anyway, that 433.0 odds special, easiest money we'll make this year, lmao 😂🤣
I know football loves drama but yeah, it really looks like there's no going around this one this time huh? But you never say anything until the fat lady sings, they say.
433/1? Totally. I didn't want to stop working so hard in my life, though, so I only put a small bet on it Only 2 teams didn't score yesterday's in Championship too;) Was an 8/1 special I didn't take on BTTS for Blackburn, Cardiff, Stoke home games. Hope you guys bagged it.
That @433 odds special is really something and I had to play it, would be hell of start for new season and very nice boost to my betting bank. What was max amount allowed for this bet? I had no limit but I had quite low balance. Realistically I know it will not hit, I got a hit on multi like that just once in my life and it was Island first and second league combined, all games that day, 6-8 games, not sure anymore.