Guys i can turn on a computer and look up porn that is about it.
Sounds like you represent the majority of mankind. How about using different computers for porn and money?
When it comes to computers yes I represent represent the majority, and the minority in almost every other aspect of life. Your solution of keeping two computers is such a tech guy answer. Every time I deal with tech guys I tell them what I want to do and they tell me why it cant happen. Like I want 2 cell phones with the same number and the guys at best buy just want to tell me why it cant happen.
Your solution and the typical answers around here are always such bullshit. I say what I want and you tell me that i need to have 2 separate computers. That is not an acceptable answer. It is always that i should switch around my behavior to accommodate the system.
I dont know if you get my point? but like when my customers tell me what they want i ask how can I accommodate. When i ask tech guys can i do this or that it is always that I need to accommodate them or I need to change my behavior. Have you guys never heard the customer is always right? i swear I dont think that guys in the tech field get that concept.
I dont want to hear why it cant happen. In my business i say how can it happen or how can I satisfy this person. When it comes tech shit is always you cant get what you want and you need to change your wants or behavior.
It wouldnt be hard to fix this problem. PP doesn't let me send if it is not from my IP address. They say hold on this is not normal what is going on? Blockchain can do the same thing. I have never logged in from a different IP address yet some hacker half way around the world I am sure logs in and there is no questions asked.
It isnt how can we change to fix the problems or how can we give the customer what they want it is always you need to know more or do more.
Oh all i need to do is go get a second computer? Is that all? Get real.
I know i am being a bit of a dick here, but every time I see someone getting robbed it is their fault. There is nothing wrong with the system no changes need to be implemented there is nothing to fix because the problem isnt the way that it works but my ignorance or my behavior.