What is Spending-Bitcoin.com?
We are aiming to be the largest, and most up-to-date, directory of online stores accepting Bitcoin. Most of the websites we could find are either very outdated or they are missing a lot of websites, which is why we decided to build this directory. We are offering:
- Lightning Network support
- No advertisments
- No referral/affiliate links
- No storage of user data
- No shitcoins
What's in it for us?
Nothing! We've built this website out of love for Bitcoin and to help spread adoption. We have no plans to monetize our website by placing advertisements or selling user data (we're looking at you mr. Zuckerberg!). In fact, we've built a custom analytics system that allows us to track user behaviour on our website without storing any of the user's data.
How can you add a website?
Anyone can submit new websites. All you need to do is enter a valid URL (no referral links!) and hit the 'submit' button. Our website automatically generates a website title, description, avatar and banner for you, making the submission process as simple as possible!
What if a website stops accepting Bitcoin or shuts down?
If you run into a website that stopped working, isn't accepting Bitcoin anymore, turns out to be a scam, or any other reason, all you need to do is hit the 'report' button. Enter the reason why you are reporting a website and hit the 'submit report button'.
Feel free to start adding your favorite webshops and we'd love to hear your feedback!