By Using SPARTA, You Can Preserve Your Incognito Confidentiality of financial transactions is important for a lot of people, but banks cannot ensure it. They require all customers to provide their personal data — they can't do without it.
By using a bank, you're always “on the hook” The bank has access to the information about all of your receipts and payments: purposes, amounts and dates. Whenever you receive money, the bank can see it. Whenever you withdraw cash, the bank can see it. Whenever you use your card to pay for gasoline at a filling station, to book a room at a hotel or buy a product in a store — the bank can see it, too. By using your card, you disclose all your receipts and expenses to the bank.
It means this information may become available to anyone — after all, there's no guarantee the bank personnel is 100% decent and honest. Unfortunately, the human factor is a huge disadvantage in matters like this. The fact is customers put their trust in bank employees blindly and may become victims of negligence, fraud, stalking or blackmail at any time. This is no fantasy; it's real. How can you change the situation?
Use SPARTA — no one will be able to control you The SPARTA network requires no data to be provided — all transactions are anonymous (or, to be more exact, pseudonymous). No one can figure out you're involved in any payments unless you disclose this information yourself. You would probably agree that having no third parties that know the size of your wealth and the expenses you incur makes you a lot more relaxed since you don't have to worry about a potential robbery, fraud or any other illegal actions, especially the ones involving hazards to life.
You're completely safe with SPARTA. Start using it now and join us in developing it. Your peace of mind and wealth are in your own hands!