
Topic: Splitting the Baby, and other Operations of Fate: the Fate and Economics Thread - page 3. (Read 794 times)

Activity: 910
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Further on 9 and 10 of Pentacles

I want to explain something about both 9 and 10 of Pentacles.

There is a concept that Jesus popularized that can be seen in both of these cards. First, Jesus brought Liberty in Death, a Kingdom somewhere else which you enter when you die, so that you work in this life to get into a better afterlife. This is similar to reincarnation, and you could say the Egyptian Afterlife is in between heaven and reincarnation. And people would then Martyr themselves, the same way Jesus offered himself up to die, so this created a system by which people yearned to die, for a worthy cause, to then be immortalized.

John 18
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”
35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”
36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders.But now my kingdom is from another place.”
37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.

The Old man of the mountain did not create something new with the Hashashins, what he did was promise Heaven, and give people a Heavenly experience, so they would be prepared to die. And of course he did that in the Medieval world. Christians were out trying to die like Jesus, then taking over and Burning all the people you would Stone to death before that, like Witches, Adulterers, etc. And everyone in the world knows the Quran says if you die for Allah you get 72 Virgins, so he created a system around that with the Quranic incense that represents Heaven, and Fruits, etc.

The reason it worked is because of this class of Armed, Smart, Driven, usually Poor people, like the Poor Knights of Christ making a pledge of Poverty and Selling their Cloak to Buy a Sword, then getting rewarded for their deeds and becoming the Crusaders and a large banking group in that time.

The Old Man of the Mountain was simply doing the same thing that can be seen in the Movie Fight Club. He was creating a group organized around the understanding that they needed to learn the techniques Strangulation, and various other Assassin techniques (they were the Hashashins, the first Assassins) to then infiltrate Castles, Kingdoms, and generally do whatever they needed to do to become in the service of or enslaved to the person they were assigned to kill, then dying while killing as many people as possible. Sometimes spending years enslaved to find the right moment.

This is how our own Senate formed, the Founding Fathers knew about Cesar and Brutus, the Senate there were Assassins before the word Assassin existed. Cesar was Assassinated, and the symbol held up by his Assassins was the Liberty Pole. This is topped with a Phrygian Cap, which is the same hat Santa wears but without the fluff, and you can find the Liberty Pole on our own Senate Seal in the United States.

This promise of Heaven and various forms of organization amongst the Ancient Plebians derived from it shows examples of both the 10 of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles in the West, as well as how it has played out in Society after the concepts were shared.

These books expand greatly on these concepts, and I will use Quotes from all of these books but just quote 1 of them now.

The Seboyet of Ptahhotep, or Teachings of Ptahhotep. Ptahhotep was Vizier to the King of Egypt, the same position described in Joseph's rise after interpreting the Pharoah's Dreams and solving the 7 year famine in the Bible. The Egyptians kept good records, and Imhotep was the only Vizier to solve a 7 year famine on the Famine Stella, a stone in Egypt where the story is carved.

Ptahhotep wrote the book for his son who would take his place. Ptahhotep was said to be 110 years old, and his name means Ptah is pleased, Ptah being something like the Creator Deity.


The Prince is a "Mirror for Princes", for young Rulers in training to read. It outlines corruption and a "Kill or be Killed" world of Politics, run by the Pope of Rome and his hired Politicians in the Italian Cities. Enforced by Thugs. Tupac was trained in this, called himself "Makaveli", promoted "Thug Life" and "Ride or Die"

The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli

The Spirit of the Laws outlines Founding Constitutions, Oligarchs and Aristocrats, and Monarchy, and is where the word "Despot" meaning "One with full Authority" with a twinge of "Absolute power Corrupts Absolutely", that is a Despot, was popularized as a word. His writings inspired the U.S. Founding fathers, who read this, and many others.

The Complete Works of M. de Montesquieu (London: T. Evans, 1777), 4 vols. Vol. 1.

The Art of War was written B.C. and people suggest you read it for modern business, why? Because it is a guide for selecting battlefields based on weather conditions? No because it is a guide about the Morale of an Army, and Active Counter Intelligence. Hannibal Barca used spies, wore wigs and makeup to scout and not be identified in battle, and had a ring with poison in it that he wore at all times.

The Art of War By Sun Tzu

Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

8. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty.

Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.

10. Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy.

11. Having converted spies, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes.

12. Having doomed spies, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing our spies to know of them and report them to the enemy.

13. Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp.

14. Hence it is that which none in the whole army are more intimate relations to be maintained than with spies. None should be more liberally rewarded. In no other business should greater secrecy bepreserved.

15. Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.

16. They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straightforwardness.

17. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports.

18. Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business.

19. If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death together with the man to whom the secret was told.

20. Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de-camp, and door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these.

21. The enemy's spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted with bribes, led away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become converted spies and available for our service.  

Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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The Megarians are the Worshippers of Arachne's Father, Arachne is Neith in the Egyptian Pantheon.

The following came from Wikipedia and gives a very bias view of the matter, I will explain

The Megarian Decree was a set of economic sanctions levied upon Megara c. 432 BC by the Athenian Empire shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. The ostensible reason for the decree was the Megarians' supposed trespass on land sacred to Demeter known as the Hiera Orgas, the killing of the Athenian herald who was sent to their city to reproach them and giving shelter to slaves who had fled from Athens.

In all likelihood, it was an act of revenge by the Athenians for the treacherous behaviour of the Megarians some years earlier. It may also have been a deliberate provocation towards Sparta on the part of Pericles, who was the sponsor of the decree.

The decree banned Megarians from harbours and marketplaces throughout the large Athenian Empire, which effectively strangled the Megarian economy. The sanctions would have also affected Megara's allies and may have been seen as a move by Athens to weaken its rivals and to extend its influence. The ban strained the fragile peace between Athens and Sparta, which was allied with the strategically located Megara.

The Megarians were a group on an Island, Worshipping a God who was a God because he knew he would die, and went anyway. Later, they founded Stoicism via Zeno.

If we look at the Megarians, they were a school of thought counter to our common idea that "Western Civilization" comes through Plato and Aristotle, after the death of Socrates who was the founder of their Philosophical studies, but was made to drink poison and describe it because he brought foreign Gods and "Corrupted the Youth", those Corrupted Youth being those Founding Western Philosophers.

