
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 - page 14. (Read 17936 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
John Bolton Is Still Thinking About Rescuing the GOP in 2016
Big time neocon and walrus look alike

John Bolton, the former American ambassador to the United Nations, may run for president. Yes, yes, he said that in 2011, and he ended up taking a pass, endorsing Mitt Romney, and sticking with his busy life of columns, Fox News appearances, and legal work in Washington. This year might be different.

"I did look at running in 2011," Bolton said in an interview before heading to Iowa for Saturdays' Citizens United-sponsored Iowa Freedom Summit. "Whatever bright idea I had 2011, I waited too long. This year, I think the summer is the outer limit for everybody, and I’m in a different position from the typical candidate in that I don't have some elective office to tend to."

Some people run for president to build a brand. Bolton, who has never won elective office, has an astoundingly durable brand already. He was just on TV this week, several times, denouncing the president for delivering the State of the Union from a "dream world." He's advised Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who may run for president (and will be on the Freedom Summit rostrum) on foreign policy. Years removed from his job in the George W. Bush administration, he launched a PAC and Super PAC in 2013 and raised an aggregated $7.5 million for Republican hawks running for office, most of whom won. That was probably helped by the fitful presidential race speculation, and Bolton insists that he may run if other Republican contenders prove unserious about foreign policy. He wouldn't, for example, say that Mitt Romney's foreign policy views had been vindicated after 2012, and that he deserved another shot at the White House.

“I don’t see myself as fulfilling the function of S&P index for other candidates,” said Bolton. “I’m concerned overall with our foreign policy. It’s a question not of a couple of grafs in a stump speech, but of a much broader and focused debate on the big picture.”

A year ago, Bolton's 2016 ambitions seemed to grow out of the Rand Paul boomlet, when the inward-looking libertarian was being called a "frontrunner." With Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney getting serious about 2016, the foreign policy landscape has changed considerably.

“I don’t think the neo-isolationism represented by Rand Paul is anything like a significant factor in the GOP as a whole," said Bolton. "But if you don’t have a debate on it, candidates who advocate that line might be better than you expect, because they’re not exposed. If they have an attractive domestic policy, people might look past their foreign policy. I think defeating this virus is important.”

Would Bolton vote for Paul if he won the nomination? "Anybody who thinks Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is better than Obama's is dreaming. I’d grit my teeth and vote for Paul.”

Bolton's prepared remarks for Saturday's summit largely focus on foreign policy. In them he warns of Ebola as a "potential biological WMD," explaining that "Russian defectors have said it was part of Moscow’s biological weapons program." When he talks about the economy, it's in the context that "a strong economy depends on [a] strong international presence."

But when pressed on why he might not want to be president, or if there was anything he disliked about the idea, Bolton insisted that he would focus on more than foreign policy. "If I run it’ll be a 360 degree candidacy," he said. "If the press—you’ll forgive me—can say 'He’s a one issue candidate,' they can dismiss me."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rubio has a voting record that suggests that he's fiscally conservative on some things but when it comes to foreign policy, civil rights at home (he's pro-everything from expanded NSA spying on civilian powers to spending big on the DHS) and siding w/ the banksters and the other entrenched lobbies he's about as fascistic or pro-big government as they come. He's all for the status quo on Cuba which is where he picked his latest fight w/ Rand and this is where he's got his name out again. If all we're going to get out of the GOP primary is another Bush neocon type that wouldn't hesitate to get aggressive w/ Russia or up the ante in the middle east, then we're just gonna keep draining whatever is left of the economy by spending even more money abroad all the while there's been a growing entitlement class here at home that has been suffering from a shit job market and inflation.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!
Why do you think they're "neoconservatives"?

I haven't heard them preaching the need to go to war to spread America's democracy...but I haven't read everything about them. Are you assessing their political stance fairly? Are they just conservatives?

I think Rubio could be a great candidate. We need to do away with the dynasty shit...if your family member has already held the position of President your family shouldn't be given the honor twice. No Hillary, No Jeb...we need someone new.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1031
I hate Rubio the most out all these.

I don't know what to make of Rubio.  He seems pretty smart but I'll never forget that time he looked like a total blundering idiot on CNN.   I think it was right after the POTUS State of the Union address about a year or so ago and Rubio got picked to give the Republican response.  He was constantly nervously grabbing for this water bottle and made absolutely no sense.  It was like he just walked 10 miles in the desert and was then told to give an impromptu rebuttal to the President's speech.

