
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 - page 3. (Read 17936 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Longtime Jeb Bush Adviser Ends Up Next to Rand Paul on a Plane

June 12, 2015 A Friday morning flight from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles got a bit awkward when Republican campaign veteran and Jeb Bush adviser Mike Murphy found himself seated next to presidential candidate Rand Paul. Murphy tweeted the details from his account, @murphymike.

Read Murphy's tweets below: 

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Steve Lonegan to head up Cruz presidential campaign in New Jersey

Former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan, a conservative activist who ran unsuccessfully for governor, House and Senate, will be New Jersey chairman of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign.

In a news release, Cruz called Lonegan “a tireless advocate for taxpayers” and said he knows New Jersey politics.
Lonegan, a former state director for Americans for Prosperity, said his duties include raising money and putting together a slate of delegates who would run in the 2016 primary pledged to Cruz. He praised Cruz’s unsuccessful effort to force a repeal of the health insurance law commonly called Obamacare through a partial shutdown of the federal government in October 2013, even though Lonegan believes the shutdown hurt Lonegan’s campaign against Democrat Cory Booker in a special election for U.S. Senate that month.

“I’m probably the biggest fatality of that shutdown,” Lonegan said. “I’m not going to say that if it was not for the shutdown, I would have beaten Booker, but at a minimum I would have done much better.”

Nevertheless, he said it was “imperative to have a president who fully understands the Constitution and will fight hard for it even when it may not be the most popular thing.”

The Pauls really helped this guy in his races so my guess is that this defection to Cruz is gonna seal his fate going forward. Cruz is the foil in the grassroots movement to stir people away from Rand and the true anti-establishment message.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Why Slavery Is Here to Stay

The next presidential farce (er, race) is already starting to heat up, and it promises to be great entertainment. I admit it, I absolutely love good theater. The presidential campaigns are reality TV at its best — a year-and-a-half of nonstop lies, gaffes, chest-pounding, and some of the best slapstick comedy America has to offer.

Granted, it also can become boring, because we’ve heard all the lines so many times before. For example, it’s 100 percent guaranteed that every troglodyte who seeks the dictator’s job will, with a straight face, promise to “stimulate the economy,” “create jobs,” “level the playing field,” and initiate both “immigration reform” and “tax reform.”

We also know that there will be nary a mention of shrimp on treadmills nor the all-important question of why lesbians tend to be obese. No sir, none of the new crop of power seekers will so much as hint at wasting your money.

Of course, neither will they be specific when they promise to cut rat-hole programs from the budget. As always, the entire eighteen-month production will be all about hyperbole and vagueness. Substance, as always, will be missing in action.

But the most certain thing of all is that not one of the candidates will pledge to end slavery, because an end to slavery, by definition, would mean an end to government, which in turn would mean an end to the criminal class’s power over others and its unfettered access to your money.

What makes slavery possible is legislation, which legalizes organized violence. It therefore follows that the conditions of people can improve only through the abolition of laws that promote organized violence.

Which reminds me of what Lyoff Tolstoy, the great Russian novelist, had to say about the abolition of government. Tolstoy put a lot of thought into how this most evil of all of mankind’s inventions could be eradicated from the face of the earth.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Walker Comes Out in Favor of Obamatrade as well

Despite staying largely silent on the issue—he’s quietly supported it for weeks, but hasn’t said anything at all in quite a long time—Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker crossed most conservatives by coming out in support of Obamatrade on Thursday evening in an interview with Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin.

Walker, Bloomberg’s Halperin and John McCormick wrote, “expressed agreement with President Barack Obama on the pressing issue of fast-track trade legislation.”

“Walker said he supports giving Obama the authority to submit trade agreements to Congress for an expedited, up-or-down vote without amendments,” they wrote, before quoting Walker himself.

“If we don’t go down this path, we’re going to be at a competitive disadvantage, and so I think it just makes sense,” Walker said.

