Here are the picks:
Until rdbase showed up, we had two consensus picks, but now it's only one and that is Ajax. Other highly trusted teams are Watford, Leeds, Chelsea, Napoli, Tottenham and Liverpool (to my surprise) this week. Apart from Feyenoord losing being super likely^^, we have these uncovered outcomes: Benfica, Fulham, Gala all to win and the draw at Sheffield. 19% draws picked is quite high. Inter vs Juve will be fun, because it's the last game this week and just like us, people will have picked all outcomes, so the then leaders in the SB leaderboard will be super nervous I guess. I hope I am already out by then....or lead by 2
Good luck
Joining as well..
Welcome to the MM family
Any order is fine basically, but.....
And I copied from tyK, so I guess this is the order he preferred.
....yes, I do have a preferred order and that is the one you can also see in the
public table, because it's just the easiest to put the picks in. I normally add the games to the public table as soon as they have been published, so if in doubt, one can just copy them from there and then add the individual picks.
My first try here on this thread and hopefully too many draws helps me for some better result.
Welcome to you as well
Umm, whats H, 2, B, U stands for? H seems to stand for Home I think
I have H = home win, B = away win, 2 = huge away win, U = draw.