I don't think if you look in North Korea, Russia, or China or any other socialist paradise that you will find an EPA, child labor laws, or OSHA.
You will find how if you as a citizen of those places complain of any poor or lacking treatment, will find yourself in deep shit if you ever ask for such protections though. You might be lucky to survive to make it to a Gulag, where labor laws are.... well you work until you are dead. Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn wrote extensively on that subject being one of the few survivors of that treatment.
if your definition of socialism is a dictatorship then of course your right. But things tend to be a bit more complicated.
Perhaps you missed it, but my very first statement on the post above was that for Capitalism to work there has to be morality, and charity. The child labor was of course brutal. The socialist system is even more so. And 19th century Europe was by no means the highest form of the free market.
Look at the achievements of the respective systems, and you will find all the major advancements happening in capitalistic systems, while socialism produced,,, what,,, the AK-47? Lake Karachay? Yamantau Mountain?
What you call morality and charity is what i call socialism. To much of morality and charity is bad. To few is bad too.
19 century was a paradise for capitalism because very few rules was preventing you to do anything you want. At that time working 18 hours a day was normal and working 16h was charity.
Those too words you used remind me of a movie ( agora i think ) about the birth of cristianism. Where in a cast sociaty some stranges guys start to claim that it is good to share with the poor and (worst) that all men are equals in front of god. What a revolution! This idea of equality and sharing that you would call morality and charity, really looks like early socialism to me.
Capitalism has nothing to do with sharing or men equality. Capitalism has to do with turning 2 into 4. It is indeed a good idea but not at all price.
At some point China is much more capitalist than the USA which is the thing i found hilarious given the state of mind and the examples here...
Socialism as loads of meanings. I do not think that socialism = "communist" dictatorship but again if you prefer call it morality and charity.
As an exemple in france socialism manage to get workers Holliday, limiting work-hours, man/women equality, recently gay mariage ...
Europe is NOT an example of a sustainable form of Capitalism/socialism. It IS failing.
Capitalism does require -some- regulation, but too much and you kill the golden egg laying goose.
And EQUALITY OF OUTCOME is not a desirable goal. Only in OPPORTUNITY, requiring incentive and motive, as outlined in the Declaration and Constitution in protecting individual rights over group rights. Forced charity is not charity, but force.
There is a myth among many that seem to think that the growing inequality between classes is the fault of the far right and extreme capitalism, when in fact it is the left or socialistic policies and 'crony capitalism' that increase that gap by obstructing class mobility; RESULTING IN REDUCED "CLASS MOBILITY". For example, raise taxes on the rich and what happens? The rich pay tax attorneys who get them a lower end tax rate than the low class, or no taxes at all, while the middle class ends up with a higher obstacle to succeed and gain wealth by paying proportionally a much higher burden because we all can't afford a tax attorney. Thus moving from middle to upper class is obstructed by socialistic good intentions.
THat is the key to maximizing personal liberty, respecting personal property, and reducing the gap between the upper and lower class; TO INCREASE CLASS MOBILITY as a goal, or the ability to move up in class,,,OR DOWN,,, if you fail, as ENRON did, GM did, and the huge bailout "stimulus" at the end of the Bush administration to save banks who were "too big to fail". THAT was Bush's major failure; he should have let them fail, and broken them up like the baby Bells. THAT is why we have had an anemic economic recovery, with high unemployment, poor workforce participation and the highest number of people on welfare and food stamps ever.
Nothing or nobody is 'too big to fail' or you risk not having any risk in business which defines success for the majority.
It is all about "CLASS MOBILITY". To deny that is to deny human nature in working in self interest; a mistake the Soviets made when they tried to create the "New Soviet Man" who would have no self interest, but only act in the interest of the collective.