More like your posting is stupid. A lot of people don't save enough, it's hard to know what is enough. SS is not just retirement anyway, I received it until I turned 18. Hopefully it was the money that came out of your check.
Would you be so proud had the money to raise you come from muggings?
I used to for college and a new car, but not sure what anything has to do with muggings... SS is about distributing money to people who cannot earn it themselves. If you don't like it, you can always move to some crap hole country that doesn't mind if you starve or go homeless.
I'm sorry, let me rephrase. Would you be so proud, had the money you used to go to college and buy a new car had come from muggings?
Oh, and to explain what SSI has to do with mugging, think about where the money comes from. If it is not OK to use a gun to take money from people, why is it OK to use a politician? And if it is OK to use a politician to take money from people, why is it not OK to use a gun?
Tired old argument that doesn't really hold up. Like someone else said, go somewhere else then. Somalia awaits. And don't let the back door hit you on the way out. Need help? Maybe you could solicit some donations here to help you get some coach airfare to Somalia.