“At the same time, like many Republicans who support granting the trade authority recent past presidents have had, Walker said the deal would allow the Republican-controlled Congress to review Obama’s actions,” the Bloomberg reporters wrote.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox News Expands Debates with Forum for Second-Tier GOP Presidential Candidates

After the New Hampshire Union-Leader announced that it would host a debate for the Republican presidential candidates who would likely be left out of Fox News' GOP presidential debate on August 6, Fox News announced that it would host an additional junior varsity debate for second-tier candidates who fail to qualify for the network's prime time debate.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sanders floats top tax rate of over 50 percent

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential candidate, says he would support raising the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans to over 50 percent.

"We're working right now on a comprehensive tax package, which I suspect will, for the top marginal rates, go over 50 percent," Sanders said on PBS's "Charlie Rose" program. The current top rate is 39.6 percent.

The self-described democratic socialist said he is running on a platform of "redistribution of wealth," citing "grotesque levels of wealth inequality in this country."
"It is time to redistribute money back to the working families of this country from the top one-tenth of 1 percent, and tax policy is one of the ways we do that," Sanders told Bloomberg's Al Hunt on the show.

Sanders also said he would raise the corporate tax rate, the highest in the developed world, even as the White House and many Republicans push to lower it. Sanders also said he wanted to close loopholes.

"If you look at the collective percentage of revenue coming in from corporations today, it is significantly lower than it was back in the 1950s," he said. "I think it's about 10 percent today."

The Vermont senator is one of three declared Democratic challengers to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has led by at least 40 percentage points in most recent polls for her party's presidential nomination.


This socialist running against Hillary in the democratic primary is looking to tap the wealthy at circa 50% but what the drones that support him don't get is that these wealthy types are business owners and can easily go elsewhere or retire atm thus jobs either won't be created or will be destroyed by this idiotic policy.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz poopstorm on Free Republic over the Trans Pacific Partnership aka Obamatrade (TPP)

From the comment section

Cruz just lost me!

2 posted on 6/11/2015, 9:26:36 PM by Mollypitcher1 (I have not yet begun to fight....John Paul Jones)
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He is doing the RINO rounds.

I'm betting he won't go near Mark Levin right now.

Levin would give him Hell over giving more power to Obama.

7 posted on 6/11/2015, 9:31:05 PM by P-Marlowe (Saying that ISIL is not Islamic is like saying Obama is not an Idiot.)
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Cruz is busy going DC bush.... No other way to hope to win the nomination.

11 posted on 6/11/2015, 9:33:37 PM by Paladin2 (Ive given up on aphostrophys and spell chek on my current device...)

I’ve been a Cruz guy, have Cruz sticker on my car, on my shoppe window, on my wife’s car, and mention my enthusiasm for him on my FR profile page. But this is big and this is upsetting. Jeff Sessions is the worst public speaker in the Senate but he is sincere on this and Cruz appears too flippant. Cruz should look hard before he leaps again on this issue.

When Cruz votes for this abolish-the-borders bill, he loses me.

20 posted on 6/11/2015, 9:39:08 PM by Arthur McGowan
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For those that don't know, FR is Cruz country or those that fancy themselves as constitutional conservatives and are hoping to 'save' the country. These same people have Rand on their radar as a 2nd choice and as Cruz unveils himself as a fraud, my hope is that they'll gravitate towards us.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz Throws Himself a Pity Party

Running for President is, apparently, a miserable experience. And if Ted Cruz has to suffer, he thinks his supporters should, too.

In a strange fundraising solicitation sent out by email Wednesday night, the Republican senator from Texas enumerated all the terrible things that go along with seeking the highest office in the land, as part of a pitch to get “courageous conservatives” to “make tough sacrifices” – basically, sending him money.

“You see, running for President of the United States is a significant sacrifice,” Cruz writes. “Only through prayer and many late night discussions with my wife, family, and closest friends did I make THE decision.”

