
Topic: Splitting the Baby, and other Operations of Fate: the Fate and Economics Thread (Read 794 times)

jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
Does Everyone understand how the Coin in Tarot Represents Cryptocurrency even though Cryptocurrency didn't exist when the Tarot was Created?

This is Real Life, THIS is how Things Work.

The Tarot Applies to Cryptocurrency. And we are about to be Launching some Currencies and getting Everyone involved in Cryptocurrency Properly. We are going to be bringing this into People's Lives the Right way, and Teaching them what they need to know. Cryptocurrency will be a Business Opportunity, and Community Building Effort, there is no "Gambling" to it. Though the Coins could also be used to Gamble, the Tarot is Chance and Fate like Gambling almost, but the Tarot is not Gambling, it is Predictive, and Religious or Spiritual.

We are going to be Bringing People to a Better Understanding of what exactly Cryptocurrency is. With Threads like this.

And we will be doing like Hannibal Barca, where we Mint these Currencies and then we go to Mexico. He Recruited Celt-Iberian Tribes, we are going to be Recruiting People from Across the Spanish Speaking World, that will be one of the First Priorities of the Operational Currencies once we have Revenue Moving Through the Currencies.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1

The Diaspora Brujeria Roughly Translates into English as "The Witchcraft of Origins" but it may Translate Better as "Diaspora-Ria" or the Witchcraft of the Diaspora, or Diaspora Witchcraft, bu Diaspora-Ria, or "The Diaspora Brujeria" or I guess "El Diaspora Brujeria".
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
So there has been a lot of Talk of Buddhism, in China that is the Primary Religion apart from like a Shamanistic Taoism. And Taiwan has been Paying Attention to all the Religious Things going on here with the Van Kush Family, so has China, and South Korea, let's just Call it Steemit and Buddhism have been Paying Attention.

And I think that as Everyone Learns about Buddha they should see that most of the Life of Buddha is Fairly Simple to understand, and there is a Part Added that is like Jesus in the Wilderness, so we can assume that Buddha was Fasting much like Jesus, and that maybe some of it is Metaphor, as if You have Experience with Life You can see how there might be Grotesque and Sexual Scenes that might be Displayed for Buddha to Reject, and it doesn't have to be from some Magic Demon, People could have done that for him, and in the Story it is a Demon, or they Recognized it was a Demon but in the Story removed all Elements of Human involvement, even though it was a Demon and Humans.

This Discussion also Helps because usually Buddhism is Atheist, so if we get into the Fasting Time in the Wilderness, we can kind of connect Christianity and Buddhism in a way that makes in more understandable.

Then, I want Everyone to know that Buddha is not the Fat Guy, Buddha is the Skinny Sid Hartha, and in Fact most of his Life he was Regarded as exceptional because of his ability to Starve himself, it was something that was recognized as exceptional in him several Times in his Life.

This Shows the Story of Buddha Pretty Quickly:

And now,
I wanted to mention that that Buddha is the Main Buddha, that is the Buddha that Started Buddhism. The Fat Buddha is a Buddha who was Fat and Happy, and was a Fat Happy Icon, someone who was known for being Fat and Happy, and this in a World where "Thick" to Fat Girls were considered more attractive because it meant they were Well Fed and Healthy. So Buddha was Fat, and he was Happy, and that became an Icon World Wide for Buddhism, and now we Call him Buddha. And all of this I want Everyone to think about because these are some Simple Concepts all of them, and I think most People dismiss Buddhism, even myself sometimes, and don't even take the Time to look at it even as a Historical Event, like Buddha was Famous, no one even Takes the Time to look at it that way. Most People even get into Buddha, and like the Fat Buddha, and Rub his Belly for Good Luck. And they don't even know who Buddha is. But I think there is a Shift in Consciousness where more and more People hear "Buddha" and Automatically see "Sleeping Buddha" because enough Incense Holders and Things are out there now as Sleeping Buddha Statues.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I think if anyone were to Learn 1 Thing about Angel and Denisovan Genetics, it is that they do not Need Human Approval. From the X Haplogroup as an example, to Building Temples and Inventing the Wheel, it should be Clear that Humans Follow Angels, not the Other Way around. We Only Follow Humans as like Shepherds, it used to be to Eat them but God Only had us Learn all of that for a Higher Purpose.