Then Aristotle, was Alexander the Great's Teacher, so Aristotle became very powerful, and installed Tyrants, "Aristocrat" meaning "Rich Powerful class member" stems from Aristotles name. Aristotle got to define much of the Classical World, he was not some oppressed Genius, he was a Rich and Powerful Aid to Powerful people, and once Alexander was dead he did pretty much whatever he wanted. Some think he killed Alexander because he was adopting too many Eastern Customs.

So if we look at Aristotle, he does a lot of Lectures, and the Megarians are the main ones Arguing with him.

The way this is framed is that Aristotle sees Classes, while the Megarians make propositions of the Whole.

And the Athenians were the Rich Powerful Greeks, so they loved Aristotle who loved being loved in Athens. And when they Sanctioned the Megarians, the Megarians were a key to trade.

Neith is much more Important in the Egyptian African Pantheon, than Arachne is in the Greek Pantheon.

So we can see Arachne is not Greek, but a Greek Propaganda peice about Neith. Arachne is Greek Propoganda about Neith. Neith, Arachne, in the Greek Story, is turned into a spider cursed to weave forever because she said:

"The Gods do not treat the Mortals well"

Once Sanctions are applied, they then have Megarian Oligarchs run the imports, and then they get to a point of Desperation and kill some of the Greek Guard.

Then Athens attacks the Megarians, and Sparta attacks Athens.

Weaving Spiders Come Not Here?
Weaving Spiders Come Here.

"Weaving Spiders come not here" means that everyone should leave their business dealings outside of that place, and it comes from this History.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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JACHIN AND BOAZ; OR, AN AUTHENTIC KEY TO THE DOOR OF FREE-MASONRY,;cc=evans;rgn=main;view=text;idno=N23514.0001.001

The Freemasons are primarily organized around the idea that they are the ones who built Solomon's Temple. This can not be proven or proven wrong because it has been torn down twice since it was first built. Freemasonry is, in a metaphor, like a Wall made of Stone, and there is an empty spot in the Wall, and you are a crude stone that they will shape to fit in the empty spot. Everyone dresses the same so everyone is equal, and different Roles in the Temple are responsibilities, with different objects that need to be kept by different Roles and brought to different Ceremonies, or decisions to be made. Most Freemason lodges have a Stage or place for Plays and Music to be played nearby.

2 Samuel 5:11 "Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David."

According to Masonic Tradition, Masonry had been a Slave Art, and they were the Free and Accepted Masons, like a Union, and were able to set prices instead of working for a Sovereign. And they would mark their work with a Signature of some kind and would at the end of the day use their Handshake to retrieve their Wages after the Master Mason had checked their work.

While building Cathedrals, Palaces and Cities, they had kept their tools in Lodges, where meals would be eaten and plans could be made in secret or jokes about Kings and Queens could be made without fearing death. These Lodges became the namesake of the Modern Freemason Lodges.

Punic Wax is the ointment on the head that ran down the beard into the garments, and that was discovered by Archaeologists in December 2019, so the Masons don't even know this and they read this verse when they are initiated.

Psalm 133 "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."

Hiram Abiff was the Grand Master Mason, King of Tyre in the Old Testament. Tyre is in modern Lebanon, and was the Phoenician Headquarters. When British Explorers came to Libya they found Roman structures, and the Libyan people said that they were Cannanites. This is because before and during the Roman Empire, the Phoenicians were a significant influence; an influence that remained even after the fall of Carthage, which was a fairly Benevolent Phoenician Oligarchy in Africa that was destroyed by Scipio Africanus, a Roman General. Hiram Abiff is the Grand Master Mason in the building of Solomon's Temple, and 8 Masons desired to be Master Masons and conspire to force Hiram Abiff to tell them the Secret handshake or password, 5 of the 8 back out of the plan and 3 go forward. They ambush Hiram Abiff at the Temple, which has Doors on 3 Walls, and an Alter on the 4th, so they block the 3 doorways and he refuses to give them the Secrets, and they then stab him with a Square, hit him in the head with a Mallet, and Stab him with a Compass. They then flee.

The 5 Masons who had backed out of the plan go to the King of Tyre with White Gloves and White Aprons to show their innocence, and tell him what the other 3 did.

Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I want to explain something about both 9 and 10 of Pentacles.

There is a concept that Jesus popularized that can be seen in both of these cards. First, Jesus brought Liberty in Death, a Kingdom somewhere else which you enter when you die, so that you work in this life to get into a better afterlife. This is similar to reincarnation, and you could say the Egyptian Afterlife is in between heaven and reincarnation. And people would then Martyr themselves, the same way Jesus offered himself up to die, so this created a system by which people yearned to die, for a worthy cause, to then be immortalized.

John 18
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”
35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”
36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders.But now my kingdom is from another place.”
37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.

The Old man of the mountain did not create something new with the Hashashins, what he did was promise Heaven, and give people a Heavenly experience, so they would be prepared to die. And of course he did that in the Medieval world. Christians were out trying to die like Jesus, then taking over and Burning all the people you would Stone to death before that, like Witches, Adulterers, etc. And everyone in the world knows the Quran says if you die for Allah you get 72 Virgins, so he created a system around that with the Quranic incense that represents Heaven, and Fruits, etc.

The reason it worked is because of this class of Armed, Smart, Driven, usually Poor people, like the Poor Knights of Christ making a pledge of Poverty and Selling their Cloak to Buy a Sword, then getting rewarded for their deeds and becoming the Crusaders and a large banking group in that time.

The Old Man of the Mountain was simply doing the same thing that can be seen in the Movie Fight Club. He was creating a group organized around the understanding that they needed to learn the techniques Strangulation, and various other Assassin techniques (they were the Hashashins, the first Assassins) to then infiltrate Castles, Kingdoms, and generally do whatever they needed to do to become in the service of or enslaved to the person they were assigned to kill, then dying while killing as many people as possible. Sometimes spending years enslaved to find the right moment.