Then, he goes into specific details about just how difficult his life has become since he decided to declare his candidacy. It’s really worth quoting in full, but first: cue the violin, and pass the Kleenex.

Time with my family “Spending almost every day on the campaign trail or fighting on the Senate floor means precious little time spent with my wife, Heidi, and my daughters -- the very family that gives me the motivation and drive to fight.”

Health and sleep: “My runoff campaign for the Senate in 2012 took a toll, but now I'm sacrificing even more sleep with long nights and constant travel. And the pizza diet is a staple on the campaign trail.”

Finances: “The cost of campaigning back and forth across the country for president is increasingly expensive, but Heidi and I are willing to invest our livelihoods into this sacrifice.

Personal time: “You think of this the least, but as a candidate, my days are no longer my own. Days start before dawn and many times don't end until early the next morning. There is almost no personal time when you run for president.”

“I've chosen to sacrifice part of mine and my families (sic) lives to run for President -- but I think you will agree with me that the sacrifice is well worth it.”

Cruz, currently scuffling along in the second tier of Republican candidates, added a note of urgency to the appeal, because candidates are reaching the end of the second quarter reporting period and want to show the best fundraising numbers they can to create a sense of momentum. “Time is critical,” he writes.

The message id signed “For liberty, Ted Cruz” but it doesn’t end there.

Apparently concerned that he hadn’t stressed just how much he is giving up to run for president, Cruz throws in a post-script: “I’ve chosen to make some steep, necessary sacrifices in our fight to restore America. Will you join me with your gift of $250 or $100? OR if $35 or $10 is a stretch gift for you, I will be grateful for every dollar you can sacrifice and will ensure it is faithfully used.”

Maybe on a new consultant to review email fundraising letters…
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Iowa GOP officially cancels straw poll

The Iowa straw poll, a political jamboree that has been fixture in the Republican presidential nominating process for nearly four decades but has come under criticism in recent years, was officially cancelled Friday by state GOP leaders in a unanimous vote.

In a conference call Friday morning, members of the Iowa Republican Party's state central committee decided not to move forward with the event this summer, calling their decision an important step toward strengthening the Hawkeye State's first-in-the-nation standing in the nomination process.

“I've said since December that we would only hold a straw poll if the candidates wanted one, and this year that is just not the case," said Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann."...This step, while extremely distasteful for those of us who love the Straw Poll, is necessary to strengthen our First in the Nation status and ensure our future nominee has the best chance possible to take back the White House in 2016."

The straw poll is an Iowa political tradition that dates back to 1979 and serves two basic purposes: raising money for the Iowa GOP and showcasing the presidential candidates and their relative strengths months ahead of the state's first-in-the-nation caucuses.

But the summertime event has faced an existential crisis since the last time it was held, as Republican strategists and officials have questioned its utility in predicting how hopefuls will fare in Iowa and whether it's a worthwhile investment of candidate time and money. In 2011, then-congresswoman Michele Bachmann won the straw poll; she went on to finish last in the 2012 caucuses.

It had also become expensive to compete in the poll. Candidates have had to pay for plum spots at the event, which has been likened to a county fair or a carnival. Hopefuls had to shell out big bucks to transport supporters and pay for food.

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) has been one the poll's most prominent critics, once saying the gathering had "outlived its usefulness." The emerging crop of White House hopefuls also showed little interest in the event.

While representatives for seven candidates and probable contenders dropped by a straw poll planning session last month, no one from the top-tier campaigns was there.

Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee -- who won the 2008 Iowa caucuses -- were opting out. Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) had signaled that he would not participate. And Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, seen as an early front-runner in Iowa, had been non-committal.

Even as the effort to undermine the straw poll picked up steam, many Republicans rallied to try to save the event. In May, 156 state Republican activists took to the pages of the Des Moines Register with an op-ed urging candidates to participate.

And in January, the state GOP central committee voted 16 to 0 to begin planning a straw poll. This year's version had been slated to take place in Boone instead of Ames, where it has been held in past years.