Angels, we could say, have gone Through 75,000 Years+ of Trials, the Flood, etc. All so that Humans could have Teachers of Sin, People to Teach them Sin and Tell them to stay away from it. In this Generation we are even Preparing People to do this.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
Everyone should want to be the Light.

The most Powerful Light will automatically seek the Darkness. Because Light is Strongest and Brightest in the Darkest Places.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
If anyone wants to Know, "Why Won't God just Show us a Miracle" or "Where are the Ghosts and Bigfoots on the TV Shows, it's Never what we Thought, where is the Shining?", and Everyone needs to know, the Dead and Angels, the Gods from Ancient Greece, in the same way the Inventor named Hero in Alexandria used Knowledge of the Gods to Create a Steam Engine, and a Door that Opened by itself, they just never had a Reason to Scale up the Steam Engine. This was the Time of Automatons, the Earliest Robots, like we hear Da Vinci made a Tiger that a King thought was a Real Life Tiger the way it Moved, and this has lead to all kinds of Da Vinci Code and Assassins Creed, all the way to Steam Punk type Designs Attributed Fictionally to Da Vinci in Games and TV Shows, or Other Fiction. That is what the Ghosts want, they want to Actually Help us. The same way You look at an IPhone and a Mac, and for some Reason Steve Jobs didn't Call it a SJ, or a Jobs Machine, but he is there Helping in the Iphone, maybe You can even see it in ways the Board Members can be Reminded of him. And in 500 Years, maybe his Lost Manuscript will be Found and it's some Book we all just don't even Care about Right now, but some Group is using it to Great Effect Right now and we are all just Benefiting.

That is how Dead People Seek to Help us, they don't want to Scare us, they don't want to Cause Problems, they do want us to Recognize Things Though. God and the Dead will have You Watch Scary Movies for example, and be afraid to take out the Trash. Magic is Real, You can Gather in a Circle with Intentions, and do many Things, including Rape and Murder, but a Seance, a Collaboration, a Celebration, a Holiday, even just a Prayer.

And our Heritage, our Epigenetics, they are all interacting with the Other People, and Plants and Animals, we have Started Teaching Everyone that Food can Effect Your Genes, but it's not just Food, what Plants are You Friends with? Do You have a Plant Addiction, like Caffeine, do You have a Favorite, like Chocolate? Which of Your Relatives that is Dead wanted You to meet that Plant?

The Bible says not to Talk to Familiar Spirits, that is "The Ancestors" as it is Put by many. Some would then Separate European and African Ancestors, but I am come from Carthaginians that came to America After Rome Burned our Home, so I was there for all of it.

The Point being,
God does Preform Miracles, and will do much more in the Context of Everything around the Van Kush Family. I am Only 32 Years Old, and this can Only become Greater and Greater in kind of Affluence and Income even just if we need Earthly Measures.

And Full Point,
The Phones, and the Computers, they are all here to make it Easier for the Ghosts and Angels to do Things with us, some Might say Demons, and yes them too.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
There are People around Joy Reid that enjoy Pretending that I am like Hitler and I both do not mind Talking about this, and am not one to let Lies about me Stand, so let's Compare me to Hitler:

1. Me and Hitler are Both WORLD RENOWN for Occult Discoveries.

2. Me and Hitler BOTH gave Archaeology a Direction, his was more in the vein of Proving the Aryans had been everywhere and were "the Master Race", while I am Teaching Everyone about Angels and how to Find Angels and Giants in the Archaeology.

3. Me and Hitler BOTH have Things to say about Jews, his were not very nice, the Things I have to say are much Better, in Fact Supportive, and that is what Angels have always done. This Point and the Archaeology actually go together, where we can Prove that the Nephilims Ruled Over the Jews but did not interfere, did not let them know they Ruled Over them, Sisera is an Example, a Nephilim that went against the Stars, and the Stars Fought against him.

