Nice website, thank you! Maybe you will consider some time later filtering by country as well? It will be very helpful for some categories like "Food", for example.
Thanks for the suggestion, most of the websites ship worldwide so it's shouldn't be a big issue. We'll look into it to see if we can add it without messing up the UI.
I browsed the website on both my mobile phone and PC and I'm going to say that it has a nice and friendly view for both.
I made some submissions too and I hope to see them among the list soon.
Thanks for making submission! We've only had to decline a few entries (like news websites) because they weren't accepting Bitcoin payments. We're still working on making the website even more mobile-friendly.
I like your site so much that i browsed it all day long.
I have also wear your Site URL as a personal text and signature so i could spread it as much as i can , voluntarily.
We're glad you like it! Thank you so much for the support.
You should actively promote this directory, this is a good resource for those who wants to use their Bitcoin, I like it when it's easy for website owners and online store owners to submit their site, I hope you will not offer a premium listing, so all shops will have an equal promotion, we need more directory like this that promote merchants that uses Bitcoin maybe other coins can follow too.
Thanks, we're doing the best we can. We have a few plans in store to gain more attention. There will be no premium listings or any other form of paid content. Anyone can add their own website, as long as they accept BTC/Lightning payments.
Are you going to start removing links that turn out to be for scam sites?
Seems like there isn't any moderations practices in place really, anybody can submit a link and have it featured on the site.
Maybe there should be some sort of community moderation feature?
Each page has a report button in case a website stops working, stops accepting Bitcoin, turns out to be a scam or any other reason. We will receive a notification of each report so we'll try to act on it as fast as we can.
Are you going to start removing links that turn out to be for scam sites?
Seems like there isn't any moderations practices in place really, anybody can submit a link and have it featured on the site.
Maybe there should be some sort of community moderation feature?
You can report it if you do find a link which is suspicious and a possible scam.Theres a report button as mentioned earlier.
I do hope im not too late for that Ledger nano s giveaway.
Thanks for explaining this to DarkDays. There is still plenty of time to enter the contest
In fact, we've built a custom analytics system that allows us to track user behaviour on our website without storing any of the user's data.
I recently designed the same thing for BPIP. My system forgets every IP after 24 hours, then it is considered a new visitor. I would be interested in knowing what you are doing.
Our web developer is currently working on a Medium article to explain our system. We'll post it here once the article is ready.
Interesting website with all the needed stuff to help us get complete information on how and where to spend BTC. Can you do an extra part on my request? As I'm from India, I don't really see any stores or places accepting BTC nearby me or maybe I'm not aware of it. Just to solve this, is it possible for you to classify these websites into which website serves where?
And about the Ledger Nano S Contest,
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I hope the best participant wins, good luck all
As we stated before, most of the websites are shipping worldwide so it shouldn't be an issue where they are located. We're looking into the possibilities of adding such a feature.
Getting bigger by the day.
Well done guys !
Thanks! We'll continue to develop the website and add more features
. Luckily we've received quite a few submissions already and the traffic stats are exceeding our expectations!