in playing with the script:
http://edonkeycoin.github.io/ckpoolnotify/I've tested the latest version with the current list of club workers, and it seems to work fine. I was a bit concerned that a large number of workers might make the command line too big, but it seems fine for now (on the Mac at least).
If you've followed the read me instructions and gotten your email credentials to work with a test email, then a command line like the following will monitor the list of known workers at this time (substitute your own email credentials, of course):
./ckPoolNotify.py --verbose --server "smtp.gmail.com:587" --user
[email protected] --users "1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX" --workers "1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.philipma1957sticks,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.edonkeystick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.VirosaGITSdonation,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.notlist3dstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.larry12stick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.larry12s5donation,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.vapourminerstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.fullzerostick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.Jake36stick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.TheRealStevestick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.alienesbstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.Chris_Sabianstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.Ecnadstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.bmoscatosticks,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.mikestangstick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.baktegonUnit01,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.slimepuppysticks,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.slimepuppydonation,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.peptostick,1JiWuyX94wrCr7JhkAn7x5qNMCEef1KhqX.kipper01"
At some point I'll support a config file to make it easier to manage a large list of workers.
If you're using the script and you want to update to a new version, all you have to do is stop the current script, replace it with the latest, then start it up again.
If you're on the Mac and you opted to set up the script as a daemon, then you'll have to unload and reload the daemon. Here's the basic command lines to use (replace the path to the new script before using):
# Copy the updated version over the old
sudo cp -rp ~/ckPoolNotify /Library/Application\ Support
# Unload and reload the daemon
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.edonkey.mining.ckpoolnotify.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.edonkey.mining.ckpoolnotify.plist
One odd thing I noticed while testing the latest is that none of the pool workers have a 7 day hash rate average. I don't know why this is. Maybe if there are any club members that have less than 7 days in, then none of the 7 day averages for the others get reported?
It might not matter if we rely on the 1 day average, or if we add a mechanism to remember a few days worth of hash rate (which Phil suggested).