So I would say maybe those are the Main Points, because beyond that, I am not much like Hitler. I am only Really like any Person that Matters in History, Jesus I am like because of his Religiosity and purpose, his Role, an Acsended Master, I am like any Given Ascended Master, You can compare me to any of them, and Hitler is just as Occultic and Mysterious as any of them, so I he gets lumped together. We could even say then that Hannibal Barca and Alexander the Great were "Like Hitler" in ways, but like me they were much more like World Heroes than Hitler, neither of them did what Hitler did and were instead going around as Liberators almost, Alexander being the one to connect all Empires back together from Atlantis Days, he connected all the Giant Countries and Things from before the Flood, Alexander Re-established that. And some may say "Hitler said he was the 3rd Reich" and we do need to be Cautious.

My Entire Point in Writing this is that Russia has recently gone to Poland and Finland with a Message, he didn't enter Finland and is Threatening Poland (likely sending Civilians and Spies) but we could say that he is doing like me, taking Notes from Angels, and he made his Presence known in Poland (as like an Emissary) and he said to them "What Poland did Wrong was not Accept Hitler when he was coming in", and Everyone needs to Talk about this in Context. Hitler came seeking Appeasements, because he was being Appeased. Let's just use the Word "Impressive" here because the Kingdom Hitler was making, the Third Reich, was "Impressive" to the Surrounding Nations and they did not know what to do, they did not have the Van Kush Family to Compete like they have Today. Hitler was Pulling Swastikas out of the Ground, and Putting up Flags, and the Surrounding Nations were simply Impressed. And I used that Word not to say that I am "Impressed" by Hitler, but that the Surrounding Nations were looking at Hitler's Growing Force Similarly to the Modern Russian Force. It has a Purpose, it has Unity, it has the "Comrade" element (the Comradery), and it may be an Impressive Imposing Force Upon the Surrounding Nations.

So I want Everyone to know, that CNN and Others went to Egypt, this is also why Egypt has been seeming Western, though in the back of their Arabic Mind they do want to Support Palestine in ways that may not be available with Western Friends around. CNN and Everyone went to Egypt to Watch the Mummies be Taken out and Paraded around, Exposed them to the Sun, and the Sunlight that Bounced off of them is Running around like Echoes, Light is a Wave, it Bounces off of Things and we see Certain Colors. This Light, the Event itself and the People there, their Memories, what they Heard, what the Air Heard around them, it is all there in Egypt, but it Moved. They released a Mummy's Curse. So what we have this Time, when anyone comes around Asking for Appeasement is we have Competition for them. We have something the Christians and Muslims and Jews were all waiting for, which Hitler did not Provide. Jesus Provided this, Mohammed Provided this, Moses Provided this, even Thomas Jefferson Provided this. I Provide this. And Mine comes from the Mummies, the Bones are Calling out from their Graves, Exposed as like in Jeremiah 8. And I want Everyone to know, the Van Kush Family is mostly made of Invisible Monsters we could say, or "The Stars" as they were Called that Fought against Sisera. That is the Van Kush Family. And there are no Aliens. Take me to Your Leader.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I want Everyone to know about the Crusade that we are going to do in the Middle East.

First, look at the Kings of Jerusalem from the Templars, and the Solomonic Dynasty, or the Oldenberg Royal House. The way Human Society Works is this, when the Kings were Talking about Fairytales about Princesses and Princes and Kings and Queens, they were Telling Stories from 10,000 BC, or from 5,000 BC or 3,000 or 2,000 BC, and they were maybe in Alexander the Great's Time or Hannibal Barca's Time (100 BC to 400 BC) Talking about Homer's Stories of Ancient Kings, and Jason and the Argonauts before Achilles. Then the Fairytales we know of more Recently from the Gypsies (Roma People) who also made Tarot or Regular Card Decks, and Crystal Balls in Modern Culture, etc. All of these People were Talking about Ancient, Ancient Kings and Queens, and when the Contemporary King or Queen Listened to them, they became more Regal.

