Same happening in cricket as now IPL is giving some good money to players, and they are not going for national teams just happy with money no dignity and love just money.
I do not care if you are rich or not, Elon Musk is not the nicest person in the world, he didn't allow union workers in his manufacturing factory which is a bad thing, but hey at least dude didn't kill anyone, if he bought Newcaste I would have no problem. It is not big money going into football that I care about, it is these bad people that are sports laundering and football PR'ing that they are doing with these teams that I care about, because it is very very wrong.
Right now, all Newcaste fans are saying they are VERY happy with this situation and in the end they literally sold their team to a person who kills people, which is a proof that no matter how horrible of a person you are, if you save a team then some people will defend you.