This is how our own Senate formed, the Founding Fathers knew about Cesar and Brutus, the Senate there were Assassins before the word Assassin existed. Cesar was Assassinated, and the symbol held up by his Assassins was the Liberty Pole. This is topped with a Phrygian Cap, which is the same hat Santa wears but without the fluff, and you can find the Liberty Pole on our own Senate Seal in the United States.

This promise of Heaven and various forms of organization amongst the Ancient Plebians derived from it shows examples of both the 10 of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles in the West, as well as how it has played out in Society after the concepts were shared.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I want to explain to everyone a concept that is hard to understand, but opens up History.

Just how all Squares are Rectangles, having 2 and 2 parallel sides, but all Rectangles are not Squares having 4 Equal sides. Propaganda is Mythology, but not all Mythology is Propaganda.

To explain this I will start with Uncle Sam, something of an American Deity due to the Propaganda Status of the Iconic Figure. He is Mythological, and he began as Propoganda.

In Russia, they had Propoganda Spread to the Public to combat spying from the U.S. and others, it says "The Walls have Ears"

This is Nazi Propoganda showing an Aquilla Eagle and talking about Volks, which is the Folks. This poster is like when a Politician says "Folks".

The Boyscouts were made to counter the Hitler youth
According to some scholars, Homer coined the word after learning that the Punic people who settled Sardinia gave condemned people the smile-inducing potion.

We today see Sardonic Grins as inherently evil because of a series of events that happened in our past.

This is Heiroglyph R24, it is 2 Hunting Bows tied together, and symbolizes the Goddess of Weaving, Neith. Sister of Bat, who represents the Milky Way (understood 3,000 B.C.). In Greece, Neith was Arachne the Spider, cursed by Athena to weave for saying the Gods did not treat the Mortals well. The 2 bows tied together is easily replicated, and was likely a common symbol.

To better understand Neith we can look to 2 places:

1. Aquila and the Phoenix. Aquila carries Zues' lightning, and in Rome an Aquila was a badge given to a standard bearer, or flag carrier. If they lost an Aquila they would search for it for decades. So if we look at all of Zues' Mortal Lovers, and victims, they are Punic Godesses, Queens and Pricesses. Stories likely made to encourage Romans wanting to go plunder the Punics, who had been around at least 1,500 years before the Romans. The Phoenix is the Punic Aquila, the Power of the Goddess.

2. Arachne's Father and the Megarians. Her father was an Oracular God with an uneventful life, which begs questions. He went to an island knowing he would die, then went there and was killed by a Boar or Snake, and on that Island, the Megarians built a temple and worshiped him. Those same Megarians debated Aristotle, and created Stoicism. There is something called a Megarian Trap, showing how there has always been a Truth under the History, the same way we might say there is some Truth under the Myths.

And it is likely Greeks thought Scarab beetles were spiders. If they were informed, they would have used the same name for it as they did Crawfish, and would have associated it with the Cancer Crab from Astrology.

Also, we will get into Hannibal, who worshiped Eshmun, Hercules, and Hera. And likely had an Indian Elephant, the Punics also had Hemp. Hannibal admired Alexander the Great who opened relations with the East and created the word Media by centering his communications in a place called Media.
Activity: 910
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Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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Much of Tarot can be directly tied to Karma and Dharma, the Roma people, called Gypsies by many, like Brad Pitt in the movie "Snatch". The Roma people come from India, but left over a thousand of years ago, after Jesus' time but long ago now. They travelled through the lands Alexander the Great had Conquered and Rome had Hellenized, and they spread Vedic Stories, some of which became our Modern Fairytales. European Fairytales like the Brothers Grimm come from India originally, or are Roma stories from the Indian Stories.

Tarot Cards come from the Roma, Gypsies. They made Fortune Telling a thing in Europe, and the Tarot Deck actually existed first, so Gambling was invented when Europeans got their hands on a Deck that read Fates, not the other way around. Many people see Tarot as a fun trick you can do with a Deck of altered Gambling cards, when actually Gambling is something that comes out of Tarot, Tarot was first.

This kind of thing comes from reading the Sky, it was assumed that the Sky must be a message, everyone looked at the Sky and assumed that because Earth was fixed and the Sky was moving, it was clearly trying to give Earth a Message. So they then interpreted those messages, by creating systems that categorized, symbolized, and translated various events, possibilities, and gave them associations with Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Ages, as well as Human Concepts, the Suits, Diamonds (Pentacles), Club (Wand/Mace), Spade (Sword) and Heart (Chalice). This is a Kalachakra that exists within the Tarot.

The following comes from this website

The Nine of Pentacles depicts a woman in the middle of a vineyard. The woman wears what appears to be a long, luxurious dress adorned with sunflowers. She seems to be part of a wealthy house, for in the far background, we see a castle. A falcon is sitting peacefully and playfully on her left hand. The vines behind her are rich and filled with grapes and golden coins, signaling that she has been very successful in her ventures, which are yielding a great and plentiful harvest.

This Nine of Pentacles card indicates that the querent has reached a stage in their lives where they are confident, independent and self-sufficient. Through hard work, this person is now ready to enjoy money, leisure and material comfort.

The difficulties that were faced in the earlier journey of the pentacles appear to be over. The Nine of Pentacles conveys not only joy, but also the feeling of security and freedom that material wealth can bring. Looking back, the querent can now celebrate the difficulties, the struggles, and the hard work that lined her path. Her previous challenges gave her the wider perspective she needs to understand the spiritual value of her success. Knowing how difficult it was to get here, she intends to enjoy every single day that is given to her.

The following is from this website:
"The Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama, was born around 567 B.C.E., in a small kingdom just below the Himalayan foothills. His father was a chief of the Shakya clan. It is said that twelve years before his birth the brahmins prophesied that he would become either a universal monarch or a great sage. To prevent him from becoming an ascetic, his father kept him within the confines of the palace. Gautama grew up in princely luxury, shielded from the outside world, entertained by dancing girls, instructed by brahmins, and trained in archery, swordsmanship, wrestling, swimming, and running. When he came of age he married Gopa, who gave birth to a son. He had, as we might say today, everything.