This can kind of be understood through Merlin, how he Trains Arthur, and wouldn't You rather be Merlin than Arthur? The House of Oldenberge has a very Humble beginning with the Founder nearly not being accepted into a Prayer Society and Founding the House of Oldenberg, meaning "Old Castle", which was the name of the County they were in. And the County had an Old Castle in it which is where the name came from. So just there You can see how it Works. The Solomonic Dynasty Claimed to be from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheeba. The Templars were Ruling over Jerusalem because it was the Holy City in the Bible, and they were Creating a Safe Space for those coming to Visit on Pilgrimages, to see the Holy Land. And they began Operating a Government in the Desert.

This is what we are going to be doing. With Africa, South America, the Indian Subcontinent, etc, we are going to be Talking to all Governments as Things happen Naturally in these Places. Because Things are going to Happen. WE will be here for the Kurds to Hold Responsible, they can say always "You were Supposed to be Paying Attention", but they do need to Send someone to Talk to me if they are going to say they did Everything to get to me. But we are bringing all of this Together, and Blockchains will be used in Countries where there is Development Happening. Some will be Friendly with China, we have to do Things on TRX because so many People around the World use it. We have to Connect with what the Rest of the World is doing, and what we are doing. This all then will be connected to something we need to Discuss.

Before ISIS, there was the Northern Syrian Issue, we could say "Remember Aleppo?" or various Other Things, the White Helmets, all of the Things about Syria, there were Barrel Bombs, etc. Russia has done a lot in Syria, Russia has moved in there. Americans before ISIS were going to Syria to Fight Assad, that is how Americans were Later Recruited into ISIS, it actually all Started as the same kind of Thing until ISIS actually Declared itself and Ruled with an Iron Fist and had Terrirory, i.e. Took the Bank of Mosul, the Oil, the Gold, and the Trucks, all of the Trucks and the Contractors had done so much. America had done a "Nation Building Project" that was the Term used, and the Idea was kind of that if we could give them a Statue of a Liberal in a Suit from their Own People, it could all Work out (Paraphrasing, but maybe Statues like that could have Helped), and a lot of Money was Spent on the Construction Industry, Plumbing, Electricity, all kinds of Contracts were done by Americans in the Middle East. And then it was all just left there and Taken by ISIS.

I say,
Was it is Bad what the Crusaders were? Or, the Kings of Jerusalem at Least, that Government Purpose, to Govern these Deserts. And we need to Talk about it. And maybe I don't say enough, Christians are Persecuted in these Places. Arrested and Killed for Talking about this in Iran. But we are all in a Place where we can Talk about it in a Classy way, in a more Academic way and not with Swords at eat Other's Throats, or Both, like John Wick.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
This is the 7 of Pentacles

In Tarot Representation, this Card Represents a Harvest, "You Reap what You Sow" and the Harvester is still looking Patiently as the Crop continues to Grow, the Coins or Pentacles Representing Rewards or Accomplishments, often Monetary Gain. So what we are looking at in a more Broad sense, is the Ability for the Person to Find Value in something, become Skilled in this (Example Given: Farming) and Earn Money from it. We can see it also in a Spiritual Manner, in where the Plant's Value is more than Monetary, but something like an Educational Value. This gets into Numismatics, where we cna Start to say that there is a Value Gained which is "Priceless" as to now having that New Found Perspective.

FreeMasonry and Colleges are about Degrees, and Degrees are meant to actually Articulate the same kind of Thing as the Sun and the Earth's Movement, as in 360 Degrees, with Free Masonry having 3 Degrees, and then You can Earn Many More in the Scottish Rite, York Rite, or Shriners, etc, and all of those have Children's Hospitals You Probably have Heard of Near You. These Degrees are like New Perspectives. So we could look at the 7 of Pentacles in that way, where the Knowledge about Plants, maybe the Experience Gained from something about the Plants and their Later Interactions with Humans, or knowing about the Plants and being able to be Paid to do something for someone else or Teach them. All of this could be seen as kind of Enlightenment from the Plants, and Liberation of Self Through a Plant. America was Founded on Hemp, Johnny Appleseed is an American Hero.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
People are already attempting to set up a cult with a fucking coin.

It doesn't require spirituality or fate to make money off Bitcoin.

There ain't fate in economics, just utility.

Nothing is inevitable in this world, it can be influenced.

