@Pawel7777 - There was interest payments on the 31rst, could post an img of two wallets with interest payments, if you would like?
You can if you wish. I didn't get any interest on my AllCrypt account (did for all the previous days).
And there's no payments for 31st in the payment history (link in the OP) and here:
http://savecoin.co/paymenthistory.txtSo there seem to be some issues.
Ah, the payment is made however the history file gets updated weekly instead of daily now to conserve bandwidth.
I've updated the history file just now, feel free to check on the blockchain too for confirmation
Don't worry, interest is always being paid!
Well, I do plan to update the website design at some point so I do hope to see a design template based off that for any designs needed in the future.
I am offering the following bounties for anyone willing to do the following:
Android Wallet (5000 SPC)
MAC OSX Wallet (5000 SPC)
Paper Wallet Generator (5000 SPC)
I am quite busy at the moment with real life matters, but I am still here and SPC is well and alive regardless of trading volume
Would like to see some kind of progress done for SPC, unless sitting back & doing nothing is the plan?
@Pnoch, are you still working on the Mac wallet?
Sitting back won't do anything, however a re-launch of SPC is imminent with a better marketing strategy
If SPC gets de-listed, it's not the end of the world, we as a community will work harder to make SPC better!