
Topic: Silver Boar - Small Status Update - 27th September 2016 - page 4. (Read 67888 times)

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Here's some updates:

First, here are some photos with the Paua Shell setting having it's chain on

Here is a newer necklace made from an Iolite gemstone with the usual design

I'm planning on making a couple of necklaces next with an amber and garnet gemstone, they'll look like the Christmas presents I posted earlier.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Just for fun feel free to check out the little test product I've set up guys that will give you a basic idea of what I've got planned for digital products, there's the absolute minimum price I can afford to charge for the product etc. and then you can enter in whatever amount you like if you want to support me with more money when things finally get released simply because digital products completely vary in value to each person.

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Thanks to some helpful troubleshooting from the people at I now have the functionality in my store to do pay what you want ( or in this case Variable Price, vocabulary at it again in my life ) and it will be in no way different from other products beyond you needing to download it from your profile, I will be sure to add a tutorial for digital products as I have with physical products if you are new to buying things online with cryptocurrencies.

To be helpful I'm providing the same link they gave me so if any of you guys are using ubercart like I am and want people to pay a minimum price or more for products rather than a fixed price you can:
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Just bumping the thread to let you guys know about the new poll I've said up I'm getting through the manga in chunks now and adding colour as well as double checking everything and fixing up any problems I see and I want some proper feedback from the community on how they think digital products should be priced. I'm certainly veering towards the idea of releasing the manga as pay what you want and just letting people download it however they choose which would mean much more free advertising for me but I'm also not about to go and charge anything ridiculous like $30+ for 1 volume. I guess I'm just going to have to do with indie game developers have done and just throw it out as an experiment to see what happens.

Please vote in the poll as this data will actually help me make choices about the way I sell my products!

For those who don't know if I did pay what you want I would put the manga up on the main website for download and place a pay button and then you can enter in any amount you want to pay for the item rather than a fixed price, this will also tell me whether or not people would be willing to pay for the manga at all.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Here's some Christmas presents I made, two round settings, one set with a round amber cabochon and the other a round garnet cabochon.

Garnet Necklace

Amber Necklace

Amber and Garnet Necklaces photographed together

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
New setting ready! Getting back into the swing of things now I've sorted out all my website stuff, just need to put on the chain and it can be sent off like all the others if someone buys it.

This setting is a blue Paua Shell set in fine silver with a sterling silver jump ring soldered on as usual.

More to come! I'm thinking of maybe trying something a bit more complex or maybe doing some earrings next, I may post up some drawings actually and have a vote on which design you lot like the best.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000

The website domain as now transferred successfully Cheesy Feel free to browse through it and see if you can find anything broken but it looks like it all went through fine. is now my main domain, you can still use but it will eventually run out sometime at the beginning of next year, it's so nice to have competent people in charge of my website now, no more fucking around with web hosts for me.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I just thought I'd make a small announcement in case you all wonder why the URLs suddenly change, as some of you may have already known I have been recently having some stupid domain drama with synwebhost as they have been doing everything they can to mess me about and prevent me from transferring my domain name away from them. I will now be abandoning them entirely and I've signed up with a new much more reliable host who will take care of everything.

The services that are in place shouldn't really be affected by this change and the new website URL will be if all goes to plan, I will try my best to make sure any transfer hardly affects any visitors to the site.

Tip: I thought I'd post this as a warning to anyone else thinking about webhosts as well, never ever purchase from resellers and if you can't find out whether they are one or not avoid them like the plague, any problems they have will have to be fixed by another company you could sign up with instead or they won't know how to properly fix things etc. because they don't have direct access to all the hardware I know this now from my bad experience.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I am now about halfway through the short manga I have made ( currently fleshing out the characters and doing backgrounds now ) and I have decided that because I know nothing about pricing digital products I will be putting in a pay what you want system, you can download the volume, read it, completely unrestricted and store it wherever you like with no DRM. I will be placing a coinpayments button alongside it and you can choose whether or not to support the manga or not with any amount of coin. If I get enough support I will finish the series and I will be releasing a full and likely discounted pack ( similar to how steam do things ) but that will all depend on what kind of response I get while the manga is ongoing.

