It's impossible to host this coin on an exchange properly, with the way the interest is paid.
It comes into a wallet address as a deposit. Not as a stake, not as a special 'category' but as a 'receive'.
Which leads to users who are attached to a SPC address getting interest payments credited to their account when they, in many cases, do not even have SPC anymore.
User (A) creates address. Deposits 100 SPC. Exchange balance: 100, Wallet balance: 100
User (B) has had an address and has SPC for sale. Exchange balance: 10,000, Wallet Balance: 10,000
User (C) never deposited any. Balances 0.
User (A) buys all 10,000 SPC from user (B).
Now user (A) has an exchange balance of 10,100 and a wallet balance of 100.
User (B) has an exchange balance of 0, and a wallet balance of 10,000
User C buys 3,000 SPC from another unrelated user and withdraws it. Because the way wallets are designed, 100 of that 3000 comes from user A's wallet, and 2900 comes from user B's wallet. End result:
User A has 10,100 SPC but a wallet balance of 0.
User B has 0 SPC, but still has a wallet balance of 7,100 SPC.
User C is back to a 0 balance in both.
User (A) gets NO interest payments whatsoever. User B, who hasn't owned any SPC in weeks, is getting daily payouts for a balance he doesn't even own. He mentions this in chat, and User A is now pissed that he's being "ripped off".
The way they are just showing up as deposits is a frigging nightmare and has our wallet accounting horrifically out of whack. To the point I'm about to just force everyone to withdraw their SPC and turn the wallet off.
Is there any way to fix this, or a way to query the transaction to see that it's NOT a deposit and instead an interest payment? Anything WE look at just shows an incoming payment with a huge amount of change going back to an address that constantly changes (so we can't even say 'its interest because the input address is always the same'). There is absolutely ZERO way to tell it's an interest payment as opposed to a 'real' deposit. And it's a massive pain in the rear dealing with the screwed up accounting and irritated customers.
Sorry to hear you're finding issues with the interest payments, however SaveCoin wasn't designed with keeping SPC held in exchanges like this to gain interest payments.
However you can check interest payments by looking here
That should help clarify what is interest payments
As for constantly changing change addresses, this will be changed so that the address remains constant. I will be be implementing updates on the payment server side.