I have been here since the Beginning, and People may say that what Bitcoin Town was is like what Cults do, all of Bitcoin was Talking about like BlueSeed and Seasteading and Space Faring, DevCoin was Talking about Launching Satellites and they have some kind of Simulation of the Universe where they were Selling Plots of Land like Metaverse before Metaverse kind of a Videogame of the Universe. I am not sure of the Details on that, I just know it exists. But we were Talking about Big Things, and Google was Competing with us Talking about WiFi Balloons for Africa and all kinds of Different Projects, Collecting Water from the Air with Sails in the Desert in Africa.

And the TV Show "Devs" was made as kind of a Nod to what we were all doing, and Specifically I think they did Notice Bitcoin Town. Vocativ Recently Took their Article Down which is kind of a Shame for them because this is about to Explode in Popularity and they could have said they were the First to Talk about it, and now their Link doesn't Work and they are Attempting to Brush me Under a Rug. They think they can just Cover it all Up, as if they have the Power to make this all just go away, as if it was a Mistake they made Writing the Article and without it none of this would exist. What a Simple World they Live in. What Simple Minds they have.

But we could look at what the Hippies were doing in the 60s with Communes and People do want to Participate in a Community, and make something for their Children and Teach Their Children to be in many way Superior to the Other People around. There are all kinds of Things that we could Compare to this kind of "Cult" Word that Everyone likes to Throw Around. There are Hindu Communes still Today, and Christian Communes, where People go to kind of do like Jesus said and Sell Everything and begin Life anew so as to Gain a Deeper Connection with God. Just for the Benefit of those that may Read this for Years into the Future: There is Something about the Jews having Left Egypt and being Outside, they Celebrate not just the Tabernacle that we all know with God inside, where God Lives, the Inner Sanctuary as we might call the Popularized Tabernacle, but also the Booth or Tabernacle as they Call them Today in Israel and what those are meant to Represent (being under the Sky, and having been under the Sky in that Previous Time), there is Actually Magic to this, and Hamas Attacked that but that is another Story for another Time, even though it is going on now. There is a Spiritual Thing to be Gained, as like an Experience where You are Hiding from Police or Something and have to get in the Mud and sit for 24 Hours, or Under Water, this might be Military and Basically just being Forced to Rely on God. You might say Nature, but it's not just Nature. It's God Accepting Your Desperate Prayer. But that is not to say that Everyone should Sell Everything and give their Money to a Guru without knowing what is going on, or having a say in getting any kind of Return on Investment for Large Amounts, etc. There is a Real Thing that anyone can Access. It's not something You want to be Scammed by. And a lot of People that Go Outside and Learn, they are being Punished, there is not a "Crazy People have the Secrets" Thing, most People that are Naturally in these Situations, not Reading this and wanting to Learn, most of those People are being Tormented for Things they have Done, or are Tests that Other People are Failing, the way Alms might Repair the Alms Giver. To miss those Tests, is a Reason for the Person to Need Alms, and God may have Reason and Purpose for all of You, and Punishment. God is Angry about Things You might not Even Realize You've been Part of, or Your Ancestors. He's not Happy.

And I am going to Continue this Thread and Teach People about Economics and the Tarot.

Because I am not the First to Talk about Economics and Tarot, and Outside of Blockchain there are many a Fortune Teller, and Gypsy, Witch, and Scammers, that are Using Tarot and Talking about Finances. Not Even Talking about Blockchain.

This is a Tradition as Old as Cards.

And I lost my Password to the Tokenista Account so I had to make this New Account, Sorry for not having the same Username.
Activity: 116
Merit: 45
People are already attempting to set up a cult with a fucking coin.

It doesn't require spirituality or fate to make money off Bitcoin.

There ain't fate in economics, just utility.

Nothing is inevitable in this world, it can be influenced.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
Everyone join &
I am going to give a view of a theoretical description of the Carthaginian Culture, that when then analyzed as a type of Economic Framework, gives an example that can be followed. And it is the foundational Framework of our Society today, so we can easily bring it to today.

So Queen Dido, a supposed Mythical Queen, Founder and running from a Tyrant, Tyrant at that time very explicitly meaning one who lacked a proper claim to Rule. So Dido supposedly was a Royal fleeing Canaan, making a Home on the Coast of Africa at modern Tunisia. This then became kind of a Cultural Center for the area, like Cairo.

