Greetings, I am'm just merely announcing that the my next work is Spaincoin. It's just like Auroracoin, only that in Spain it's actually legal to use digital currencies whereas in Iceland it's not. Which leads me to believe it holds potential and will go beyond Auroracoin. You want to hop on? You're not too late. If not, stay by the sidelines. If you aren't an investor yourself please refrain from talking here. I like investing in coins that attempt to become a countries currency, as I believe if a country would implement one they'd either make one themselves or take advantage of the airdrop - not to worry, I'd predict BTC to be similar to how most countries today measure theirs through USD. A cryptocurrency designed for a country should hold a few traits; one of the most useful one would be a audit of some sort in order to be transparent to eliminate corruption should it be centralized- imagine you could view your countries holdings and where f.ex the taxes are paid? Whether or not it will be SpainCoin an investment is building towards the future of digital currencies.
Somewhat unreliable exchanges currently so I advice not to attempt arbitrage.
EXCHANGE advice to vote upon MintPal rather than Cryptsy, since Cryptsy are too slow nowadays at adding fresh coins, but I'll try to get a hold of Vern and see what can be done (I promise nothing, though). Let's try to get it to MintPal. Either way,
Happy trading.
EDIT: We've succesfully got it to MintPal > in an hour!
EDIT2: I received this email from Cryptsy "Hello Btcwhale,
I do apologize we take more into consideration about a coin than just the volume it may bring to our site. We look into all aspects of the coin and who's behind the coin. I will make sure to pass this along, but the best way to get a coin onto the exchange is to go to the forums and get others to vote for it.
So the way I take it is that MintPal wants to make profits, Cryptsy just wants to add coins nobody cares about with 0.5-2btc 24 hr volume.