They don't want Rand's supporters showing up en masse and winning this thing in a landslide. Keeping Rand from gaining traction is goal number one for establishment party officials all over the country as well as the mainstream media.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Poll: Jeb Bush now at 21 percent in New Hampshire, ahead of the field by eight points

A leftover from yesterday via Howie Carr and Gravis Marketing. We all knew the great sighing falling-in-line for Bush 8.0 would come eventually. We just didn’t know it would happen this soon.

Nah, I’m just kidding. This is an outlier. Isn’t it?

Carly Fiorina ahead of Chris Christie and Ted Cruz in New Hampshire? C’mon, I … can totally believe that, actually, given the state’s fondness for outsiders and “mavericks.” In fact, for a supposed outlier, the only number in this poll that’s strikingly out of sync with other recent polls of New Hampshire is Jeb’s. He’s fully 10 points higher than he was in Bloomberg’s poll of the state last month. Maybe not coincidentally, the other noticeable gainer is Donald Trump, who was at five points two months ago in a WMUR poll, then at eight points in Bloomberg’s poll in May, and now at 12 points, good for fourth place right behind Scott Walker and Rand Paul. What Jeb and Trump have in common is brand-name recognition: It may be that some New Hampshire Republicans are finally just tuning into the race, are barely familiar with any of the candidates, and are seizing on the names they know when pollsters dial them up to ask who they’re supporting. That’s the only theory I can come up with (apart from the outlier theory) to explain how a guy like Bush, who’s run a dismal non-campaign for the past six months, might be seeing his support in New Hampshire grow regardless.

Speaking of which, riddle me this: What problem with Jeb’s campaign was yesterday’s shake-up at the top supposed to address? As far as I can tell, there’s no problem with the Bush 2016 effort writ large. They’re raising truckloads of cash, they’re touring the early states, they’re doing plenty of interviews, etc. The problem with Bush 2016 is Bush. How does a new campaign manager solve that? Or is this a case, as in sports, where you can’t fire the players when they underperform so you’re forced to fire the manager instead?

Bush enjoying the Romney lead in NH of 2012 by the establishment types according to this poll.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Bachelor Lindsey Graham promises a 'rotating first lady'

Unmarried creep Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham says that if he becomes president, he will have a “rotating first lady.”

“Well, I’ve got a sister. She could play that role if necessary,” Shocked the 59-year-old South Carolinian presidential hopeful told Daily Mail Online in an interview published Tuesday. “I’ve got a lot of friends. We’ll have a rotating first lady,” he added.

His sister, Darline Graham Nordone, resides in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters from previous marriages, suggesting that she would not be able to be in Washington all the time.


Neocon dude has a problem if he can't nail down another broad being a senior US Senator unless he's putts from the rough. Many of us have long thought this about this warmongering dipshit, nothing against respectable alternative lifers that aren't prone to promoting violence.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Politico: Jeb Bush shakes up his campaign team

He announced that Danny Diaz, a 39-year-old consultant known for his aggressive style, would serve as his campaign manager.

Struggling to establish his own brand and regain his footing in the early voting states where he lost ground, Jeb Bush shuffled his political team Monday just one week ahead of his expected official campaign announcement.

The former Florida Republican governor announced that Danny Diaz, a 39-year-old consultant known for his aggressive style, would serve as his campaign manager in place of Dave Kochel, an operative with deep experience in Iowa politics who had been brought aboard earlier this year and was widely expected to serve as in that capacity.

The surprise move came after several tumultuous weeks for Bush and amid recent polling that suggesting his standing has fallen both in national polls and in the key early state of Iowa.
Bush’s campaign-in-waiting said Monday that while Diaz would handle the campaign’s day-to-day operations, Kochel would “build and oversee a political operation to achieve success in the early states and beyond.”