And yet, it was not enough. Something—something as persistent as his own shadow—drew him into the world beyond the castle walls. There, in the streets of Kapilavastu, he encountered three simple things: a sick man, an old man, and a corpse being carried to the burning grounds. Nothing in his life of ease had prepared him for this experience. When his charioteer told him that all beings are subject to sickness, old age, and death, he could not rest.

As he returned to the palace, he passed a wandering ascetic walking peacefully along the road, wearing the robe and carrying the single bowl of a sadhu. He then resolved to leave the palace in search of the answer to the problem of suffering. After bidding his wife and child a silent farewell without waking them, he rode to the edge of the forest. There, he cut his long hair with his sword and exchanged his fine clothes for the simple robes of an ascetic.


With these actions Siddhartha Gautama joined a whole class of men who had dropped out of Indian society to find liberation. There were a variety of methods and teachers, and Gautama investigated many—atheists, materialists, idealists, and dialecticians. The deep forest and the teeming marketplace were alive with the sounds of thousands of arguments and opinions, unlike in our time.

Gautama finally settled down to work with two teachers. From Arada Kalama, who had three hundred disciples, he learned how to discipline his mind to enter the sphere of nothingness. But even though Arada Kalama asked him to remain and teach as an equal, he recognized that this was not liberation, and left. Next Siddhartha learned how to enter the concentration of mind which is neither consciousness nor unconsciousness from Udraka Ramaputra. But neither was this liberation and Siddhartha left his second teacher.

For six years Siddhartha along with five companions practiced austerities and concentration. He drove himself mercilessly, eating only a single grain of rice a day, pitting mind against body. His ribs stuck through his wasted flesh and he seemed more dead than alive.


His five companions left him after he made the decision to take more substantial food and to abandon asceticism. Then, Siddhartha entered a village in search of food.  There, a woman named Sujata offered him a dish of milk and a separate vessel of honey. His strength returned, Siddhartha washed himself in the Nairanjana River, and then set off to the Bodhi tree. He spread a mat of kusha grass underneath, crossed his legs and sat.

He sat, having listened to all the teachers, studied all the sacred texts and tried all the methods. Now there was nothing to rely on, no one to turn to, nowhere to go. He sat solid and unmoving and determined as a mountain, until finally, after six days, his eye opened on the rising morning star, so it is said, and he realized that what he had been looking for had never been lost, neither to him nor to anyone else. Therefore there was nothing to attain, and no longer any struggle to attain it.

“Wonder of wonders,” he is reported to have said, “this very enlightenment is the nature of all beings, and yet they are unhappy for lack of it.” So it was that Siddhartha Gautama woke up at the age of thirty-five, and became the Buddha, the Awakened One, known as Shakyamuni, the sage of the Shakyas.

For seven weeks he enjoyed the freedom and tranquillity of liberation. At first he had no inclination to speak about his realization. He felt would be too difficult for most people to understand. But when, according to legend, Brahma, chief of the three thousand worlds, requested that the Awakened One teach, since there were those “whose eyes were only a little clouded over,” the Buddha agreed.


Shakyamuni’s two former teachers, Udraka and Arada Kalama, had both died only a few days earlier, and so he sought the five ascetics who had left him. When they saw him approaching the Deer Park in Benares they decided to ignore him, since he had broken his vows. Yet they found something so radiant about his presence that they rose, prepared a seat, bathed his feet and listened as the Buddha turned the wheel of the dharma, the teachings, for the first time.

The First Noble Truth of the Buddha stated that all life, all existence, is characterized by duhkha. The Sanskrit word meaning suffering, pain, unsatisfactoriness. Even moments of happiness have a way of turning into pain when we hold onto them, or, once they have passed into memory, they twist the present as the mind makes an inevitable, hopeless attempt to recreate the past. The teaching of the Buddha is based on direct insight into the nature of existence. Ir is a radical critique of wishful thinking and the myriad tactics of escapism—whether through political utopianism, psychological therapeutics, simple hedonism, or (and it is this which primarily distinguishes Buddhism from most of the world’s religions) the theistic salvation of mysticism."

The following is from this website

"They further assimilated Dionysus with Liber, a native Italian god who was a son of Ceres. Liber was a god of viniculture and wine, but was also a patron of male procreation, and associated with freedom, free speech, and the rights of adulthood. As Liber Pater, he ensured the success of the harvest, and averted catastrophes. Together with his sister Libera, Liber and Ceres were worshiped as a triad at a temple on the Aventine hill in Rome that was established in 493 BCE. The Aventine Triad were regarded as the patrons of Rome’s “commoners”, the plebeians, the people who worked for a living as laborers, skilled trades persons, managers, and owners of small businesses or farms.

Little is known of the rituals in which these deities were worshiped. Ceres was, of course, associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries, and Bacchus with the Dionysian. Libera was equated, at different times, with Proserpina and with Ariadne, so, again, there is a connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries. The cults were considered “Greek” in character, and were sometimes even described as being “un-Roman”, suggesting that the rites were very different from those usually accorded to Roman gods."
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There's no such thing as fate; things happen the way they happen, but not because they were predetermined.  Further, predeterminism is a dangerous way to look at bitcoin that tells folks they don't need to think critically or pay attention to the environment.  Bitcoin isn't fated to replace the dollar, it isn't fated to go to the moon.  Blindly believing such things is a recipe for financial disaster because it ignores the risk component of holding bitcoin.

You don't think there a number of events that are not necessarily predetermined, but inevitable?

You don't see how the Suit of Pentacles, is the Playing Card Suit of Diamonds, and does not represent money, but any Precious Metal, Gemstone, Currency, etc. Including non-Tangible Currency, such as Affluence mentioned on the 10 of Pentacles.

The 10 of Pentacles could also be seen to represent the different Tribes associated with each Blockchain. There are things that are simply bound to happen. This is what meant when people say "History repeats itself" and others who say "History does not repeat itself but it ryhmes". And the Bible saying "there is nothing new under the Sun" which also has an expanded meaning in terms of human made creations, which again emphasizes the point that Gold, is Currency, is Cryptocurrency, there is nothing new under the Sun and Fate will be what Fate will be, regardless of the new Medium we choose to operate with, it is the same thing.

