Is not about what kind of government, but what kind of people are in charge: till they are selfish, greedy and dishonest, no government can succeed.
This is precisely what kind of government, libertarian does not believe that it is possible to have a governement not selfish, greedy, and dishonest, this is why we believe minimal power into their hands is better.
Thats incredibly bleak outlook. Thats why you have checks and balances. Thats why you have good regulations. Thats why you have legal framework
The paraadox of your statement is that if these selfish, dishonest people arent in the public sector then theyd just be in the private sector. Libertarianism is not the solution for bad people problem. Rules are the solution
The law can't be better than the people that decides them... and they are selfish, greedy, and dishonest. (In france, it is almost comical)
Law is built up over generations. You have democracy in France? If you think you have the solution then you can get the people to vote you in to office
Even if you want to reduce govt you have to do that
The political leaders manipulate the media to present only left and right, "a choice" that only represent Statism. I have no choice to make, I don't approve their stupidity, and my time is better spent creating software than fighting over them.
US is funnier, the media (see youtube link I gave some post ago) purposefully ignored Ron Paul even when he got better votes than democrats or republicans.
Anyway, it is not in my pocket they are stealing because I am smart enough to evade all of that legally, and I don't want to fight for others pockets.
I am in a country where most of the people hate our government, they complain but don't understand they are the one that are feeding the beast.
Libertarian ? They have no idea about what it means since they never have seen anything else than statism since they are born.
The only thing that I fear is that all the money often does'nt go in the right pocket for a right purpose, and the world might can degenerate quickly when a very bad person comes to the head, as history have already shown us.
We don't need a libertarian government to live as a libertarian, just to think more carefully how to flow our wealth.