One person briefed on the moves, revealed as Bush flew to Europe, said the final decision rested with Bush’s top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, who had watched with dismay as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker appeared to run without the stumbles that plagued the two-term Republican governor.
“Sally and company felt like they were losing the media battle to Walker and Rubio. Last week this decision was made,” the source said. “Kochel found out last week.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Those Pumping Rubio, Crying Victim Over Crony Capitalism/Fiscal Irresponsibility News

It looks like they're going to try and spin this to favor Rubio as a "victim" of NY Times reporting.

To sum it up, it appears Rubio got "favors" (money) for promises he made to businesses into his various PAC funds, but used those monies to "live a life beyond his means". Yet, he reported having a low net worth to appear poor.

You really have to read all the info, just to see how corrupt Rubio is. This info also kept Romney from choosing him as a VP in 2012.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chafee: Let’s Go Metric, Bring Snowden Home

Ban capital punishment, halt drone strikes and bring home Edward Snowden.

These are a few of the radical proposals unveiled by Lincoln Chafee in his low-key, no-frills presidential campaign announcement Wednesday evening.

Standing before a bland white wall in front of a sparse audience at a George Mason University venue in Arlington, Virginia, Chafee – the former Republican U.S. senator turned independent Rhode Island governor – became the fourth official Democratic candidate for the White House in 2016.

Chafee delivered on his promise of bold, different ideas, which explains why he may be the biggest long shot in this cycle's sprawling field of candidates.

His most unique proposition: Transferring the United States to the metric system.

"Here's a bold embrace of internationalism: Let's join the rest of the world and go metric. Only Myanmar, Liberia and the United States aren't metric and it will help our economy," Chafee said. "It doesn't take long before 34 degrees is hot."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
One voter shows up at Santorum event in Iowa

At first, one was the loneliest number for Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Monday.

Just one Iowan showed up at 2 p.m. campaign stop Monday at a restaurant in the unincorporated community of Hamlin, population 300, according to a report from The Des Moines Register — Peggy Toft, an insurance agent who chairs the county’s Republican Party.

“We didn’t have a lot of notice that he was going to be there,” Toft said in a telephone interview with POLITICO, explaining the low turnout.

But even she would not endorse Santorum outright.

The Audubon County Republican chair said that she is “leaning” toward supporting Santorum but has not yet made a decision about whom she would support in the caucus.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Bachelor Lindsey Graham promises a 'rotating first lady'

“Well, I’ve got a sister. She could play that role if necessary,” the 59-year-old South Carolinian presidential hopeful told Daily Mail Online in an interview published Tuesday. “I’ve got a lot of friends. We’ll have a rotating first lady,” he added.

His sister, Darline Graham Nordone, resides in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters from previous marriages, suggesting that she would not be able to be in Washington all the time.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
In Raleigh (NC), Donald Trump all but announces presidential bid

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump all but confirmed he’ll run for the Republican presidential nomination during a stop Saturday at the N.C. GOP convention.

Trump says he’ll make his formal announcement on June 16. “I think a lot of people are going to be very happy” with the decision, Trump told The News & Observer before a sold-out speech Saturday night. “They’re tired of watching America go down. ... It’s about making America great again. I can do it, and nobody else can do it.”

He made a point of using the phrase “if I run” in his speech but voiced frustration with a disclaimer: “June 16, will you come, please, fast – I’m so tired of saying that.”

Trump referred to the constantly growing field of Republican candidates as “clowns,” and said former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio have already made major gaffes.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ralph Nader (standard Green Party Candidate): Hillary Tried To Overcompensate For Gender With Shocking Militarism

Former Green Party and independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader labeled 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a “deep corporatist and a deep militarist” who has made peace with the nation’s power structure.

“I think Hillary is not the Hillary of when she was 30 years old. She made peace with the power structure and she is a deep corporatist and a deep militarist. One can almost forgive the corporatism. She moved to New York with Bill because that’s where the power is and Wall Street but her militarism is absolutely shocking,” he said during a discussion about his new book, Return to Sender, which focuses on unanswered letters Nader wrote to U.S. presidents about an array of issues.