No one is smarter than an Ancient Egyptian, you just have more books, and the benefit of Imhotep's inventions, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Jesus, Da Vinci, the U.S. Founding Fathers, everything they had access to, and now Cell Phones, WiFi, Public Education, etc. You have the same mental capabilities as those Ancient Egyptians that started Civilization.

I wrote this years ago on Facebok

Democracy is not meant to be any harder than forming a Tribe, and Democracy is not just meant for Governments. There is supposed to be Democracy inside Religious bodies as well as within Political parties themselves.

The voting body or city was known as the "Polis", and the Center of the Polis was the Agora. In some places the Agora had elaborate temple structures in order to maintain different functions that the groups did there, but when they first started they were usually as simple as an area marked by Stones as a border. The People would gather at the Agora and cast their votes.

As the Agora was used more and more, and functions were decided, structures would be built along the edges of the Agora, but the center was usually left as a wide open space for people to gather. the buildings they usually built were Court Houses and Town Halls and stuff. Extended Porticoes were sometimes used so that functionality of the space was not lost in bad weather. Sometimes Porticoes were built pretty much as their own structures, with a line of rooms at the back, which could be used as offices. Statues dedicated to different groups would be kept at these places, so that they could all gather in their individual groups or together.

The Polis itself was a larger reflection of the Agora. It would start off as a region of land which a group of people claimed as their own, with Borders such as rivers, mountains, etc. and slowly through the democratic process, groups were formed and projects were started, until farms were growing and cities were booming.

Leagues and Hegemonies operated like the modern United States or EU, or United Nations, in order to get things done between different nations and work together in times of war.

Eventually the Polis itself became Warlike and only eligible military members could vote, this eventually evolved into what is known as the Police, Policia, or the Polis. During Hellenistic times the Polis became a battle between Rich Oligarchs, and poor but armed citizens.

Today we can see most of the Polis and Agoras purpose being utilized in Universities, but not in too many other places.

Archive keeping is an important part of Government and Democracy. If people do not have information from past generations, then they can not make decisions for the future, at least not without running in to problems that would have been avoided if they had information about previous generations.

In Ancient Greece the most well kept archives were Law, lists of Public Representatives and the Winners of Sporting events. This is not much different from now, except now there is also the occasional story about someone who saves some animals, or starts a homeless shelter, or has an event, etc. But just like today, other records were kept by more specialized groups. For example, Temples were often a place where you could find archives, since the priests and worshipers would deposit anything important there. It would kind of be like if a church started a library, and asked all their members to donate any books they could that were written about Bible history or written by Historical Priests. Over like 100 years, that Church might actually have a pretty cool collection of stuff, even to non-Christians, it would be kind of like a Musaeum/Library of History.

I personally think that more "Temples" should be made, and more Archives should be kept. Even if it just happens in people's houses, there should be people collecting things like: Books written by people in their town, Books written by people in their family, Books written by Historical Figures, Books written in certain time periods, etc.

Most Theater, both Plays and Movies, are based on Greek and Roman Plays. Almost every Combination of Good guy and bad guy in almost any environment was already written about in ancient Greece, a lot of people just change the characters and settings to fit modern or even future events, and then make modern movies. For example. the Movie "Prometheus" is just Greek storytelling in Space. Even when it is not on purpose, most movies copy the story-line of existing Greek dynamics. So for an example, I think it would be cool if people who liked movies collected the plays that started the movies they liked, then found other movies based on those plays and put them all together. How awesome would it be to see the progression of a story all the way from ancient Greek telling to modern Movie "Magic".

Another cool example would be for someone who is interested in the modern Military of America, they could collect books written by people in service, then they could go through all the tactics that were used and the stuff that the people went through, and see if they can find other generals through history who used similar tactics, or Books by people who were under generals who used similar tactics, and then if there is ever a military mind that sees that collection in the future, it could effect the way he does things. Since he may learn something about the humanity behind all the tactics.

I am pretty sure you could also start with the books written by the last few modern American presidents, then after reading their books branch off into other areas that you notice while reading their books, and then keep copies of Obama's and Trump's executive orders and any things the next few presidents do, and eventually you would have an archive that could definitely be useful to voters.

I have talked to people about the idea of Towns, and it seems like a lot of people think it is some sort of magic Craft to start a town. So here are some classifications and Political possibilities that most people don't usually think about.

Tribe: Tribes are the societies that exist outside of states. The State is equal to the Greek Polis, with its own sovereignty, and ability to join other states in a Union, League, etc. The people come together at the Agora (Capitol Hill in America) to make decisions, this is the state. Tribes are much more loosely governed. Tribes can be a collection of families, or a collection of religious groups, etc. and usually have some form of leader, either chosen based on the Tribes specialty (the best Hunter, or the best Warrior, or the Best Artisan, or the Oldest, etc).

A Club is a collection of 2 or more people that have come together for some common purpose. A Community is similar, except that is is a looser organization, and usually they just have the same values, not necessarily the same or even similar goals.

A Gang is any group of friends or a family unit that has a leader. For example, if there is a military family who all look up to 1 Grandpa figure who first joined the Military and started a tradition, that is a form of Gang. It is not an Organized Crime Gang, but it is a form of Gang.

Townships are the most basic form of Town. In America there are 2 forms of Townships, a Survey Township and a Civil Township. A Survey Township is just a unit of land that has been measured properly by a Surveyor, a Civil township operates like a County, in some states they are treated like a regular "Incorporation" type town. Civil Townships exist in 20 of the 50 states.

The overall name for Towns, Townships, Villages, Cities, Counties, etc is Municipal Corporation. To establish a town, you need a Town Charter. A Town Charter would be created by/in a State or County Legislature, and the people of that County would Vote for the new Town to be formed. A Town could also Vote to Split.

Villages are smaller than towns, and are not necessarily Incorporated. Depending on the State, a Village can just be a town that has formed with its own Government Body, but a smaller population than a town.

A Town is incorporated and follows State laws to form.

City is really just a big town in most places.

Counties are Administrative divisions designated by a state.

