
Topic: [SPA] SPARTA – A Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency. Simple. Fast. Reliable. (Read 3424 times)

Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Mnemonic Phrase is Safer Than the Most Complicated Passwords!
A mnemonic phrase will secure your SPARTA wallet against attacks. It's a lot safer than the most complicated password even if the latter is combined with additional protection measures: 2FA, SMS code, e-mail verification, etc. A mnemonic phrase is generated within the SPARTA network as a set of random English words.
What are the advantages of a mnemonic phrase?
  • A mnemonic phrase is not linked to your e-mail unlike your account on a cryptocurrency exchange, for instance. It's a huge advantage. Statistically, 93% of account attacks on exchanges are directly related to attacks e-mails these accounts are linked to. In other words, a hacker first attacks your e-mail (which is not so hard for them) and then pulls off recovery of an allegedly forgotten password for your account on an exchange. As a result, they can access your account freely and take possession of all your hard-earned money.
  • A mnemonic phrase does not requires use of additional protection services and methods which is also a huge advantage even though it might seem counterintuitive at first sight. It would seem additional protection couldn't be a threat to safety. Surprisingly, it can since any security service has its vulnerabilities. For instance, you might use two factor authentication via your mobile phone to access your account and rest assured thieves could never get hold of your funds. However, your phone might be stolen and, consequently, your account on an exchange or in an online banking system might be hacked. There has been a lot of such cases, but right now we don't want to go into too much detail about the procedures used by criminals — you can read about this online. Anyway, the fact remains.

A mnemonic phrase is completely independent of all other protection means — this is exactly why it's unique in ensuring safety.
Hackers will never be able to access your wallet without knowing the phrase. Therefore, you should note it down on a sheet of paper and store it somewhere safe or, still better, memorize it.
You must make sure you store the entire phrase: no words from the phrase must be seen by those interested, not even as a nonsensical collection of words containing words added by you.
For your convenience, you can also store your phrase on a sheet of paper, a separate medium or a computer with no Internet access, for hackers to be unable to access it. You must also make sure you store at least one copy of your mnemonic phrase so that you could access your wallet if you lose the physical medium, the sheet of paper, etc. To maximize security, you must also memorize the phrase.
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Why Does Our Slogan Read “Simple. Fast. Reliable”?
Our slogan — “Simple. Fast. Reliable” — is not random. These three words contain the very essence of the SPARTA cryptocurrency. Judge for yourself:
  • Simple. We've made SPARTA as simple and easy-to-use as we could — even for users who have never heard of cryptocurrencies and have no idea as to what they are. SPARTA allows anyone to understand digital money.
  • Fast. The SPARTA network is a lot faster than many other cryptocurrency networks. This is its undisputable advantage for users. The recipient receives the transfer after 1 network confirmation, i. e. after 1 minute after the transfer is made, and can immediately dispose of the received funds. A transfer is interpreted as completely safe after 10 confirmations by the network, i. e. after 10 minutes.
  • Reliable. The SPARTA network is securely protected against centralization and 51% attacks by its technical features and the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm. In particular, 51% and Nothing-at-stake attacks are completely ruled out as well as transfers between network addresses with the purpose of raising the chances of creating new blocks.

Learn more about network operations and safety in our Whitepaper and join SPARTA right now — it's really simple, fast and reliable! SPARTA is totally consistent with its selected slogan!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
SPARTA turns 1 year!

Dear friends, today is a big day for our cryptocurrency. A year ago, on November 13, 2017, our Whitepaper was published and SPARTA started on the path to building new financial relations — truly fair and honest.

During the first year:
  • All website materials have been translated into 20 languages.
  • The community has grown by over 10,000 users.
  • A half of all existing coins has been forged. The reward for forging has been halved resulting in the shortage of coins.
  • We have added opportunities of trading SPARTA in exchange for BTC, USD, LTC, BCH, DASH, ETH, ETC, PZM, ZEC. SIGEN
  • We have added opportunities of buying/selling SPARTA in exchange for the world's fiat currencies on our P2P platform. SIGEN
    • We have released an updated forging app with an easy-to-use and user-friendly interface and detailed user guidelines.
    • About 500 active nodes have joined the network all over the world!
    • SPARTA has been added to 4 popular monitors: CoinGecko, Coincodex, Coinranker and Worldcoinindex.
    • SPARTA has launched its channels and accounts on social media: Telegram, Twitter, Instagram and Medium.
    • We have published over 100 unique posts on social media and forums related to SPARTA and cryptocurrencies in general.
    • We have designed a new website: more user-friendly and educational.
    • We have arranged a powerful Bounty campaign with bonuses amounting to 3 mln SPA per user.