I'm willing to listen to what he may say but for now he has a lot to prove.  He just doesn't seem like a POTUS.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
I hate Rubio the most out all these.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rubio Gets Ready

Sen. Marco Rubio has begun taking concrete steps toward launching a presidential bid, asking his top advisors to prepare for a campaign, signing on a leading Republican fundraiser, and planning extensive travel to early-voting states in the coming weeks, ABC News has learned.

"He has told us to proceed as if he is running for president," a senior Rubio advisor tells ABC News.

Marco Rubio Insists Jeb Bush Won't Affect His 2016 Timetable
Leading the effort to raise the $50 million or more he’ll need to run in the Republican primaries will be Anna Rogers, currently the finance director for American Crossroads, the conservative group started by Karl Rove that raised more than $200 million to help elect Republicans over the past two elections.

Rogers will begin working at Rubio’s political action committee on February 1 and would become the finance director of Rubio’s presidential campaign.

Rubio, 43, will gather on Friday and Saturday at the Delano Hotel in Miami with 300 supporters and major donors to his Reclaim America PAC to discuss his political future.

Aides expect Rubio will make a final decision in the comings weeks, but his schedule for the next month already looks more like the schedule of a presidential candidate than a senator.

ABC News has learned Rubio plans to skip all votes in the Senate next week and instead take a campaign fundraising swing through California with events in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Rancho Sante Fe and Costa Mesa. He also plans fundraising stops in Texas and Chicago.

Rubio has also scheduled a book tour that will take him to all the early primary states. A senior aide to the Florida senator tells ABC News Rubio’s book tour will include stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and Nevada. The first stop is tentatively scheduled for February 13 in Des Moines.

This neocon got elected to the US Senate from Florida back in the 2010 Tea Party wave. But actually where his allegiance lies is in a hawkish foreign policy rather than in the fiscal restraint of the federal government from top to bottom, like Rand Paul. The bottom line is, he's real close to Jeb Bush on policy and his financiers are nearly identical. Rubio outed himself as a fraud when he was elbow deep in the "Gang of 8's" move a few years ago to push for immigration reform (aka amnesty) w/o any pursuance of border tightening which pissed off conservatives from all stripes and proved the guy was just a chamber of commerce republican or worse, a water boy for them and their senior officials. Rubio is just filler material to place in the list of republicans running so they can saturate the debate stage and the media's reporting of the primary race of where the typical republican would stand on foreign policy along w/ Bush, Romney and the rest to make it look like Rand Paul is out of the GOP mainstream on this matter just like they did to his dad, Ron. More to come.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Will Common Core sink Bush?
This guy is frmr President George W. Bush's brother, fyi.
Jeb Bush’s Common Core problems may just be getting started.

Karl Rove has already said the former Florida governor’s support for the set of nationalized education standards will be his biggest challenge in seeking the GOP presidential nomination. His likely rival, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), has predicted it will doom Bush in the primaries.

That starts in Iowa and South Carolina, where conservatives there say backlash against Common Core has become the hot-button issue among grassroots voters in their states.
"It's huge,” said Sam Clovis, an influential conservative activist in Iowa. “I think it's a disqualifier…we have pretty strong feelings out here about life and marriage, and Common Core is right up there as an issue that really energizes the base.”

Luke Byars, a South Carolina GOP strategist, called Common Core a “hornet’s nest” and “the defining issue” of the state-level elections in 2014 in the Palmetto State, predicting it will “boil over” into 2016.


There's also Mitt Romney trying for round 3 but more on that later.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Lindsey Graham 'definitely' considering 2016 bid

As you'll see, this guy is a neoconservative republican Senator from South Carolina and is the wingman of John McCain, another neocon Senator from Arizona. Both have been for the US funding and training so-called Syrian rebels that eventually aid ISIS in their pursuit of terrorism. Frankly, he/they are both big time interventionists in the vein of Bush et al that the world has come to hate America for. I doubt he's even serious about becoming President, only crowding the debate stages w/ more neocon interventionist rhetoric trying to reclaim the GOP to full blown war hawking and minimizing the likes of Rand Paul.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said he was seriously considering a White House bid in 2016.

"I am definitely going to look at it," Graham said on Meet the Press.

Graham said he had established a "testing the waters" committee to probe his viability in a GOP primary. The revelation comes after Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush have in recent weeks aggresively maneuvered their way into the race.

He just started one of those preliminary presidential PACs to raise money and travel to test the waters. Saw it reported on Fox today.

BTW, this will be a running thread showing BTC interested Americans and foreigners what's going on and leading into the presidential primaries of both parties heading into 2016. This will skew on the republican side as there's a current democrat president and currently a nominee in waiting in the form of Hillary Clinton, but I'll showcase the left side to as it heats up.
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