Common Law is how we get Laws from Court cases. 2 Modern Examples are:
1. The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare
2. The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Case

When the United State Supreme Court makes a ruling, it becomes "The Law of the Land" for all of the United States. This is common law. The reason it exists is this, for example: If you bring a Wolf to town, and no one has ever had a Wolf as a pet there, people might freak out. So the Police might get called, and they might give you a ticket, which establishes a Court Date. Then you have to go to Court, and argue your case, and whatever the Judge decides is the new Law for Wolf owners in your town. Maybe they say you have to give it a muzzle, maybe they say you can't own it without a license, maybe they say you can't own it at all etc.

Common Law works on all levels. US Supreme Court makes rules for the Country, State Supreme Courts make rules for the State, a County Judge makes rules for the County, and a City Judge makes rules for the Town.

A Common Heritage of Mankind is something that no one can really own, but everyone can use. Examples are the Ocean and Space.

An Embassy or a Diplomatic Mission is a group of people from one state/country, who own land in another state/country, and work to establish treaties and accomplish goals in that country/state. Once the Diplomatic mission establishes permanency it becomes an Embassy and the head of the Embassy is considered the Ambassador. Embassy can also just refer to the building or office that the Diplomatic mission is operating from.

For Democratic Non-Violent Protests, there are some Organizational tactics that can be used. If Clubs, Tribes are established, it makes it much easier to protest, this is why Unions are more successful when striking than regular employees are.

Here are the Supreme Court Rulings that are the "Law of the Land" and defend our Rights, such as the Right to Gather, and the Right to Free Speech.

Public Sit ins

Police May not Plot Against a Protest

The Local, State or Federal Government should not put "Breach of the Peace Statutes" in place, because they are more likely to incite violence than not

Police Breaking apart a Peaceful Crowd is Illegal

Most protests don't have any previous organizational structure, so the best way to establish it for the first time is to get people to line up in rows, then give each row of people a flyer to explain what their overall goals should be as a group, This way people can choose to do different things, but be following a main plan within the group that they talk to throughout the protest. Do not try to get people to line up constantly, this is only to create the foundational structure to accomplish a goal other than being loud, not a way to create a regimented force of soldiers. When passing out any other objects or flyers, they should be something that encompasses all the established groups.

The reason you want to make groups is to create more diverse functionality and thought. This does not need to be a division within the whole group, only within the core people that are there first. For example, if there are a group of people with Walkie Talkies in your protest, you would want to make this division within that group of people, so that you could all coordinate different plans. Examples of divisions of labor would be Making/Passing out Protest signs, Giving People Rides or Collecting Emails/Phone Numbers, Setting up a space where people can get water and maybe food, Making videos of specific protesters or groups and getting their names, Keeping an eye on the crowd to make sure no one is bringing like Molotov Cocktails in to start a riot, etc.

If you have groups you can do various things instead of just trying to be some random "Administrative Entity" over the protest. Goals should be to go to Libraries, Universities or Local/National News Broadcasting stations and holding "Sit Ins" or at least "Stand Outsides". These places are places that will get more people to come and join, as well as being more likely to be News worthy.

If you do NOT want to be in the News, use Profanity a lot, put a Cuss word in your Groups name (Ex: You can call yourself the Fuckers and it won't be in the news) and if you want to stay off of Live Broadcasting, write the word "fuck" on your forehead.

At least one person should try to get Emails or Phone numbers from protesters, the people there are obviously interested in learning more.

Any goal that you want to accomplish politically should be something you care passionately enough about to make a Pamphlet or a Brochure type thing, at least made up of a 2 pages and folded together to make a pamphlet. Not a lot of people understand that they can start political organizations (look up "How to start a PAC" if you want to make one) or how to run for office in local campaigns. So having information about how to do these things can be extremely helpful.

Protests are not going to accomplish much more than getting the word out, and eventually you have to tap in to Democracy and protest by getting new people in Office as Judges, Sheriffs and Mayors. TONS OF CITIES have District Attorney's that run unopposed. People only think to Vote for Mayor and Sheriff and stuff, they don't think of running themselves, and they definitely don't worry about who the District Attorney is. But that is such an important position as far as deciding who goes to jail in town, which then can be challenged by the Constitution, etc.
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1115
There's no such thing as fate; things happen the way they happen, but not because they were predetermined.  Further, predeterminism is a dangerous way to look at bitcoin that tells folks they don't need to think critically or pay attention to the environment.  Bitcoin isn't fated to replace the dollar, it isn't fated to go to the moon.  Blindly believing such things is a recipe for financial disaster because it ignores the risk component of holding bitcoin.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I doubt that the improvements and changes will be seen as fate in crypto world because bitcoin could be one of the worst blockchains in the world yet it is more than 60%+ of all the crypto coins in marketcap.

I know that it was the first, and before bitcoin there was nothing that could guarantee the safety and security of your money like blockchain could, bitcoin when it was first created gave us the blockchain that we all look like right now, without bitcoin we wouldn't have all these improvements.

However looking into blockchain world right now, I would say even the closest rival ETH has 10x better blockchain than bitcoin could ever dream of, and there are tons of other ones that are coming up much better closer as well, like how tron is both capable of doing what eth can do but also for nearly free. The reason things are not left in fate and older ones insist on keeping higher is us, not them.

Yes, this is most apparent if you look at the Transactions Per Second (TPS)

Just as an example, Graphene which runs Steemit and claims 100,000 TPS and has Steem-Engine, SMTs, etc, on top of Steemit.

Ethereum, which is also EXP, and others, are like 15-30 TPS with all the dApps, Token Contracts, etc. TRON claims 2,000 TPS.

Bitcoin is as something like 5-9 TPS, which is great for trading, 5-9 Transactions per second allows for a lot in 1 minute, and CounterParty was built on it, as well as Color Coins, but the Bitcoin Sidechains as the dApps like that are called, are not full of functionality like the large number of Smart Contracts ETH holds up with the EVM and TRON the TVM. EOS is also from ETH, but has 100,000 TPS due to additions by the same people that made Stermit.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1128
Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS
I doubt that the improvements and changes will be seen as fate in crypto world because bitcoin could be one of the worst blockchains in the world yet it is more than 60%+ of all the crypto coins in marketcap.

