Living a digital life on a virtual world won't exclude real space exploration.
Some will prefer to live on fantasy worlds, some will live on both worlds and some will live only on the real world.
If we are still around, we will escape the red giant phase of our Sun. This is one of the reasons to explore space.
Actually, we might even have technology to save Earth, by changing its orbit, delay the death of the Sun, limit its expansion or other alternatives.
People arguing that humans are destroying biodiversity (which, of course, is true) and that Earth would be better if we never existed, nevertheless forget that, right now, we are the only hope of life to still be here in about 1 billion years.
No doubt, 3D immersive digital worlds will be a reality soon and many people will live there, including artificial intelligences created as copies of us, as a way to avoid dying without a trace.
Start working on your memories, as a way to assure that the copy will be faithful.
Converting actual living humans into digital people will be always problematic, because it will be hard to escape the impression that we just committed suicide and a copy of us (that isn't us, but just a copy) was created.
It will be possible to work out a very slow change, neuron by neuron, cell by cell, as they die, creating an artificial one in its place.
The end result will be more or less us as much as we are us every year.
Taking in account that we are also just copies of ourselves, since we do a natural cloning process more or less every year: this won't be possible on a digital conversion. So, ceasing to exist on the real world to live only on a digital one will always be a hard decision, unless we are about to die in the real world.