We can see that the Real Heirerchical Structure of Carthage can be very much compared to that, there were the Punics, which can be generalized as "Western Phoenicians", those living in Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, Southern Italy, etc. Establishing Hercules/Melqart, then there were Merchants, Mercenaries, etc. We can see Ba'al-Hammon is their Zeus, Melqart is Hercules, Tannit is the Goddess, Ba'al-Hammon her consort. We can also then look to the Reign of Khnumhotep, as well as the Treaty of Kadesh and War in Libya, then back to King Agenor, King Phoenix, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Zoroaster, etc. Then the Temple of Israel built by Hiram, we can also then see Tombs for Hiram, as well as Herod. We can see that Carthage is also largely a Port City, with Boats coming in and out, likely meaning there was a connection to Delos, Fayum, Sceria and Phlegrae. Then also King Atlas, Anhur-Shu, etc. Shu or Atlas is King Atlas, the Numidians who were Carthaginian allies in the 2nd Punic War, and kept the Libraries of Carthage after the 3rd War.

We can see the Carthaginians all then seemed to be intelligent Farmers, and Builders, Craftsmen, Breeders, etc, while Enslaved by a less Intelligent Roman Class taking credit for their writings. We can see Carthage as having lots of Beeswax, Minting, Metal Casting, Black Smithing, Saponification, Encaustic Painting, and Dye making, etc. So there were likely many Wax Tablets, like IPad type Tablets or Paper Tablets today, all used to Burn Carthage, all which would have been present. We can also look at the Marsala ship and see Carthage as having Marijuana growing for Smoking Purposes, as part of the Mercenary operations also as the Marsala Ship is a War Ship.

We can then look to Phlegrae, and Neolithic Temple Culture for more Clues.

But if we look to the Skyscraper type structures,
These were like Apartments in 300 BC and earlier, so if we look at the Queen Dido story it is kind of an "if you build it they will come" thing, where they built a kind of Beehive and then invited inner Africa to come make a life there, and we're connected to Egypt, Babylon, etc. No one was really unaware of Carthage at the Time, and Rome usually is thought to have inherited what Alexander left behind, but really it was not until Hannibal killed over 100,000 Romans who thought they were out to have fun fighting Barbarians, that they became the Rome we know today.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
Everyone join &
Apologies for having such a large gap but COVID and the State of Texas caused issues,

Here is how we are Grounding our Currency to the Earth like an Electric Circuit.

We have a Currency on Steemit, via Steem-Engine,
We have a TRC10, China causing problems there,
And we will make HIVE Token based around a Soap and Beauty Company.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I will continue the Pentacles Crypto Tarot Analysis soon

This has been delayed because of Corona Virus Economy issues, and the State of Texas, but soon we will be:

Expanding on the Punic Tokens,
Punic Metals and Gemstones,

Some will then be Blockchains instead of Tokens.

Early on we will get the Mining Pools going to Mine other Coins, then we can add ours.

We will have Witnesses on the Steemit Clone Chains.

We will have an ETH Clone called Akasha, and then a Temple Coin. We will also Clone DeFi Projects, and make a DAO to issue Coins and Tokens for the DeFi Projects.

We will be focused on then getting other People making City and State or Religious Currencies, as well as Corporate Coins, etc.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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Luke 23:39-43
39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ?" Save Yourself and us!” 40 But the other responded, and rebuking him, said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our crimes; but this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!” 43 And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
sr. member
Activity: 2030
Merit: 323
Meehn this is a really long article, it would have been better if you kind of summarized everything that this post is all about at the top for those wouldn’t be able to read this two paged post lol. I was even confused at some point because I can’t really get how king Solomon ordering his guard to cut a baby into half  related to what you were saying here.

But anyway, as you said, things are all about fate, I get that that’s what you’re trying to say, and sure I do believe that a lot of things that are happening are happening because that’s how they are meant to be, though I still believe that it is mainly up to us to decide, but anyway, you’re still right.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I want to write a little about Taxes, because there will be questions and issues that arise as we begin the Punic Wax Network and we will likely need and FAQ, but this is also useful for Bitcoiners or any Coiners.