    We're now still at the start of this path. SPARTA is a new cryptocurrency with extensive future plans and powerful ambitions. We have a long path ahead of us, and we will follow it to success. We wish all users a happy SPARTA anniversary!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Cryptocurrencies Aren't HYIP's
Cryptocurrencies are sometimes compared to HYIP projects — financial pyramids that promise a high income to their members. However, profit is usually made by the project's initiators and partially by the members who manage to join the project on the first wave. Most users will lose it all in the end.
It has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies!
Cryptocurrencies aren't HYIP's.
  • HYIP projects give their users an iron-clad guarantee of high returns while showing specific numbers with examples and calculations. Fair cryptocurrency projects will promise you nothing of the kind and will surely avoid giving specific values — only forecasts can be provided as it all depends on the market. SPARTA does not give you any iron-clad guarantees of a specific income either. All we say is that the SPARTA price will inevitably grow as the project evolves and demand increases — therefore, income on your investment will also grow in this context.
  • A HYIP project is doomed to fail, sooner or later, or to be restarted, at the very least, — to start it all over again. It happens because payments to project members exceed investment values — thus, funds become insufficient for all members. Cryptocurrencies grow gradually and may even stall for a long time to experience a surge later on. More importantly, cryptocurrency price is regulated in the natural way, based on the market supply and demand. Therefore, unlike HYIP, cryptocurrency cannot experience a lack of funds. If demand for SPARTA is below supply — the price will drop, but there will be no restarts or scams.
  • Whoever invests in a HYIP project will either make profit or be left with nothing, i. e. will lose all their funds. As for cryptocurrency, users can exit the market at any time and withdraw their funds, even if the price is lower than initially. If one does not panic and does not sell coins, but waits for a new wave of growth which will always follow a downward trend pursuant to cryptocurrency market laws, they will surely make profit At least, cryptocurrency gives you the choice of leaving or staying.

As you can see, SPARTA and other fair cryptocurrencies have nothing in common with HYIP projects. Our purpose is creating new financial relations between people — truly fair relations.
Join SPARTA right now and build these relations with us!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
What If Your Granny Want to Try Trading SPARTA?
Cryptocurrencies are becoming an integral part of our everyday lives, and even senior citizens would like to understand how to use them. Is it possible? Sure it is.
We already told you in one of our publications that Japan was going to arrange specialized training courses for seniors which is totally amazing! However, SPARTA is so easy-to-use you can start using it without any training — even your granny can easily do it. You could even conduct an experiment ;-))
Using SPARTA is as easy as ABC!
  • First, let your granny watch our video to understand why the SPARTA cryptocurrency has been created and what advantages it has as compared to banks. The video tells you about it in detail and in plain English — anyone can understand it. Here's the URL:
  • Then show her how to create a wallet — make sure though she notes down the mnemonic phrase! -
  • Help your granny with buying coins — for fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies. You can also do it via an embedded exchanger on our web-site — in a couple of clicks:
  • Making transfers is again as easy as ABC: just fill in three lines in a special wallet form and click “Submit”.
  • Forging is just as easy — it will be a nice extra profit for your granny.

SPARTA unites people around the globe!
We have specifically created SPARTA as easy-to-use as possible since this is a cryptocurrency for people — all people across the globe, regardless of their nationality, religion, political views, education or age. SPARTA unites people — they launch nodes all over the world, join our community and build a new financial system, truly honest and fair!
Join SPARTA right now and invite your family to do the same, including your senior relatives — tell them about our cryptocurrency and help them learn how to use it. After all, we all deserve the best!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
SPARTA's Advantages as Compared to DASH
As you know, SPARTA has a number of advantages as compared to other cryptocurrencies. Today, we're going to talk about its advantages over DASH.
Why is SPARTA better than DASH?
  • In the DASH network, a block is generated once in 2.5 min, on average — in the SPARTA network, this time period is 1 min. In other words, a transfer is confirmed by 2.5 times faster.
  • Fees in the DASH network exceed 10 cents while in SPARTA they're barely 1 cent. SPARTA transfers are a hundred times more profitable.
  • To receive maximum reward for supporting DASH network operations, one needs to buy 1,000 DASH coins which amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. To receive maximum reward for supporting SPARTA network operations, one can own 1,000,000 SPA which costs a thousand times less.

