the legal system works to favor those who are involved with government. those who are not get treated differently, so i'm pretty sure our legal system is flawed.
No question about that. My Father in law is an attorney and would say the same. He had a client earlier in his career that was executed this year. He said that the funds he received for preparing the defense for this client were nowhere near what he needed to compete with the incredible amount the state spent to make sure they could kill him.
what bothers me is the people who molest kids, drive intoxicated and kill people, and do other shit.. get away scott free because they have money. meanwhile, someone who sells weed in some southern state gets the death penalty.. because he was poor and there are evil people out there.
meanwhile, we have the gangsters in our government saying "you should abide by the law, it is supreme.. come back to the U.S. so we can torture you."
Innocent until proven indigent is the de facto law of the land in the US. So much for the land of the free.