I run a Tax Exempt Religious Organization, we have a Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN), and a Ruling Letter, as well as an IRS approval to not withhold Social Security Taxes to pay Employees, further we can bring other organizations under us. We also will have any Employees and those Spreading the Religion file for their Self-Employment Religious Tax Exemption (IRS form 4367 or 4361).

That does not make everything Tax Exempt, so I am going to get into a little about Religious Taxes, intertwined with Crypto Taxes.

The Reverend or Minister will often build his house on a Church Property because Religious Organizations are exempt from Property Taxes, but if the Minister or Reverend, etc, buys a House not on Church Property, a Property not used for Religious purposes, it is not exempt. You could have a House with a Bible study Room, or Altar, or otherwise intended for Religious use, and then you start getting into Grey Areas. In the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) we see that Religion can build structures outside of Home Owners Association (HOA) regulations, etc. So, a good Rule of Thumb would be that if you have a Religious Land Use instance that is constant, then you would probably qualify as a Tax Exempt property of the Church. You can then see this same type of Qualifier for Taxes. If you are Earning and Spending Crypto in a Capacity in which you are creating Religious Materials (Literature, Art, etc) you are likely qualified to get Tax Exemption on your earnings.

Cryptocurrency can be seen in the Work of Art part of Tax Law. If you write a Song, someone else can own it, you can Buy it or Sell it, it may be valued at $5,000,000 but you only pay Taxes when you sell or earn. Cryptocurrency is a line of Code, like a Video Game Token, it only has the Value we give it collectively based on our appreciation of the unerrorability of the Blockchain technology, but as far as the Tax Code, it is like a Music Book, or a Song on the Radio. The Government gets their part, when you Earn. When you have Income.

The IRS has said a few different things regarding Bitcoin, and if you want to be real safe you can pay Capital Gains Taxes on your Bitcoin, or other Currencies Explicity mentioned by the IRS, but most Altcoins and really an Altcoin you make yourself is not something to worry about, and the IRS is just writing Rules in place of a True Rule created by the Court. Because there just has not been a Case where like someone like me was involved. And most cases are about people paying 0 Taxes.

Spend Coins on a Car to Drive to Friends Houses and the Bar = Pay Taxes at Cashout

Spend Coins on a Car used for Religious Business Materials Transportation for Production and Shipping = No Taxes

Earn Coins Day Trading Currencies and cashing out to your personal Bank Account, used by yourself for Entertainment spending, Vacationing, etc = Pay Taxes at Cashout

Earn Coins writing Religious Literature to then spend feeding those who keep the Religion alive and spread it throughout the World = No Taxes
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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It is Aquila and the Phoenix/Bennu Bird

Zeus and Aquila are Lightning. Hercules is this too, and symbol of Royalty. David fought Goliath, just like Hercules fought the Giants in Gigantomachy after splitting from the Argonauts.

Thor is the Lightning God, Giants exist in the stories too. David, Hercules, Thor, are Monarchy, a Phoenician and Punic (2 people, Western and Eastern Phoenician, the Western is Africa, Sicily, Spain) selected group. So that is the Monarchy, under a Lightning God.

Even Native Americans,
Viracocha, son of a Lightning God.

Aquila is the Lightning Jurisdiction, the Father
The Phoenix is the Mother

Where is David's Wife from?

Look at King Tut, Horemheb built a Temple to Anhur.

Anhur's Wife? Menhit, the Sphynx, a Nubian Woman. Origins of Ra Mythology, Ra is the Crown there was no Pharaoh only Par'Oh, the Palace. King Tut, King Dojer, etc.

The Phoenix is the Maternal Line, Cush and Punt. King Agenor and King Phoenix became identified with this, so the Phoenix, the Phoenix is like our Angels today, or a Butterfly Metamorphesis that is why we have some idea that we die to become Angels, like a Butterfly does. But it goes back, really to India and Cush/Punt, then back to Africa Originally.

All of this is also detailed in Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime.

I will be continuing the Tarot Cryptocurrency Analasys soon.
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