SPARTA is a lot more attractive — it's faster and more economical and gives you a lot more chances to make profit.  Join SPARTA today and build a new future with us!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Talk to Other Users in Chats on Exchanges to Help SPARTA Develop!
SPARTA is a young and promising coin that is still on an early stage of its development. This stage is quite complicated since the cryptocurrency market currently features over 2,000 cryptocurrencies and winning through is quite challenging even if a coin has some obvious advantages as compared to other coins.
SPARTA needs your support!
The support of its users is a tremendous force that will help SPARTA win through on the cryptocurrency market. Being users of this network, you know all its advantages and benefits. You can tell traders and investors about this.
We believe in you and urge you to be more active in chats on the exchanges and to talk about SPARTA and its numerous advantages as compared to other cryptocurrencies. Please, remember that all network users benefit from it, including yourself. The more people learn about SPARTA, the more people want to buy it. The higher the demand is, the higher the price is.
Moreover, by telling people about SPARTA, you help them make the right choice and promote a new financial system for all — truly fair and honest. Help us develop SPARTA while making the world a better place!
Talk to others on BTC-Alpha —
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Dear friends. Here is the great news: we have coped with the most powerful DDOS-attack lasting 48 hours. Now, our website and all the services are available again. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Sincerely yours, SPARTA Team!
jr. member
Activity: 198
Merit: 1
i was looking for a telegram channel to talk about spa with other investors but i did not find it ( apart announcement channel )...
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
It's official now! The reward per block has been halved.

Dear friends! SPARTA has halved its forging reward. The reward is now 4,000 SPA per block instead of 8,000 SPA.

If you think it's a bad thing, we want to assure you it's certainly not. Halving has proved to be highly efficient in Bitcoin. It mitigates inflation, curbs supply and boosts price growth which is good news.

Sincerely yours, SPARTA Team!

Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Why We Need Cryptocurrency Monitors
To become well-versed in the cryptocurrency world, a trader needs to have a complete and up-to-date picture of each coin of interest. This is exactly why cryptocurrency monitors have been designed.
What are cryptocurrency monitors and what are they designed for?
These are web-sites that accumulate information about cryptocurrencies — each one in particular. You can find all kinds of monitors online — with a differing level of popularity and an identical purpose.
As a rule, a monitor will display cryptocurrency statistics, brief description and a link to an official web-site, accounts in the social media, exchanges where this or that cryptocurrency is traded. It also includes a chart, the current price and its fluctuations during the day, trading volumes, etc.
In a nutshell, traders use monitors to obtain all required details about a coin. It's an efficient and convenient tool that helps make decisions regarding investments and simply monitor cryptocurrencies in real time.
SPARTA has already been added to 4 popular monitors
You can currently monitor SPARTA using 4 popular monitors. Here are the links:

SPARTA is a young cryptocurrency. We intend to list the coin on various monitors and exchanges, and we're working really hard to do it right now. SPARTA will soon be listed on other platforms — accordingly, a lot of new users and investors will learn about it
SPARTA is the basis for new financial relations, truly fair and honest. Join SPARTA now and build these relations with us!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0

I start sparta-1.0.1.jar. Run in the background, cmd with administrator privileges.
All blocks downloaded
I open in google chrome, then
i will enter my mnemonic code.

My balance 7191, with 2468 confirmations.

I click start forging and

nothing happens...

Can somebody help me?
Thank you very much!

Hello. If you want to receive a full reward for forging, then your balance should be from 1 million SPA.
If your balance is less than 1 million SPA, then you get only a commission for transactions that were in the block.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0

I start sparta-1.0.1.jar. Run in the background, cmd with administrator privileges.
All blocks downloaded
I open in google chrome, then
i will enter my mnemonic code.

My balance 7191, with 2468 confirmations.

I click start forging and

nothing happens...