I know that it was the first, and before bitcoin there was nothing that could guarantee the safety and security of your money like blockchain could, bitcoin when it was first created gave us the blockchain that we all look like right now, without bitcoin we wouldn't have all these improvements.

However looking into blockchain world right now, I would say even the closest rival ETH has 10x better blockchain than bitcoin could ever dream of, and there are tons of other ones that are coming up much better closer as well, like how tron is both capable of doing what eth can do but also for nearly free. The reason things are not left in fate and older ones insist on keeping higher is us, not them.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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"The state is suffering from two opposite vices, avarice and luxury; two plagues which, in the past, have been the ruin of every great empire." -Livy

"It is when fortune is the most propitious that she is least to be trusted." -Livy

"Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war." -Livy

"He would not anticipate those counsels which are rather bestowed by circumstances on men, than by men on circumstances." -Livy

"I observe that while several modern writers deal with particular wars and certain matters connected with them, no one, as far as I am aware, has even attempted to inquire critically when and whence the general and comprehensive scheme of events originated and how it led up to the end. I therefore thought it quite necessary not to leave unnoticed or allow to pass into oblivion this the finest and most beneficent of the performances of Fortune. For though she is ever producing something new and ever playing a part in the lives of men, she has not in a single instance ever accomplished such a work, ever achieved such a triumph, as in our own times. We can no more hope to perceive this from histories dealing with particular events than to get at once a notion of the form of the whole world, its disposition and order, by visiting, each in turn, the most famous cities, or indeed by looking at separate plans of each: a result by no means likely. He indeed who believes that by studying isolated histories he can acquire a fairly just view of history as a whole, is, as it seems to me, much in the case of one, who, after having looked at the dissevered limbs of an animal once alive and beautiful, fancies he has been as good as an eyewitness of the creature itself in all its action and grace." -Polybius

"It is a course which perhaps would not have been necessary had it been possible to form a state composed of wise men, but as every multitude is fickle, full of lawless desires, unreasoned passion, and violent anger, the multitude must be held in by invisible terrors and suchlike pageantry. For this reason I think, not that the ancients acted rashly and at haphazard in introducing among the people notions concerning the gods and beliefs in the terrors of hell, but that the moderns are most rash and foolish in banishing such beliefs." -Polybius

"Had previous chroniclers neglected to speak in praise of History in general, it might perhaps have been necessary for me to recommend everyone to choose for study and welcome such treatises as the present, since men have no more ready corrective of conduct than knowledge of the past. But all historians, one may say without exception, and in no half-hearted manner, but making this the beginning and end of their labour, have impressed on us that the soundest education and training for a life of active politics is the study of History, and that surest and indeed the only method of learning how to bear bravely the vicissitudes of fortune, is to recall the calamities of others. Evidently therefore no one, and least of all myself, would think it his duty at this day to repeat what has been so well and so often said. For the very element of unexpectedness in the events I have chosen as my theme will be sufficient to challenge and incite everyone, young and old alike, to peruse my systematic history. For who is so worthless or indolent as not to wish to know by what means and under what system of polity the Romans in less than fifty-three years have succeeded in subjecting nearly the whole inhabited world to their sole government — a thing unique in history? Or who again is there so passionately devoted to other spectacles or studies as to regard anything as of greater moment than the acquisition of this knowledge?" -Polybius

"How striking and grand is the spectacle presented by the period with which I purpose to deal, will be most clearly apparent if we set beside and compare with the Roman dominion the most famous empires of the past, those which have formed the chief theme of historians. Those worthy of being thus set beside it and compared are these. The Persians for a certain period possessed a great rule and dominion, but so often as they ventured to overstep the boundaries of Asia they imperilled not only the security of this empire, but their own existence. The Lacedaemonians, after having for many years disputed the hegemony of Greece, at length attained it but to hold it uncontested for scarce twelve years. The Macedonian rule in Europe extended but from the Adriatic region to the Danube, which would appear a quite insignificant portion of the continent. Subsequently, by overthrowing the Persian empire they became supreme in Asia also. But though their empire was now regarded as the greatest geographically and politically that had ever existed, they left the larger part of the inhabited world as yet outside it. For they never even made a single attempt to dispute possession of Sicily, Sardinia, or Libya, and the most warlike nations of Western Europe were, to speak the simple truth, unknown to them. But the Romans have subjected to their rule not portions, but nearly the whole of the world and possess an empire which is not only immeasurably greater than any which preceded it, but need not fear rivalry in the future. In the course of this work it will become more clearly intelligible by what steps this power was acquired, and it will also be seen how many and how great advantages accrue to the student from the systematic treatment of history" -Polybius

"When a state after having passed with safety through many and great dangers arrives at the higher degree of power, and possesses an entire and undisputed sovereignty, it is manifest that the long continuance of prosperity must give birth to costly and luxurious manners, and that the minds of men will be heated with ambitious contests, and become too eager and aspiring in the pursuit of dignities. And as those evils are continually increased, the desire of power and rule, along with the imagined ignominy of remaining in a subject state, will first begin to work the ruin of the republic; arrogance and luxury will afterwards advance it; and in the end the change will be completed by the people; when the avarice of some is found to injure and oppress them, and the ambition of others swells their vanity, and poisons them with flattering hopes. For then, being inflamed with rage, and following only the dictates of their passions, they no longer will submit to any control, or be contented with an equal share of the administration, in conjunction with their rules; but will draw to themselves the entire sovereignty and supreme direction of all affairs. When this is done, the government will assume indeed the fairest of all names, that of a free and popular state; but will in truth be the greatest of all evils, the government of the multitude." -Polybius
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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I do not think that the open source code of Bitcoin is what made it so strong, which is what made all the altcoins continue, but the continuation of the miners and the full nodes in making the network stable.

All altcoins have arisen to solve Bitcoin problems, some of which are caused by the greed of developers and trying to make a lot of money or get more bitcoin.

I think the best way to put it for someone new from ththe outside is, Bitcoin used to be all about Decentralization, Creating a Self-Banking world with Digital Currencies, with an Unerrorable Ledger because of the nodes created by miners.

But now,
A lot of the people that were espousing those ideas and earning a lot of money decided, "I got mine, go do something else please".

