Okay, so what I've decided to do since this is just a very basic platformer I'm building in Unity I will provide WIP screenshots and game footage for you guys to take a look at. While I'm happy with the way things are going I want to see if theres any direction I can take this in to increase the likelihood of sales and so on and I'm always happy to receive good critique from people who know what they're talking about. I think it's about time now that I'm moving onto animation and polishing the game I get some screenshots up and let people look the basic mechanics working
I want to stress, right now, I basically have a nearly working alpha of this game, the artwork isn't done, the green square you see is just a placeholder for the main character who will be a rabbit. The animations you might see a little bit of are just crappy placeholders to help me decide how I'm going to do everything.
Starting level
As you can see I have a very basic score system up which needs to be worked on, the score doesn't transition between levels and I don't have a score screen up yet which I will be putting in. Right now I just have carrots as placeholder art, but you'll be collecting all sorts of vegetables to increase your score as you progress.
Player death is in, you'll be having to dodge enemy stars, things will get a lot more difficult as you get through the levels
No falling endlessly of the screen, I have a basic box collider set up so if you try jumping off the world you'll die and if you jump off the platforms same thing
I have multiple checkpoints in which are all working fine, you just need to go through them and then it saves the player's location, be warned, going to previous checkpoints and going through them will set it to that location instead
Level loading is in and actually pretty damn easy to implement thanks to Unity, so now I will be able to give you guys lots and lots of levels easily, in this game you have to reach the moon and press "E" to get to the next level or finish.
Physics based traps! Again, another placeholder that I need to do the artwork for, this will probably be a little iceball or something so you'd better watch out for it.
Moving platforms are in, a little annoying to animate, but thanks to Unity it's a breeze to put them in once you do all the work, this game engine has really won me over.
Also note the snow particles in the background, will be seeing what I can do art wise to make things interesting for you all, maybe some animated backgrounds would be a good idea? This is why I'm looking for input.
Hope you enjoyed this selection of screenshots, when I get animation in and some basic sounds I'll be posting up a video of the gameplay and adding in way more levels. I also need to clean up some of the code and make movement smoother etc. once I do all that then I'll be posting another update, with some proper gameplay footage of course.
For people who may want to pay in Pounds, Dollars or Euros or use steam, I have bought steam greenlight, so I will be submitting the game to there if I get enough support. There will be no extra charge for new game content or updates and the game will be DRM free. So you'll be able to play entirely offline, once you buy the game you will own it, so long as you don't do it for profit, you can share it amongst friends or put it on a filesharing website, whatever, it's your copy.