I have already posted the coins I accept on my home page but here they are for reference, alongside Bitcoin I am happy accepting high volume altcoins:

Bitcoin ( BTC) , Litecoin ( LTC ), Primecoin ( XPM ), Peercoin/PPCoin ( PPC ), Worldcoin ( WDC )

I will also be releasing my manga on Bittorrent in an effort to get some free advertising and spread it around for more people to read, I'm thinking of also uploading it on some of the free manga reading websites as well.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Prices have been updated to reflect the crazy volatility Bitcoin is experiencing lately, I'll keep an eye on things more and try to keep in tune with everything, necklaces are now 0.07BTC
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Hey guys, I'm currently making a short manga because I found my main manga is taking so long and I wanted to ask whether you thought 0.02BTC - 0.03BTC is too expensive as I still have no idea how to price digital products and this one will be going up a lot quicker than my other manga. It will be pretty short 8 - 22 pages or so depending on how well paced I think the story is but at least this way I can get a product up and you guys don't have to keep looking at boring blank pages every day.

Let me know what you think, I've put in a poll on the topic for you to vote on since I've seen a lot of people viewing this thread but not commenting.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I just need to finish updating my store again and now everything will be functioning better, I will also be adding the second necklace soon after I'm done setting the gemstone.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Just so you know guys I'm doing some updating on my website which is why the store has vanished, I'm going to make sure everything is working before I put it back up again because I think I messed up the setting up of the store the first time round, the chat room will be updated too.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Back and making progress again, I'm still working on those settings and I'm almost done with one, all that's needed now is a bit more tidying, polishing and then the stone being set, I will be putting up a Rose Quartz this time.

The price will be the same as the Carnelian Necklace, 0.5 BTC.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I now have a fairly functional store up and running and I take payments in currencies besides Bitcoin, I'm still figuring it out so things will change but the basic stuff is all there, there is even a so far spam free forum probably thanks to the spambot module I installed but it remains to be seen how long that will last.

Coins accepted with thanks to Coinpayments:

( I've removed all out of date information, please visit my main website for more up to date information as I won't always be updating this thread )

If you want to pay me with something else, contact me, if it is a high volume coin it should already be on their website, if you want to use escrow to make a purchase I have no problem with that but it will have to be done manually, for those who don't know them here is coinpayments' homepage .
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Winter must be coming back now, I suddenly got hyper today and went on a roll soldering together three settings and hammered them round, I still have the jump rings to do though. I'm also thinking at some point of trying out some more complicated designs now I'm getting more proficient at soldering but I really need some feedback. I also discovered that when it comes to taking good photographs you should never power your camera with shitty recyclable or 'eco' batteries, just go with the normal ones because they seem to be what was affecting the photo quality so now all the photos should be a lot clearer.

Gemstones Featured:

Sodalite Cabochon - NEW STOCK!

Blue Paua Shell Cabochon - NEW STOCK!

Rose Quartz Cabochon
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
I'm quite happy to announce that thanks to I will be accepting alternate currencies as well as Bitcoin, check out the store link on the website once I have stuff posted up,


( please see main website for up to date information )

If you would like to make purchases in other currencies that coinpayments supports please send me a message and I'll enable it, now I've got the store out of the way I'll be able to focus entirely on making products, there is also a forum section on the store if you'd like to register and use it. I'm still getting used to how everything works so be sure to email or message me if you spot anything wrong or have any issues.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
adflkadf kakdfd, sorry for the lack of updates lately guys, had to go and find AA batteries etc. for the camera but now everythings back to normal and I can keep posting my pieces up or in this case a gemstone in pieces Sad I came back after a lesson today and because I was tired and not paying attention to what I was doing I managed to drop the rectangular malachite causing it to chip, thankfully I think it isn't a big deal and I can still set it but I would never knowingly sell a damaged or chipped gemstone if I can help it to anyone, the same thing happened to two rose quartz. I'm going to have to be extra paranoid whenever I take out gemstones and handle them, this was an infuriating cock up.

chipped gemstone in question Sad :

It looks mostly ( >_< ) fine from the top though thankfully so it can still be used as an example of what I can do:

On brighter news though me and my teacher have almost finished getting the gemstone setting done and ready, we just need to put on a jump ring and file everything down etc.

Going to be posting more stuff and I will be increasing my stock.

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Good news guys, after experiencing some problems with a couple of tools and materials I got what I needed now and that means I should be able to make stuff as good as the Carnelian setting, I'm also going to be learning how to set a square/rectangle gemstone this week so that will mean I can increase the variety and designs of jewellery I make.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
Here's the Carnelian Setting which is now finished and up for sale I really need to just mess with the camera because now it's gone quite dark even though the photo quality is a bit better and I have no idea why.

It's up for sale the same price as the others, if you buy in alternative currencies that are worth something I'll cover the shipping costs myself:

0.5 BTC

15 LTC

1500 DGC

Since leaving it in my pocket while walking around is what managed to knock the gemstone out of it's setting last time I'll do that again with this one to make sure it's properly set so any potential buyers won't get an unpleasant surprise when it arrives.
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