This was best expressed in about 2015/16 when the guy Joe Rogan used to have on his Podcast came out saying "Mining Bitcoin is our job, everyone go away please, no new miners".

This was before the bottleneck. But just that mentality, like "Go away, we got ours". It just doesn't seem like Decentralization to me, it seems like a way to Dead End your Ecosystem.
sr. member
Activity: 2366
Merit: 332
I wouldn't compare the crypto market with some Biblical tails about King Solomon.
I tend to agree, I don't see any resemblance between the two, the biblical story of King Solomon and the Crypto world or the economy are two different stories regardless of faith or fate.  If we are going to talk about the fate of the economy then Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are fated to come up and make some changes in the world economy not to split the people beliefs that half of the population will stick to fiat and the other half into Bitcoin or cryptocurrency which is supposed to be one.

I may just consider this as an evolution of currency that fits in our current economic state in other words "survival of the fittest" which may come to one resolution that bitcoins and cryptocurrencies will be the answer and suits to our economic condition.

I don't even look at op thread as evolution story and currency history but he is writing much about Egypt and bible which makes it awkward somehow. I think he is trying to paint out the unbelievable story of bitcoin. Many doubted bitcoin and didn't invest early and now bitcoin has become a good decision for people who had the confidence that they were taking good decision, like king Solomon did to the baby in knowing the mother.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1289
I do not think that the open source code of Bitcoin is what made it so strong, which is what made all the altcoins continue, but the continuation of the miners and the full nodes in making the network stable.

All altcoins have arisen to solve Bitcoin problems, some of which are caused by the greed of developers and trying to make a lot of money or get more bitcoin.
Activity: 910
Merit: 14
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Melqart is Hercules

Hannibal was a faithful worshiper of Melqart: the Roman historian Livy records the legend that just before setting off on his march to Italy he made a pilgrimage to Gades, the most ancient seat of Phoenician worship in the west. Hannibal strengthened himself spiritually by prayer and sacrifice at the Altar of Melqart. He returned to New Carthage with his mind focused on the god and on the eve of departure to Italy he saw a strange vision which he believed was sent by Melqart.[10]

A youth of divine beauty appeared to Hannibal in the night. The youth told Hannibal he had been sent by supreme deity, Jupiter, to guide the son of Hamilcar to Italy. “Follow me,” said the ghostly visitor, “and see that that thou look not behind thee.” Hannibal followed the instructions of the visitor. His curiosity, however, overcame him, and as he turned his head, Hannibal saw a serpent crashing through forest and thicket causing destruction everywhere. It moved as a black tempest with claps of thunder and flashes of lightning gathered behind the serpent. When Hannibal asked the meaning of the vision the being replied, “What thou beholdest is the desolation of Italy. Follow thy star and inquire no farther into the dark counsels of heaven.”

Carthage lost the War, and Carthage was destroyed, because the Mago family, another Member of the Counsel of Families which ran Carthage, disagreed with the Barcas (Hannibal's family), and convinced the Counsel to let him fight Rome himself, which he did and ruled Italy for 15 years.

Ten of Pentacles

It is often associated with family matters, financial matters or a mix of the two.Some sources associate it with affluence or even riches. It may reflect a working environment.

I will go through the numbers in descending order, then the face cards.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1234
I wouldn't compare the crypto market with some Biblical tails about King Solomon.
I tend to agree, I don't see any resemblance between the two, the biblical story of King Solomon and the Crypto world or the economy are two different stories regardless of faith or fate.  If we are going to talk about the fate of the economy then Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are fated to come up and make some changes in the world economy not to split the people beliefs that half of the population will stick to fiat and the other half into Bitcoin or cryptocurrency which is supposed to be one.

I may just consider this as an evolution of currency that fits in our current economic state in other words "survival of the fittest" which may come to one resolution that bitcoins and cryptocurrencies will be the answer and suits to our economic condition.
sr. member
Activity: 2744
Merit: 404
Compare rates on different exchanges & swap.
When a Woman steals another Womans baby, and King Solomon, a man after God's own heart, is asked to determine who owns the Baby, he suggests they each take half. The mother at that point says the thief can keep the Baby so it may live, and King David knows this is the mother and gives the Baby back.
I believe you mean Solomon at the bolded part where you mentioned King David.  
David was called a man after GOD's own heart, by the way

This same concept can be seen when the Carthaginians, a Cannanite Colony which grew to control the Mediterranean believing in Fate, let Rome take control when they stole the Carthaginian Boat model, and took control. The Carthaginians saw it as Fate, they did not want to split the Baby. They did not want War over something they only controlled because they were the masons, farmers, merchants and linguists, not because they were an iron fist over the Sea. So they let it go, likely expecting things to not change too much.
If things like that was destined by GOD to happen (assuming it really happened), there is nothing anyone can do to change/stop it. Better not to waste time to fight or go to war against it.     It's always important to know the Will of the CREATOR concerning any matter so you don't go against HIS Will which could be very disastrous for anyone that stubbornly dares.

In regards to ASICs, I think if you look harder you could find something portable and far more energy efficient.
hero member
Activity: 3234
Merit: 941
I don't understand what exactly are you trying to say with your post?
I wouldn't compare the crypto market with some Biblical tails about King Solomon.
The crypto market is a free market.Every programmer,who is good enough at coding can create it's own altcoin.This is both good and bad,but competition and diversity are an important aspect of every market economy.
When you start a new project,you have to believe that the project will be successful and you have to convince other people in your ideas and your "faith".
Perhaps other people might view your new project as some sort of "fate",but I don't think that fate or destiny have anything to do with the world of business and technology.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 264
Crypto is not a religion but i like it
It is Economics though. Cryptocurrency is Currency even if Digital.

It is a Trade Instrument.
If tomorrow everyone suddenly decides that BTC is not worth an egg (or a dollar, if you like), then your "trading tool" will turn to dust.
The essence of any currency is still a social contract for accepting it as equivalent of value.
If no one wanted to use BTC for payments, it would never take off. You write quite lengthy posts pitch your token (freedom reserve) but do not even want to admit that if you act in direct total confrontation with the entire civilized world and govs, then you will only achieve that your token (like any) will only be suitable for trading and shady markets
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