Can somebody help me?
Thank you very much!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Block Reward to be Halved on October 8
Dear friends! SPARTA will cut down forging reward by half on October 8, 2018. Reward per block will be reduced from 8,000 SPA to 4,000 SPA.
This strategy has proven to be an excellent option for Bitcoin. It protects against inflation, curbs supply growth and ensures rise of coin price.
You still have time to start forging before the reward reduction and earn 8,000 SPA per block.
How to start forging -
Best regards, SPARTA Team
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Here Comes SPARTA’s New Design!
Dear friends! We’ve got some wonderful news for you — we have developed a new version of the official website with a new design!

  • The home page now contains a lot more useful information.
  • We have added forging guidelines to the “Earning opportunities” section.
  • We have added monitors and platforms for cryptocurrency tracking and trading.
  • We have added other useful details.
  • We have corrected mistakes.
  • The new style and colors are more ergonomic.
  • Overall, the website has become easier to use!

Hopefully, you are going to like it. Enjoy browsing our website.
Web-site URL:
Sincerely yours, SPARTA Team.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
How is sparta any different from other transactable (all) currencies
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Comparing SPARTA and PayPal Fees
PayPal is an international payment system that can be used to transfer money to anywhere in the world in a fast and reliable way. This system is used by over 200 mln people from all over the world, but many of them view its high fees for international transfers as the main disadvantage. Domestic transfers are free of charge while “crossing the border” must be paid for.
What are PayPal fees for international transfers?
Whenever you transfer funds between PayPal accounts located in different countries, you have to pay a certain percentage of the transfer amount. The fee size depends on the destination country — each country has its own fixed rate.
  • Assume you want to transfer $1,000 from Australia to the US so the source and target currencies are the same. In this case, the fee will amount to 3.9% + $0.30. For the recipient to receive precisely $1,000, you will have to add the fee to the total and transfer $1,040.89. In other words, you will pay PayPal for its services over $40.

Here's another example: making a transfer between currencies with a conversion.
  • Let's assume it's the same countries, but you're sending Australian dollars from Australia and the recipient will receive the amount in US dollars in the USA. In this case, your expenses will increase by another 2.5% — the fee for currency conversion. In total, you will have to pay 6.4% of the transfer amount + $0.30.

You should agree it's quite a lot, especially considering the fee is basically a payment for intermediary services. Imagine how much an intermediary earns on payments made by its users on a daily basis. All this money could be used by the users for their own needs or sent for charity purposes.
SPARTA is a payment network with no intermediaries or high fees
The SPARTA network has no intermediaries, i. e. no high fees. It doesn't matter how much and where to you transfer — you will anyway pay a minimum possible fee that will be a lot less than 1 cent.
Fees in SPARTA are not a way to make third parties wealthier — they're used to protect the network against fraud. Even when the price of SPARTA starts to grow, the fee will always remain as small as possible.
SPARTA is an excellent alternative to multiple payment services and systems. By using SPARTA, you're saving money and can use it for your own needs or for those in need.
Join SPARTA and build new financial relations with us — truly fair and honest!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
51% Attack on Other Cryptocurrencies Revisited: Is It Expensive? Not really
Husam Abboud, a researcher from a Brazilian university FECAP, has come up with an original method to calculate the price of a 51% attack — Rindex v2.0. Here're the results of his study:
  • A successful attack on the Ethereum Classic blockchain would only cost $1.5 mln. To drive this cryptocurrency to complete bankruptcy, scammers would need to invest $55 mln in the attack, but it would allow them to earn $1 bln, thus making up for their investment by a large margin.
  • A 51% attack on the Bitcoin Cash network would cost 250 BTC ($1,875,000) per day, on the Bitcoin Gold network — only 26 BTC ($200,000) which is almost ten times cheaper. Scammers can continue with the attack until developers release a fix or until the cryptocurrency price goes down to a level which is low enough to make the attack useless. In this case, cryptocurrency may sustain a lot of damage.