Nader cited the war in Libya during President Obama’s first term to support his position on Clinton.

“She almost singlehandedly did the Libyan war. The Defense Department was against it, [Secretary Robert] Gates, and she persuaded the White House that it was an easy topple without knowing that in a tribal society with nothing to replace it you would have a civil war, sectarian killings spilling into Africa, weapons everywhere, Mali, central Africa and she’s being accused of Benghazi – the big thing is the huge amount of geography that has been destabilized because of the Libyan overthrow,” he added.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chris Christie would crack down on legalized marijuana as president

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says that if he were president, recreational marijuana would be outlawed — even in the states that have voted to legalize it.

In an interview outside a New Hampshire drug treatment center that aired on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, Christie said he would enforce federal drug laws in Colorado and Washington.

“Yes, sir,” Christie said when asked whether he’d “go after” recreational marijuana users in those states. “I think there are a lot of people in Colorado who are not too thrilled with what’s going on there.”

When it comes to weed, Christie is the most outspoken of any of the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls. In a radio interview last year, Christie vowed recreational marijuana would never be legal in New Jersey “as long as I’m governor.”

“For the people who are enamored with the idea with the income, the tax revenue from this, go to Colorado and see if you want to live there,” he said. “See if you want to live in a major city in Colorado where there’s head shops popping up on every corner and people flying into your airport just to come and get high. To me, it’s just not the quality of life we want to have here in the state of New Jersey, and there’s no tax revenue that’s worth that.”

But Christie also admits the war on drugs has been a failure.

“We can no longer incarcerate our way out of this problem,” he said. “This is a disease, and every life is precious. We need to have the ability to give people the tools to deal with the disease. No other disease do we say to folks, ‘No, no, no. You don’t deserve treatment.’”


Stupid thing to say considering this won't stake him out new territory in the primary but then he says the war on drugs has been a failure - I don't get it.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GE Aviation Presses Kasich as Ex-Im Becomes Republican Test

The Cincinnati-based operating unit of General Electric Co. employs more than 9,000 people in Ohio, spends $1.2 billion a year with state suppliers and garners almost 60 percent of its revenue from international sales supported by the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Yet Kasich, who’s considering a Republican presidential run, opposes the agency as “corporate welfare.”

GE Aviation contacted Kasich twice during the past 10 months seeking an endorsement of the bank, spokesman Rick Kennedy said. After the governor spoke against it last month, two company executives held a conference call with members of his staff and his development agency to express their surprise and to “educate.”

Congress faces a June 30 deadline to reauthorize the 81-year-old bank, which helps foreign companies buy U.S. goods with taxpayer-backed loans and which was routinely renewed in the past. Republican candidates now face a choice of whom to anger: business allies who say killing the agency would hurt exports and jobs or ideologically driven Tea Party voters who deride “crony capitalism.”

“This issue has become politicized to the point where the facts are sacrificed,” David Joyce, chief executive officer of GE Aviation, wrote last month in the Cincinnati Enquirer.

When Kasich was in Congress, he voted to reauthorize the bank. That was before the need to fix a broken system and give companies a better opportunity to compete, Kasich said. Opponents say the bank uses taxpayer-backed assistance to disproportionately benefit large corporations and that it interferes with the free market.

“Any time anybody has a subsidy, they want to keep it,” Kasich said in an interview. “I love GE, they’ve been great in Ohio, but I think they can figure their way around this.”

The only Republican candidates who have publicly supported the bank are Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. Graham has highlighted the bank’s impact on Boeing Co., which builds the 787 Dreamliner in North Charleston and is its largest beneficiary. Santorum, who has made restoring manufacturing a focus, says the institution is critical.

Among Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley support reauthorization. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont opposes “rewarding companies that are outsourcing jobs overseas,” spokesman Warren Gunnels said.

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