do you not understand about this promo?
make bets, accumulate points, get a reward if you take the top places! Right?
This is how the table looks like on the last day of promo took a prize and I was sure that I would receive an award!
But the fortune teller refuses to pay the reward!
Using ambiguous terms, they wrote that by earning 10,000 points you will receive a VIP, and also receive a cash prize according to your seat.
But as soon as the action is over, it turns out 10,000 points - a prerequisite for receiving a prize! those. ABSOLUTELY ALL PARTICIPANTS OF THIS PROMO WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY PRIZE!!!
the top participant scored 2877 points, which is equal to $143850 stakes
You understand? Bet 143850 dollars and get nothing!
10,000 points at the rate of 1 point for 50 dollars of bets = 500,000 dollars had to be wagered in order to be admitted to this promo at all !!!
FORTUNDEZH ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??? promos should be like a gift for the user - 500 thousand dollars to put in order for you to give such a small reward???
What kind of idiot do you have to be to enter this promotion and wager $500,000 for such a small prize?
Why don't you want to honestly pay those who staked a lot of money for this prize???
Why are you cheating?