It's worth noting that Abboud's calculation never accounted for mining equipment and electricity costs since scammers don't have to pay for this — they can just rent computing power.
For instance, if miners who control as little as 2.5% of the Ethereum network hash rate simply switch over to the Ethereum Classic network, they will find themselves in control of 51% of the network's computing power. In this case, the daily price of an attack will be equivalent to the reward underreceived by the miners and amounting to about 525 ETH.
SPARTA is protected against 51% attacks by default
This publication is meant to once again highlight the idea that 51% attacks are quite real and can happen at any time, even due to a simple collusion by malicious network users. In this situation, bona fide users are in no way protected against the loss of all their funds which is a big disadvantage of cryptocurrencies using the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm.
SPARTA, on the other hand, uses the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm which allows you to use a regular computer to support network operations — miners' computing power is not relevant. At the same time, all users who own at least 1,000,000 SPA have equal chances of creating a block. In other words, neither high powers, nor a high balance will allow anyone to carry out an attack of this type.
Join SPARTA right now and build a new, truly decentralized, secure financial system that would give its members truly equal rights!
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
In-Depth: Buying SPARTA on is a cryptocurrency platform where SPARTA is traded. Here, it's traded in the following pairs: SPA/BTC, SPA/LTC, ETH/SPA and PZM/SPA. It means that you, just like any other user registered on the platform, can trade SPA. If you have no funds on your SIGEN account, refill it in the required cryptocurrency: BTC, LTC, ETH or PZM.
How can I refill my balance?
  • Navigate to, log in or sign up if you don't yet own an account on the platform. 
  • Click the wallet icon next to “Refill your balance” in the top right-hand corner of the page. 
  • In the window that opens, select the required currency and click “Deposit/withdraw”.
  • You will be redirected to the page that displays the wallet address for refilling your balance — copy it to the clipboard.
  • Transfer coins to the copied address in accordance with the rules of the service (wallet, exchange, exchanger, etc.) you want to use to complete the transaction. For example, if you want to transfer 0.01 BTC to SIGEN from your Electrum wallet, just follow the course of action you usually follow when sending coins from this wallet to any other wallet in the Bitcoin network.
  • Coins will be displayed on your balance as soon as the transaction receives the required number of confirmations in the blockchain of the network used to make the transaction.

How can I buy SPARTA on
  • To start trading, navigate to the “Exchange” web-page using the following link: Now, select the trading pair you want, e. g. SPA/BTC, in the top right-hand section of the page.
  • This will bring you to the web-page where you can create an order to buy/sell SPA — Since you need to buy SPA, fill the request (order) to buy SPA in exchange for BTC (highlighted by the green line).
  • Fill up the boxes: indicate the amount and the price. To buy SPA immediately, set the price to the value of the first item in the “Buy Orders” list.  After filling up all boxes, make sure all data you have entered are correct. If they are, click “Buy SPA”.
  • After your order is executed, SPA coins will be displayed on your balance. If all parameters of the created order correspond to the current situation on the exchange (you have indicated the current price in the order and SPA sell orders for the required amount exist), the order will be immediately executed. Otherwise, the order will be executed in parts as matching orders are created by other exchange members.

You need to make similar steps if you select another trading pair.
How can I withdraw cryptocurrency from
  • Click the wallet icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. 
  • In the window that opens, select the required currency and click “Deposit/withdraw”.
  • The form to withdraw cryptocurrency will be displayed on the left-hand side of the page.
  • To initiate withdrawal, enter your account password to confirm your identity, select the 2FA option enabled for the account and click “Request code”.
  • Enter the received code in the relevant field and click “Withdraw”.
  • Upon successful confirmation, fill up the displayed fields: enter the wallet address you want to transfer your funds to, the required amount, a comment (if necessary), make sure all data are correct and click “Withdraw”. There's no fee for withdrawal, and the latter is completely automated — you don't have to wait for a confirmation by an administrator. It's really convenient, fast and profitable.
Activity: 163
Merit: 0
Forging SPARTA — Earning Money Without Working
Making money without working — isn't that the ultimate dream? Let's face it, you've also thought about it on multiple occasions? Why not — it's a reasonable wish for any sane person. It's now perfectly doable!
Forging SPARTA means making easy money with no manual labor or regular material expenses!
By forging SPARTA, you can make your dreams come true! You can make money around the clock if your computer is on and special software is running. You can make money even as you sleep!
All you need to start generating new coins by forging is installing and running special software and having 1,000,000 SPA or more in your wallet. No investment into expensive equipment, no extra electricity bills, no worries — it's all simple and easy.
Start making money with SPARTA right now — don't waste your time! Especially considering that now you can buy a million coins at a very attractive price!
For a detailed guideline on launching forging with screenshots, go to BitcoinTalk:
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